From Bohemia Interactive Community
by 6thSense.eu
6thSense.eu Presents: Pack2 v0.1. ArmA v1.08+ Compatible. (By Sickboy)
This package contains 4 Modules by 6thSense.eu:
- 6thSense.eu AIAccuracy - Gives the AI better ability to spot and identify enemies. Unlike TrueRangeAI, it is a lot less aggressive
- 6thSense.eu AIRange - Gives the AI the possibility to engage from further ranges. Basicly, they are a little better able to spot due to AIAccuracy addon. But they are able to fire back from further or engage earlier due to AIRange
- 6thSense.eu Reloadtime - Updated reloadtimes of rifles with values that are closer to reallife
- 6thSense.eu Weaponsway - Updated weapon sway values. Rifles move more realisticly in hand while standing, sitting, laying down etc. etc.
You do not have to use every module.
- BIS Forums Discussion Thread (dead link)
- Place the Addon folder: @SIX_Pack2 into your ArmA Installation Folder (remove any of the addons you don't want to use)
- Place the wanted Keys and SignFiles in place. I signed every addon twice: Once with individual keys for server operators that only wish to allow some components and once with the SIX_Pack2_01 key to allow all at once.
- Edit your ArmA shortcut to include the mod, add: -mod=@SIX_Pack2
- or if you have multiple mods, per example: -mod=@ModWar;@MAP_Air;@SIX_Pack2
Reporting Bugs
Please report bugs in our Bug Tracker (dead link) (please pick the proper Project and other options, aswell as first check if the bug isn't already reported, thanks!)
- Sickboy - Project Leader
- Alex T - Realistic values and adjustments
- Sonsalt - Realistic values and adjustments
Content Documentation
Pack2 Changelog
- Initial Version