Arma: Texture Naming Rules

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Types of texture

The texture name should be simple ascii, containing only letters, digits and underscore (no letters with diacritics). Only one dot is allowed leading the extension.

Example of texture name:


The source texture file format is PNG (preferred) or TGA (no compression, only 24b or 32b).



textureType is predefined suffix, that allows to choose proper compression and other transformation for the texture. The actual transformation is defined by TexConvert.cfg (used by both Pal2PacE and TexView 2 tools).

For more details on texture types see: Texture_Map_Types

Colormap / diffuse

  • _CO - color (diffuse map), sRGB color space

Colormap alpha

  • _CA - color with alpha (diffuse map with alpha), sRGB color space


  • _NO - normal map
  • _NORMALMAP - normal map
  • _NS - normal map specular (with alpha)
  • _NSHQ - normal map specular high quality (with alpha)
  • _NOF - normal map faded (mipmaps fade the texture with distance, useful for terrain)
  • _NOFHQ - normal map faded high quality (mipmaps fade the texture with distance, useful for terrain)
  • _NON - normal map with noise in alpha channel (noise is used for vegetation LODs blending)
  • _NOHQ - normal map high quality
  • _NOVHQ - normal map high quality (two-component DXT5 compression)


  • _DT - detail texture, average color should be 0.5, texture has got fade out filter in mipmaps
  • _CDT - colored detail texture, average color should be 0.5 in all R G B channels, texture has fade-out filter in mipmaps
  • _MCO - multiply color map, texture used to multiply with color map (as cdt) without fade-out filter, average color should be 0.5 in all R G B channels


  • _MC - macro texture, sRGB color space

The macro texture blends with the basic texture according to its alpha.

The macro texture contains data that is alternative to the basic texture. Representation of the base texture and macro texture in a given location can be selected by macro texture alpha channel (1 means only macro texture, 0 only basic texture). The detail map is applied to the end so it overlays both the original and the macro map.

Ambient shadows

  • _AS - ambient shadow texture - has the information stored "how much is in the ambient light". White color means full ambient light, 0 none. The only channel that is actually used is G - it is important that the information is right in it. Other channels do not matter, and anything can be done there (maybe the same as G).
  • _ADS - shadow texture (diffuse channel for shadow drawn beyond shadow casting distance)

Specular maps

  • _SM - specular map - red channel is a diffusion map, green channel specular and blue channel multiplier of specular power
  • _SMDI - optimised specular map for better bitdepth
  • _DTSMDI - optimised specular map for better bitdepth (detail specular?)


  • _SKY - sky texture

Terrain map

  • _LCO - layer color map, texture used for satellite and mask textures on the terrain

Only some formats use sRGB Color Space, others use linear space.


  • _CAN - TBD
  • _MASK - TBD
  • _MCA - TBD
  • _NOPX - TBD
  • _NOEX - TBD
  • _NOFEX - TBD
  • _NSEX - TBD