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by 6thSense.eu

6thSense.eu Presents: Pack1 v0.4. ArmA v1.08+ Compatible. (By Sickboy)

This package contains 7 Modules by 6thSense.eu:

  • 6thSense.eu Misc - Contains functions, scripts and settings used by other 6thSense.eu Addons!
  • 6thSense.eu Tools - Contains tools like GroupMarkerTracking, BodyRemover, etc. etc.
  • 6thSense.eu UI - Ui Enhancements, alike TrueIngameUI, but bigger gearmenu, compass and some placements.
  • 6thSense.eu Blood - Enables Unit Dammage (Bleeding etc) and Special Blood Squirt Effects
  • 6thSense.eu CRDS - Enables Unit Dammage (Bleeding etc) and Special Player Hit FX
  • 6thSense.eu Tracers - Enables Tracers for MG's & Vehicle Weapons
  • 6thSense.eu EditorUpdate - Enables otherwise hidden classes inside the editor so you can place them :)

You do not have to use every module. SIX_Misc.pbo is the only one that is required by the other Modules
ExtendedEventhandlers by Solus & Killswitch is now also a requirement

  • BIS Forums Discussion Thread (dead link)


  • Place the Addon folder: @SIX_Pack1 into your ArmA Installation Folder (remove any of the addons you don't want to use, except SIX_Misc)
  • Place the dta folder into your ArmA Installation Folder, so the contents of the dta folder should be copied to your arma\dta folder
  • Place the wanted Keys and SignFiles in place. I signed every addon twice: Once with individual keys for server operators that only wish to allow some components and once with the SIX_Pack1_04 key to allow all at once.
  • Edit your ArmA shortcut to include the mod, add: -mod=@SIX_Pack1
    • or if you have multiple mods, per example: -mod=@ModWar;@MAP_Air;@SIX_Pack1
  • If you wish Place the Demo Missions in your Missions or MPMissions folder and experiment


  • You can remove any Addon from the pack, except SIX_Misc.pbo (and ExtendedInitEventHandlers) as it is required for most of the other modules
  • The EditorUpdate can be used fully independent from all other content!

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs in our Bug Tracker (dead link) (please pick the proper Project and other options, aswell as first check if the bug isn't already reported, thanks!)

Content Documentation


This SIX_Misc addon will be used by many of the 6thSense.eu Addons.
It contains many functions and scripting logics which are used by other scripts.
Main Features:

  • 6thSense.eu Base Functions, Scripts & Global Variables
  • 6thSense.eu Network Services v2

Try 6thSense.eu Mod, which adds on top of all these goodies a huge Addon Base with many different camo's, vehicles etc. etc

Demo Missions

  • None ATM


  • You can also place the SIX_Misc addon into any other modfolder to your likings..
  • The script uses the isServer function (introduced in v1.07beta+), it will however create a server logic for legacy purposes, if there is none available
  • One can make his mission permanent compatible with SIX_Misc, even when there are all vehicles, units etc. placed on the map that would have overwritten init eventhandlers, is to add to the mission init.sqf the following code:
  private ["_miscInit"];
  _miscInit=getText (configFile >> "SIX_Misc_EventHandlers" >> "Init");
  if(_miscInit !== "")then{call compile _miscInit};

This is even compatible with servers or clients that don't have the addon!! There should be no error if there is no SIX_Misc addon. But when a client has it installed, it will be enabled


  • People who's work was an inspiration to me, aswell as credits for their included code.
  • BIS - Thanks, for their great Game and continued Support! Aswell as thanks to the Mod, Script & Missionmake Community!


  • 6thSense.eu Unit Tracking + Grouptracker for displaying friendly group locations (DISABLED BY DEFAULT, PLEASE ENABLE IN SIX_Tools.hpp)
  • 6thSense.eu Body Remover (DISABLED BY DEFAULT, PLEASE ENABLE IN SIX_Tools.hpp)
  • 6thSense.eu Disable Radio Voices option (VOICES ENABLED BY DEFAULT, PLEASE DISABLE IN SIX_Tools.hpp)
  • MAPFact.net USMC Markers, inside SIX_Markers.pbo


  • Check dta\SIX_Tools.hpp for user settings
  • SIX_Markers.pbo addon is only required if you have tracking === 1; and #define SIX_MARKERS in your SIX_Tools.hpp


