A2OA: Patch v1.57
From Bohemia Interactive Community
ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead UPDATE 1.57
Copyright (c) 2010 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.
This free update is sponsored by Bohemia Interactive store http://store.bistudio.com/, the online store where you can buy Arma 2 titles and other games directly from the developers.
Download Mirrors
- 1.50 to 1.57 update
CRC32: 0a2a9f1c MD5: c2b61af162e0c48c9f78d66a4ca2c408 SHA-1: 1e3a5340246f962d7cf9f1980ef0c1936cc43d1e
- http://www.filefront.com/17685132/ARMA2OA_Patch_1_57.zip
- http://arma2.co.uk/patchs/ARMA2OA_Patch_1_57.zip
- http://dl1.armed-assault.de/patches/ARMA2OA_Patch_1_57.zip
- http://dl2.armed-assault.de/patches/ARMA2OA_Patch_1_57.zip
- http://kamran.cc/ARMA2/ARMA2OA_Patch_1_57.zip
- http://solidfiles.com/d/7a1e/
- http://www.filedropper.com/arma2oapatch157
- http://www.multiupload.com/44KJU4AL1S - 6 mirrors
- http://www.patches-scrolls.de/armed_assault_2_operation_arrowhead.php#157
- http://www.massmirror.com/38021480041bcfa70597860b59a11351.html
- http://vbau.co.uk/?page_id=114
An original version of Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead 1.50-1.56.
- Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.
- It will install all patch content to the folder with your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead installation.
- Please note that it is not possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible, if you want to keep your previous version you may want to backup the entire game installation folder before applying this patch.
- NOTE: This patch will also update your:
- ARMA 2 1.05+ to 1.08.
- ARMA 2 BAF 1.00+ to 1.02 if necessary.
- ARMA 2 PMC 1.00 to 1.01 if necessary.
- BattlEye to latest version for all titles
Version 1.57 Highlights
- improved netcode (better locality handling)
- new scripting commands
- 4 new bonus scenarios for owners of the full version of Arma 2: Private Military Company
Version 1.56-1.57 Changelog
- Add: camo (replaceable textures) selections for M2A2/3.
- Changed: GPS added for all SUVs.
- Fixed: A/MH6 main rotor artifact.
- Fixed: Missions: 06 From Hell, task "Locate the pilot" always failed.
- Fixed: Cursor on the windows borders no longer flashing when attempting to drag/resize the window.
- Fixed: Win7/Vista Aero preview should no longer be activated by mouse movement while playing.
- Fixed: Helicopters no longer lifting off when aircraft passed over them (-dead link-).
- Fixed: AI Helicopters wobbling up and down (-dead link-).
- Improved: Enemy targets are now unassigned once their crew is killed.
- Fixed: doFire did not work on most targets.
- New: Multihome servers support. Commandline parameter -ip=my.ip.add.res available.
- Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player (fix 2.0)
- Fixed: Groups were missing units after group changes on JIP clients.
- Fixed: LOD switching with -exThreads=0
- Fixed: Despite irTarget = 0 units/objects could be locked with TAB.
- Fixed: SetCaptive doesn't stop AI shooting at a unit/player.
- New: allMissionObjects script command.
- New: Script command setPlayerRespawnTime.
- New: new AllDead command.
- Fixed: Video playback stuttering.
- Fixed: Locality issues of objects in MP (mainly updates from nonowner errors). Version raised to 1.57 due to MP incompatibility.
PMC changelog 1.00-1.01
- Fixed: Shadow artifact on bridge on Proving Grounds map.
- Changed: XM8 optics reworked.
- Fixed: XM8 Front grip
- New: Ammo create with PMC weapons.
- Added: Campaign teaser including CP00 and trailer.
- Fixed: CP10A - The Boss was not leaving the villa when in danger.
- Fixed: CP10A - Player was not able to finish the Boss from distance.
- Fixed: CP08B - Group callsign was "Sword", not "Spear".
- Fixed: CP08A - Player was not able to access helicopter gear menu.
- Fixed: CP07 - Client UAV re-enabled again.
- Fixed: CP05 - Mission did end before conversation was finished.
- Fixed: CP02 - Dixon fired only once, causing mission not to continue.
- Fixed: CP00 - Mortar explosions now occur further away from player.
- Fixed: Backpack content is now saved between CP05 and CP06.