Patch v1.03.58814 Beta – Arma 2

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Change Log

Note: The change log file that is included with the beta patch is longer than what is displayed below this is because some of the changes listed were in previously released patches and thus not part of this beta patch.

  • [58805] Fixed: Switching to Utes from Chernarus caused Utes to contain infinite landscape.
  • [58797] Fixed: Time of day synchronized on client after connection to server.
  • [58788] Command line argument -cpuCount=NNN to override cpu count detection.
  • [58758] Removed mouse smoothing to reduce mouse lag in some situations.
  • [58729] Fixed: Simulate speed of sound
  • [58727] Fixed: fire from rifle distort sound
  • [58704] Fixed: Crash by malformed input to a diag_log scripting function.
  • [58701] Fixed: Muzzle flash was seen dark in some weapon optics.
  • [58698] Improved: Audio volume settings
  • [58665] Fixed: MP: Ships and boats used excessive bandwidth and CPU power.
  • [58654] Fixed: Players are no longer forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
  • [58643] Fixed: bike rider can be no longer healed


Arma 2 Public Beta Build

Copyright (c) 2009 Bohemia Interactive. All rights reserved.

Latest public beta patches are available from including change logs.

Please note: Arma 2 Beta is a public preview release intended for developer testing and community feedback. It may be updated often and we use them to verify that a bug we are tracking has been fixed. We make the beta builds for testing only and also to allow developers in the community to test their content with the upcoming versions before they are released as the official release. We write code and post the results frequently so people like you can join our testing process and report bugs but Arma 2 Beta might crash on startup or cause any other kind of unpredicted problems so please do not bother downloading Arma 2 beta builds if you're unwilling to put up with problems or help with the testing of the game and stick with the latest official release instead.

Multiplayer Compatibility

Usually, beta versions will be compatible in multiplayer with either previous or the upcoming public final release (unlike in Arma 1 where beta versions were causing large incompatibility in the multiplayer community).

System Requirements

  • ANY ORIGINAL VERSION OF ARMA 2 from 1.03 (including Steam version)
  • DirectX 9 March 2009 is required

How to Install and run the Beta Patch

Run the patch exe to apply the patch setup automatically (you may be prompted to choose your exact version in some occasions).

  • It will install all beta content to a mod folder "Beta", including the beta exe (that has to be run properly with working directory set to the main game installation, see below for more information)
  • To launch Arma2 beta patch you need to go to the main game directory and click on shortcut "Launch Arma2 Beta Patch"
  • You can configure your Arma 2 with Beta Patch including other mods etc., just make make sure that:
in your ArmA Shortcut start-up Target line;
  • You are running the Arma2.exe from your "beta" folder.
  • You have "beta" in your modfolder as in -mod=beta
example: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2\beta\arma2.exe" -mod=beta
  • Make sure the shortcut's "Start In" section refers to main "Arma 2 " main working folder and NOT "Arma 2/beta"
example: "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 2"

You can always run your Arma 2 final version in the main Arma 2 folder if you use default application shortcuts, start menu or run the regular arma2.exe without the beta mod folder.

See Also

Arma 2: Beta Builds

Arma 2: Version History