  • Based on TrueIngameUI
  • Bigger GearMenu, Compass etc.
  • UI Settings for Chat Messages

Settings in SIX_Ui.hpp


Blood; Squirt, Drops, Loosing Health
Based on OFPEC Blood:
Concept by Igor Drukov
Scripting / PBO compilation by snYpir
Default blood objects by Asmodeus
Converted to Armed Assault by ==\SNKMAN/==

100% SQF ReWrite by Sickboy


  • You can also place the SIX_Misc/Blood addon into any other modfolder to your likings.. just make sure the dta folder has the .hpp files
  • This Addon disables the CRDS Bleeding, but works for the rest in harmony with CRDS effects!

Demo Missions

  • None ATM (Try CRDS one)

Config Settings

  • None ATM

Config Array

  • None ATM


  • Igor Drukov, snYpir, Asmodeus for the Original Scripting
  • ==\SNKMAN/== for the ArmA Conversion


CRDS; Player Dammage/BlackOut/CryOut.
Based on CRDS2-P for OFP, by ChaosStudios (http://www.ofpmdb.net). Completely rewritten to SQF

Check the original Readme for more info


  • You can also place the SIX_Misc/CRDS addon into any other modfolder to your likings.. just make sure the dta folder has the .hpp files

Demo Missions

  • Demo1:

Config Settings

  • SIX_CRDS_REFRESH - Number (Default 30): Refresh time in seconds, how long pause between checks if new units are on the battlefield
  • SIX_CRDS_AUTO - Number (Default 1): Decides if the automatic CRDS enabling should be activated. Use 0 to disable
  • SIX_CRDS_MEDKMN1 - Boolean (Default true): Decides if the Small Medkit should be available
  • SIX_CRDS_MEDKMN2 - Boolean (Default true): Decides if the Big Medkit should be available

Config Array



  • Chaos/ChaosStudios for the Original CRDS2-P for OFP.


This Tracer Addon uses a tracer model instead of particle source.
We are still considering using a particle source at the bullet as ignition/light source.
FPS should be seriously increased compared to the hundreds/thousands of particles we used before ;-)

This tracer addon is based on many peoples addons, ideas, thoughts and other contributions.
Though the current state of the package; config wise, model wise and script wise is a nearly
completely rewritten and rebuild package, by Sickboy and Garlay.
Credits are found at the end of this Readme.

Demo Missions

  • Demo1: Incl. Day & Night Time Choice
  • Demo2: Incl. Tracer Configuration on Mission Level, please review h\SIX_TracersCfg.hpp


  • Rifle Tracers are enabled by default, unless the "Rifle Bullet Tracers" difficulty option is set to "Disabled", or if you override through SIX_Tracers.hpp
  • The Mod disables default BIS Tracers, if you still see them you probably did not install the Addon right
    • Or another mod is overwriting ours, please disable others systematicly to check.
  • You can also place the SIX_Misc/Tracer addon into any other modfolder to your likings.. just make sure the dta folder has the .hpp files
  • More Readme, Info, Screenshots, Demo Missions etc. etc. coming!
  • One can make his mission permanent compatible with SIX_Tracers, please review SIX_Misc Readme

Config Settings

  • SIX_TRACER_REFRESH - Number (Default 30): Refresh time in seconds, how long pause between checks if new units are on the battlefield
  • SIX_TRACER_AUTO - Number (Default 1): Decides if the automatic tracer enabling should be activated. Use 0 to disable
  • SIX_TRACER_DELAY - Number (default 0.02): Delay time in seconds, how long pause between bullet coming out of barrel and tracer ignition

Config Array



  • BN880 - For his great tracers in OFP, which were a great inspiration
  • Wolfbane - For his excellent tracers in OFP, which were used as a base for the work Centipede did
  • Centipede & Kenbow - For their excellent conversion of WolfBane's Tracers: CENT Tracers.
  • ThePredator - For his complete package of CENT Tracers bundled with his excellent config for disabling default BIS Tracers and adding Tracer Properties, aswell as lot's of input, testing, vids etc.
  • Garlay - For his Tracer Models, Vector tryouts & findings, config tests, etc. etc.
  • Simba - For his contributions at the BIS forums
  • MadDogX - For his contributions at the BIS forums
  • Anyone forgotten, please excuse me :| Thanks to all involved!
  • BIS - Thanks, for their great Game and continued Support! Aswell as thanks to the Mod, Script & Missionmake Community!


