
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 00:51, 14 September 2017 by Dixon13_bi_wiki (talk | contribs) (Changed my note as previously it was partially incorrect)
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Set task parameters.
Create the task when it doesn't exist.


[params, target, desc, (dest, state, priority, showNotification, isGlobal, type, shared)] call BIS_fnc_setTask;
params: String or Array - Task ID or array in the format [task ID, parent task ID]
target: Task owner(s)
Boolean - true to set task of all playable units
Object - set task of a specific object
Group - set tasks of all objects in the group
Side - set tasks of all objects of the given side
Array - collection of above types
desc: Array or String - Task description in the format ["description", "title", "marker"] or CfgTaskDescriptions class
dest (Optional): Task destination
Array - either position in format [x,y,z], or [object,precision] as used by setSimpleTaskTarget command
state (Optional): Task state
String - can be one of following:
"AUTOASSIGNED" ("ASSIGNED" when no task is assigned yet, otherwise "CREATED")
Boolean - true to set the task as current
priority (Optional): Number - priority. When a current task is completed, system select a next one with the larges priority >= 0
showNotification (Optional): Boolean - true to show notification (default), false to disable it
isGlobal (Optional): Boolean - true to set task globally (default), false to set it only locally
type (Optional): String - task type from CfgTaskTypes, if not defined, type "" is being used
shared (Optional): Boolean - false to disable shared objective counter (default), true to enable it
Return Value:
String - Task ID


Example needed

Additional Information

See also:
BIS_fnc_taskCreateTask Framework Task Enhancements


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Posted on September 13, 2017 - 19:35 (UTC)
I'm not sure what the shared parameter is but after viewing the function in the function viewer, as of 1.76, the parameter now controls whether or not to make the task always visible in 3D.
9: BOOL - true to make task always visible in 3D (default: false)