Unit Insignia – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Unit insignia is a custom texture which can be mapped to a character to give it special look. It's similar to existing squad.xml clan logo, and it is based on real life shoulder sleeve insignia.
Official Insignias
The game contains several predefined insignias. You can preview them in-game in Arsenal.
You can add a new insignia in Config.cpp and Description.ext.
class CfgUnitInsignia
class 111thID
displayName = "111th Infantry Division"; // Name displayed in Arsenal
author = "Bohemia Interactive"; // Author displayed in Arsenal
texture = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\UnitInsignia\111thID_ca.paa"; // Image path
material = "\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\UnitInsignia\default_insignia.rvmat"; // .rvmat path
textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing, reserved for future use
Objects like soldiers or cars must contain special selections on which insignia and clan logo can be displayed. Consider following these rules to make sure your addon is consistent with the official ones:
- To all playable vehicles (types listed in table below) of all factions, add following selections:
- insignia - designers fills it with story-related unit insignia. Must be square.
- clan - engine fills it with clan logo. Must be square.
- clan_sign - engine fills it with clan name. Dimensions not specified, but should be short and wide.
- Map transparent texture c"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)" to all selections.
- When same selection is on both sides of a vehicle, none of them should be mirrored.
- Civilians characters and vehicles can be less unified, but must still contain all selections as military type (e.g. instead of shoulders, civilian character can have both selections on front and back side of his t-shirt).
Once the model is ready, list the selection in object's config. The order of selections is not important, BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia is looking specifically for insignia.
class CfgVehicles
class MyVehicle
hiddenSelections[] = { "someSelection", "anotherSelection", "insignia" }; // insignia selection has to be present