Getting Started


This is EditorUpdate unlocks objects (scope=2) that are normally hidden in the editor (scope=1). This will enable access to these objects in the editor, specially handy to mission editors. This patch is backward compatible with original BIS files. Missions created with these objects & units will work even on machines where this patch isn’t installed!


  • All buildings and objects that were hidden by default configuration, findable in the classes: Buildings and Ruins
  • Hidden Units like Marian Quandt, Prime Minister, and more.


  • Karel85 (His first ArmA editor addon was the inspiration for this idea)
  • Posters on the BIS Forum Thread about Germany1985’s editor addon: Bis Forums Thread (dead link)

Classes and Screenshots

BIS Forums Thread (dead link)


Is this addon "compatible" to G85's Editor Update?

Yes, 1 way.
Missions made with this editor addon will work even when you don't have this editor addon installed.
But, missions made with G85's Editor Update, will not work if you don't have their addon installed.

Pack1 Changelog


  • Included biSign and Key files for Server Operators and Players (Each pbo is signed twice, oncee with the Global SIX_Pack1_04 key, and once with individual keys, for maximum flexibility)
  • Overall performance and other small improvements
  • Moved a lot of "Additional Functionality" from SIX_Misc into SIX_Tools. Basicly making SIX_Misc a true base of functions, scripts and variables, nothing more, nothing less.
  • Updated to latest ExtendedEventhandlers by Solus & Killswitch

SIX_Misc Changes

  • Made the pack compatible with ExtendedInitEventhandlers by Solus, v1.01 included with the package.
  • Changed the Sides Array to use side objects instead of strings

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Cleaned up CRDS considerably, only starting certain scripts on units after they get hit, instead of spawning scripts at start that wait for conditions
  • Volume Tuning... AGAIN...

SIX_Blood Changes

  • Slightly Tuned settings, but still need to figure out what is causing slowdowns on some computers

v0.2 Final
All Addons are now grouped together in a @SIX_Pack1 folder, you can remove (/leave out) any addon you don't want to use except SIX_Misc.pbo
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Fixed "play_Init" not passing on Dedicated Server

SIX_Blood Changes

  • Removed some unnececairy code+variables

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Added ability to configure through hpp file in dta folder for Single Player, or in Mission for both SP/MP. ATM only the option: allowHeal is available. Future versions will include full set of settings

v0.2 RC1
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Added SIX_allI and allV (Infantry and Vehicle Arrays) to the unitarrays script

SIX_Blood Changes

  • Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays
  • Rewritten some scripts and functions
  • Rewritten Multiplayer component, should work flawless now
  • Models and Textures updated by Garlay, Materials Configured. Removed Shadow settings.
  • Lag caused by wrong Model Setup and Scripts should be history now
  • Added SIX_Blood.hpp . Blood now fully configurable for SinglePlayer, aswell as Mission Configurability like the Tracers
  • Corrected settings, Players + AI should die by Bloodloss overtime

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Removed checks for vehicles/infantry, making use now of updated SIX_Misc Arrays

v0.1 RC9
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Added SIX_fMisc and SIX_fMiscSet functions to read and write variables to the object
  • Moved more variables from Global Space into Object Space

SIX_Blood Changes

  • Added OFPEC Blood Addon, full rewrite to SQF

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Added SIX_fCRDS and SIX_fCRDS functions to read and write variables to the object
  • Enabled check if SIX_Blood is present, if it is, it will disable the Bleeding functionality of CRDS

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Added SIX_fTracers and SIX_fTracersSet functions to read and write variables to the object

SIX_Misc Changes

  • Switched to using objects for storing variables, functions and scripts as opposed to using arrays. (String names keep code easier readable than numbers and even less Global Variables are used)
  • Switched to using only 1 source for scripts and functions instead of 2

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Switched to using objects for storing variables, functions and scripts as opposed to using arrays. (String names keep code easier readable than numbers and even less Global Variables are used)
  • Moved a few Global Variables into Arrays.

