Improved Fog – Arma 3

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Main improvements are:

  • fog density now decays with altitude
  • skybox and clouds are colored by fog


Most important values in computation:

  • fogBase - base altitude for fog (in meters)
  • beta0 - macroscopic cross-section of atmospheric scatterers at base altitude - determines density of fog based on distance from viewer at base altitude
  • fogDecay - how much the fog density decays with altitude. 0 = constant density, 0.0049333 = density halves every 500m


In world config following values can be configured:

startFogBase = 0.0;			// base altitude for fog computations (in meters)
forecastFogBase = 0.0;
startFogDecay = 0.005;		// decay coefficient - decay of fog with altitude
forecastFogDecay = 0.005;
fogBeta0Min = 0.0001;		// beta0 (macroscopic cross-section of atmospheric scatterers at base level) for fog value 0
fogBeta0Max = 0.02;			// beta0 (macroscopic cross-section of atmospheric scatterers at base level) for fog value 1

Script commands

Command setFog was extended - now can be used with some optional params.