A2OA: Patch v1.60
From Bohemia Interactive Community
ARMA 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements Patch 1.60
Copyright (c) 2011 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.
Download Mirrors
- http://www.multiupload.com/1QXDHDKQFG
- http://codemartyrs.info/downloads/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://mirror.dyneslott.com/arma2oa/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/Arma2/patches/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://ftp.tier1ops.eu/files/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://tier1ops.eu/files/arma2/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://thegamewardens.net/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=48
- http://mirror.unitedoperations.net/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://downloads.rkslstudios.info/BIS/ARMA2OACORFT_Update_160.zip
- http://www.gameupdates.org/details.php?id=4902
CRC32: d4ed489f MD5: ca88d10015e79ed98aac2784e21e3c1d SHA-1: ad50edcc6751cde4a302d851b70e126191055479
System Requirements
An original version of Arma 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements 1.50-1.60.
How to install the update
- Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically.
- It will install all content of the patch to the folder with your Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead installation.
- Please note that it is not possible to rollback to a previous version after the installation of this patch, only a full reinstall of the game is possible, if you want to keep your previous version you may want to backup the entire game installation folder before applying this patch.
- NOTE: This patch will also update your:
- ARMA 2 1.05 to 1.11. (note: ARMA 2 version 1.00-1.04 must first use patch 1.0x to 1.05)
- ARMA 2 BAF 1.00 to 1.03 if necessary.
- ARMA 2 PMC 1.00 to 1.02 if necessary.
- BattlEye within ARMA 2, ARMA 2: OA, ARMA 2: RFT to actual revision
Version 1.60 Highlights
- New features: FXAA Anti-Aliasing mode, user-definable memory allocators, new scripting commands, new commandline options
- Multiplayer is much smoother, no more warping, includes number of fixes, optimizations and improvements
- Netcode, VON and dedicated server fixes plus configuration additions in place
- Singleplayer received visual states smoothing and prediction (notable e.g. on distant units)
- AI is improved, especially (but not only) in combat, AI has received numerous bug fixes
- Aircraft & Helicopters simulation received slight improvements
- ARMA 2, ARMA 2: OA, ARMA 2: EW campaigns and stand-alone missions received special treatment to get rid of most from really annoying bugs
- official expansions & product combinations unified in way to allow easier operation of all distributions (separated installs/Steam/Desura) for build-in expansions manager
- Documentation to accompany these changes is available on our community wiki BIKI: http://community.bistudio.com/ and our BIForum http://forums.bistudio.com/
- ARMA 2: BAF and ARMA 2: PMC got their share of fixes too
the changelog is always approximate, we suggest You to read also CIT (Community Issue Tracker) roadmap of resolved/closed bug/feature tickets:
* ARMA 2 version 1.11 beta builds - -dead link- * ARMA 2 version 1.11 Release Candidates - -dead link- * ARMA 2: OA version 1.60 beta builds - -dead link- * ARMA 2: OA version 1.60 Release Candidates - -dead link- * ARMA 2: BAF version 1.03 - -dead link- * ARMA 2: PMC version 1.02 - -dead link-
The complete list of all previous and upcoming versions and theirs progress is available on URL below (the size of page is huge so it may take while to load) -dead link-
We would like to thanks all BIF & CIT staff/mods/volunteers, whole ARMA community, our partners and everyone who helped us to release this mega-patch!
Merry Christmas time, great holidays and Happy New Year! - see http://www.bistudio.com/happy-holidays/
Version 1.59-1.60 Changelog
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead / Combined Operations Engine
- Improved: Expansions manager, registry controlled expansions
- Changed: Default maxPacketSize reduced from 1490 to 1400 to improve compatibility with exotic MTU settings (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Player state transferred corrently even for distant players (-dead link-)
- New: -malloc=system can be used to force using Windows allocator even when allocator dlls are present.
- Fixed: Missing reloading sound while reloading animation from another player in Multiplayer (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Failed to load TextureHeaderManager from file on Linux servers
- Changed: AI airplane always using lights during landing, taxiing and takeoff.
- Fixed: Lens flares positioned badly when 3D resolution different from 2D resolution.
- Improved: Airborne airplanes now rendered in larger distances.
- Changed: AI airplane always using lights during landing, taxiing and takeoff.
- Fixed: Lens flares positioned badly when 3D resolution different from 2D resolution.