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Switched to using objects for storing variables, functions and scripts as opposed to using arrays. (String names keep code easier readable than numbers and even less Global Variables are used)

v0.1 RC7
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Reduced the amount of global Variables (Saved ~10)
  • Moved all scripts and functions into arrays (Saved ~30)
  • Moved a few script/function inits so they only get loaded if certain features are enabled

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Reduced the amount of global Variables (Saved ~5)
  • Moved all scripts and functions into arrays (Saved ~5)
  • Moved weapons+ammo info into arrays instead of many global variables (Saves ~10-100), depending on which weapons+ammo are available)

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Reduced the amount of global Variables (Saved ~20)
  • Moved all scripts and functions into arrays (Saved ~4)
  • Fixed HitEventhandler
  • Black-screen-of-death should not happen anymore :-)

v0.1 RC6
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Added support for the ArmA Anti Cheat (ARMAAC) By MadDogX (dead link). When the SIX_Misc and ARMAAC Addons are combined on a server, the anti-cheat protection will automaticly be enabled without need for mission editing etc!

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • New Variable: SIX_TRACER_DELAY, also configurable for SP and per Mission, which determines the delay between bullet exiting the barrel until tracer ignition time. Put to 0 to disable any pause
  • Changed Default delay to 0.02
  • Renewed Weapon/Ammo lookup routines, combined Weapon+Ammo information now in 1 variable.
  • All settings for tracers can now be overwritten by weapon config, while tracers will always be disabled when either weapon or ammo has tracers disabled.
  • Added the Configuration Class and functionality to configure AUTO, REFRESH and DELAY in SP.
  • Renewed the Config Functions, they now output a default value other than <null>, even when no config entry was found

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Lowered some of the sounds, *again* :-) Could really use that Sound Maintaining help ;-)

v0.1 RC5
SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Added SIX_tracerDiff setting to Weapon classes, this setting can be used to make the "Rifle Tracers Enabled" dependent on your own "Rifle Bullet Tracers" difficulty setting in the ArmA Options. Thanks goes out to MaddMatt for the idea, not to mention his determination ;-)
  • Rifle Tracers are enabled by default, unless as described above, the Rifle Tracers Difficulty setting is set to Disabled.
  • SP Configuration is disabled by default (check SIX_Tracers.hpp).
  • Using a pause of 0.05 seconds (~) to make sure the tracers do not appear to close to the barrel. Again that MadGuy ;-)
  • Extra performance considerations in place, altough if they are measurable; you tell me

v0.1 RC4
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Fixed Player Determination Once more, hopefully for good This time. Fixing the problem that Tracers etc. did not work or 'half' in SinglePlayer
  • Disabled GroupTracker & BodyRemover by default. Please enable inside SIX_Misc.hpp. Solution based on requests @ BI Forums thread
  • Split markers from SIX_Misc to SIX_Markers. Solution based on request by MaddMatt
  • Added define SIX_MARKERS to SIX_Misc.hpp, when defined it will use the SIX_Markers (Make sure you have the pbo installed in with SIX_Misc). If you want to use standard BIS Markers, please comment the SIX_Markers define, like: // #define SIX_MARKERS
  • Changed SIX_ENA_VOICE define to SIX_VOICE_ENA

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Fixed missing stringtable entry
  • Fixed problem with medipacks not disappearing after used

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Lowered volumes once again :)

SIX_Misc Changes

  • Fixing some issues with player checks
  • Renewed config settings system
  • Thrown away the @SIX_Misc folder dependency, settings file is now located in your ArmA\dta folder
  • Probably resolved some issues with JIP etc, possibly fixing some Tracers-not-being-enabled bugs

SIX_Tracers Changes

  • Thrown away the @SIX_TracersCfgSP folder dependency, settings file is now located in your ArmA\dta folder
  • You can now also place the addons into any other modfolder to your likings.. just make sure the dta folder has the .hpp files

v0.1 RC2
SIX_Misc Changes

  • Fixed Server-Determination Issue; Init EventHandlers now run on AllVehicles class and higher, instead from the All class. When running from the All Class, the isServer function returns true even on clients and as such mess up the Server-determination.
  • Resolved issue with the Group Tracker colors; all markers remained original color, now they get the colors you set in SIX_Settings.hpp
  • Resolved issue with NetTx and Rx private variable designation

SIX_CRDS Changes

  • Made most of the sounds lower in volume; hearing someone breath from 100m was not meant to be