meta.cpp – Arma 3

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Meta.cpp file contains additional information about mods published on Steam Workshop. This file is automatically created when a mod is published by Arma 3: Publisher to Steam Workshop.


meta.cpp attributes
Key Required Meaning
protocol Yes Version of meta.cpp file content.
publishedId No Steam Workshop identifier for the mod. If this id is filled in on a server, Arma 3: Launcher set up this mod when user connects to that server.
name No Steam Workshop item name.
timestamp No Time of last mod update in .NET Framework ticks time format (10,000 ticks = 1 millisecond).
hashOverride No Mod hash override that is send by the server to the client instead of the hash calculated from real mod. The override hash can be calculated by ModHashCalculator.


/// Version of meta.cpp content
protocol = 1;

/// Steam Workshop item id
publishedid = 123456790;

/// Steam Workshop item name
name = "Splendid mod";

/// Time of last update of the Steam Workshop Item (in .NET Framework time format)
timestamp = 9876432101234567890;

/// Mod hash that is send by the server to the client instead of calculated hash)
hashOverride = 1234567890;