- New: Ground effect computed for airplanes (0-10% depending on height)
- New: Ground effect computed for helicopters (based on http://www.cybercom.net/~copters/aero/ground_effect.html)
- Fixed: Helicopter autohover was wobbling a lot (-dead link-)
- New: Commandline -checkSignatures to provide thorough test of all signatures of all loaded banks at the start game. Output is in rpt file.
- New: -beta=xxxx as alternative to -mod=xxxx to allow using beta files without affecting mod handling.
- Changed: Mod list configured by ModLauncher is saved inside game config instead of user profile.
- Added: HitPart event now contains Ammo type name
- Fixed: CWR2 Camel was unable to takeoff (flew close to stall after take off, never recovering).
- New: Player name validation when editing a profile name.
- New: Scripting command visiblePosition to obtain object position as visible on screen (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Helicopter slow after GET OUT waypoint when CYCLE was used as well.
- New: Editor: Visual indication of the selected target for CYCLE waypoint.
- Fixed: Vehicles attached on ships attached to objects sometimes destroyed (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Cannot manipulate doors after game was aborted with doors in transit. (-dead link-)
- New: Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA), http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2oa.cfg
- Fixed: "Direct" chat sometimes not working (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Dead body temperature was not saved (-dead link-)
- MP: Fixed: When a player was JIP-ing, traffic for all other players was significantly reduced (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Massive network traffic optimization during Join in Progress (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Searchlight turning itself off for non-server clients (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Action taking magazine from a backback has sometimes failed (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Gamespy Server signature list contains often twice "bi" (-dead link-)
- Improved: MP: Diary statistics not available in MP when NetStats is disabled (-dead link-)
- Improved: Dedicated server console now supporting Unicode and long output (using Rich Edit Control).
- Fixed: Issues with v2 signatures - causing random check to fail (-dead link-)
- Changed: AI gunner is no longer firing at friendly units when ordered to target them.
- Fixed: Locked MP role slots after BattlEye kick.
- Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released automatically for a player commanded tank (-dead link-)
- Fixed: MP: Countermeasures released by AI were multipled by the number of other connected players.
- Fixed: MP: Loosing gear due to water no longer multiplied for each player (-dead link-)
- Improved thermal imaging for models with no TI data (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Server response unreliable with long keys (e.g. mod lists) (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Soldier running instead of crawling through holes (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI without weapon stuck when crouched (-dead link-)
- Prevent crouched AI from sprinting (-dead link-)
- New: A command line argument -par=filename can be specified to provide a parameter file (-dead link-)
- New: Window title includes player name when running windowed to make testing with multiple instances easier.
- Fixed: Tanks were not damaged under water when fps was very high (-dead link-)
- Improved: Improved AI/autopilot landing abilities (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Trigger "Detected by" sometimes did not fire when unit was only known about indirectly, e.g. because of a kill (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI sometimes has forgotten a recently seen kill (-dead link-) (result of -dead link-)
- New: Custom memory allocator support (http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Custom_Memory_Allocator)
- Fixed: Shadows were not cast on on-surface objects, like helipads.
- Changed: attachTo with the same object no longer resets attached object orientation (-dead link-)
- Fixed: There was no debriefing after MP game ends after saving the game.
- Fixed: MP: Bullet tracers of remote vehicles not reliable (-dead link-).
- Fixed: SaveVar did not work in MP Campaign.
- New: Scripting command reveal has a new variant, group reveal [target, accuracy]. To reveal target side use 1.5 (default reveal used accuracy=1).
- Fixed: Crash or game corruption when loading a game with clients already connected (-dead link-)
- New: Server admin can check build numbers of clients using #userlist.
- Fixed: magazinesTurret [-1] sometimes returning wrong list or even crashing.
- Changed: MP: BLUFOR roles are now assigned before OPFOR by default.
- Fixed: Reassign allowed clients to use a role reserved for a host.
- Optimized: Faster preload in multiplayer ("Receiving" mission, switching from map).
- Fixed: Remote units init event handle is no longer run before fully initialized (-dead link-)
- Changed: Init handlers executed immediately, not queued for later execution like other events.
- Changed: MP: Units are no longer moved to a new group when they timeout getin (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Scripting command "Reveal" left target side as unknown, requiring visual confirmation (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Bullets damage reduced too much over distance (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Global event handlers (including onPlayerDisconnected and onMapSingleClick) cleaned when MP debriefing starts (-dead link-)
- New: Window title includes Host or Admin status when running windowed to make testing with multiple instances easier.
