meta.cpp – Arma 3
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Meta.cpp file contains additional information about mods published on Steam Workshop. This file is automatically created when a mod is published by Arma 3: Publisher to Steam Workshop.
Key | Required | Meaning |
protocol | Yes | Version of meta.cpp file content. |
publishedId | No | Steam Workshop identifier for the mod. If this id is filled in on a server, Arma 3: Launcher set up this mod when user connects to that server. |
name | No | Steam Workshop item name. |
timestamp | No | Time of last mod update in .NET Framework ticks time format (10,000 ticks = 1 millisecond). |
hashOverride | No | Mod hash override that is send by the server to the client instead of the hash calculated from real mod. The override hash can be calculated by ModHashCalculator. |
/// Version of meta.cpp content
protocol = 1;
/// Steam Workshop item id
publishedid = 123456790;
/// Steam Workshop item name
name = "Splendid mod";
/// Time of last update of the Steam Workshop Item (in .NET Framework time format)
timestamp = 9876432101234567890;
/// Mod hash that is send by the server to the client instead of calculated hash)
hashOverride = 1234567890;