- Fixed: in config parameter initTurn in turrets work again
- Improved: Direct damage is no longer artificaly reduced for lying soldiers (-dead link-)
- Optimized: Unknown targets no longer saved, significantly reducing savegame size.
- Optimized: No longer saving "visionPars" and "magazineSlotsOpticsModes" when not used.
- Fixed: Group names were not reused after deleteGroup (-dead link-)
- Improved: AI smarter in using binoculars.
- Fixed: Objects close to bushes or trees sometimes ignored during visibility testing (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Order of init event handlers and init commands was reversed since 1.57 beta (-dead link-)
- Fixed: script command FOR (BASIC) can use capital characters in variable
- Optimized: MP: Improved server performance in complex missions.
- Optimized: MP: Reduced number of messages send during JIP to complex missions.
- Fixed: Slight cursor offset when selecting items in the listboxes (like mission selection).
- Improved: MP: Smoother motion of distant units (Default value of MinErrorToSend changed to 0.001, introduced new value MinErrorToSendNear with a default value of 0.01).
- Fixed: MP game crashed after loading a save from a complex mission (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI was often not watching unidentified targets (causing -dead link-)
- Fixed: turret tug after crew turn-in
- Improved: loading of binarized bikb files now supported.
- Improved: MP: Remote units should move a lot smoother.
- Fixed: DisableSerialization breaks spawn script variables after Load.
- New: New entry requiredBuild=xxxxx; in server.cfg preventing obsolete clients to connect. Not reliable until 1.60, clients are still able to connect.
- Optimized: MP: Reduced bandwidth used by standing AI soldiers.
- Fixed: MP: Remote units jumping back when stopping (-dead link-)
- Fixed: MP: Reduced bandwith usage in missions with many soldiers.
- Improved: Better error message shown when memory allocation fails because of too small page file.
- Improved: Abnormal program termination by an error message is now more robust, less likely to cause a bogus crash report or to miss the message box.
- Fixed: Weapons on pylons changed positions after fireAtTarget (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Tanks sometimes braking too much or even reversing a bit when slowing down.
- Fixed: AI subordinates sometimes slowing down too much when navigating around obstacles.
- Fixed: Possible crash after calling joinSilent and deleteVehicle.
- Fixed: Rare problem of AI fleeing when all enemies mounted vehicles.
- Fixed: AI not engagign through glass and other penetrable surfaces (-dead link-).
- Fixed: Lipsync for radio not working.
- Fixed: AI no longer seeing through dense grass (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Attached objects no longer causing slow car movement.
- Improved: AI skill settings in difficulty options easier to use.
- Improved: Soldier movement more natural when doing "scan horizon".
- Changed: Danger FSM event DCFire is now sent only when unit not in the combat mode yet (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI units often not engaging close enemies (-dead link-, -dead link-)
- New: scripting function "assignedTeam xxx" returns colored team to which a commander of given vehicle belongs to.
- Fixed: Most units had maximum skill, ignoring values set in the mission (-dead link-)
- Fixed: More space for GameSpy QR2 signature key answer.
- Fixed: low game fps causing innacurate AI weapon aiming (see also -dead link-)
- Changed: Temporarily abandoned vehicles are no longer considered neutral (AI continues engaging them).
- Fixed: tugging tracks on tanks
- Fixed: AI units no longer firing at empty enemy vehicles (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Walking no longer causes prone-style recoil to be used. (-dead link-)
- Fixed: AI no longer considering a car horn as a threat.
- Fixed: AI no longer using AA against ground targets or guided missiles against soft targets unless desperate (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Enemy fire no longer reported by units which cannot be aware of it.
- Fixed: Units equipped with NVG no longer turn on the flashlights on their own (-dead link-)
- Fixed: setMimic working, acceptable mimics are: "neutral", "dead", "danger", "hurt", "aware", "safe", "combat" (-dead link-)
- Improved: AI considering threats uphill from it a bit more when planning a path.
- Fixed: Object variable space was not cleared reset between missions (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Sky sometimes changing abruptly (-dead link-)
- Improved: AI is less able to detect enemies in forests (improved estimation on "disappearing in a pattern" for forests).
- Fixed: AI vehicles could spot previously known targets even out of their visual cone (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Occasional visual artifacts caused by rabbit animation interpolation since 79670 (thanks to Sniperwolf572 and F2k Sel for finding the repro).
- Fixed: Signature checking of BAF/PMC addons.
- New: Command line option -nosound to run the game without accessing audio devices.
- Optimized: Some background file operations are faster, esp. with low fps (should fix -dead link-)
- Optimized: Visual state interpolation fully enabled. (http://www.bistudio.com/index.php/english/company/developers-blog/230-experimental-betas-interpolating-the-future)
- Fixed: Weapons no leaving hands while turning when prone
- Fixed: Message "Creating debriefing" no longer appearing in the rpt file.
- Improved: AI helicopter attempt to land when hit during an attach run.
- Fixed: Crash opportunity when camera object was deleted.
- Improved: AI landing more reliable with broken back rotor.
- New: AI FSMs can be disabled using unit disableAI "FSM".
- Fixed: AI road vehicle avoidance improved.
- Fixed: PMC videos flashing (since 80298).
- Experimental: Memory allocator can be selected using -malloc=N with N=0..4.
- Fixed: No longer display names of buildings hidden by accuracy (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Occasional fps drop when AI was getting in a vehicle.
- Optimized: Much faster visibility testing when many units are around, esp. when they are not moving a lot.
- Fixed: AI planes were climing/diving wildly during formation flying.
- Improved: AI takeoff improved, L-39 or Su-34 can now lift from all Chernarus airfields.
- Fixed: Airplane control surfaces position could reach impossible values with keyboard controls (-dead link-)
- Optimized: Reduced frame rate drops caused by texture loading (-dead link-)
- New: Mods can be configured using Windows Registry.
- Fixed: AI warping at distance in singleplayer (-dead link-)
- New: parameter "angle" for reflectors
- Fixed: Possible freeze after alt-tab in window mode.
- New: Helipads can be placed on a carrier deck and AI helicopter can land on them.
- Fixed: Airplane sometimes crashed after landing autopilot was activated.
- Fixed: Crash when assembling GMG, L2A1 crew served weapons.
- New: AI able to STOL on runways shorter than 500 m.
- Impoved: Aircraft can be placed on carrier deck in the editor.
Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Missions
- Fixed: SC 48 Sector Control is missing ammo for Mk17 EGLM RCO and Mk17 TWS SD (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Boot Camp 01: Basic Training - MOUT Saber team attacks too early if player is doing Anti-Tank range first (-dead link-)
Arma 2 Missions
- Fixed: Bitter Chill mission Get In destroyed HMMWV (M2) traps Razor Team inside forever(-dead link-)
- Fixed: Manhattan mission Cpt. Shaftoe is sometimes killed by his chair because his feet are sticking through it.(-dead link-)
- Fixed: Manhattan mission GPS COORDS 000003 marine misplaced at top left corner of map (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Manhattan mission Task: Escort contact to LZ Lagushina can teleport herself to helicopter (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Bitter Chill mission Task: Reach CDF positions endscene subtitles and voices are played twice (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Delaying the Bear mission subtitle texts and dialog voices in wrong order (-dead link-)
- Fixed: War That Never Was mission looking around in helicopter is not working when playing [Combined Operations] (-dead link-)
- Fixed: War That Never Was mission Rodriquez and O'Hara movement is terribly out of sync (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Only first end condition ends Freedom Fighters scenario (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Dogs Of War mission Notes->Situation has typing error - Vybor airoprt should be Vybor airport (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Dogs Of War mission Tasks Deal with Russians has error saying Russian base is at Krasnostav airport when it is at Vybor airport (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Dogs Of War mission GPS COORDS 075101 Chedaki POW killed by NAPA supply trucks (-dead link-)
- Fixed: Bitter Chill mission GPS COORDS 081060 two NAPA scouts and NAPA fighters are sometimes killed at NAPA safehouse yard (-dead link-)
- Fixed: First To Fight [Multiplayer] helicopter insertion kills human players 2, 3 and 4 (-dead link-)
Arma 2: British Armed Forces Data
- Improved: Removed AI burst mode from cannon in FV510.
- Improved: dampers behavior of FV510.
- Improved: AS50 sniper rifle, removed burst mode.
- Fixed: Shadow lod artifact on Jackal.
- Fixed: -dead link- - added camo3 into fifth LOD BAF_Soldier_Medic_BAF.p3d
Arma 2 Data
- Fixed: Stones in Takinstan are no longer destructible.
- Improved: AI driving ability with track vehicles.