CfgBrains Config Reference – Arma 3
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CfgBrains allows to tweak some global AI behavior. Exposed and working are countermeasure reaction, suppression reaction and targeting capabilities.
Default exposed setup
class CfgBrains
class DefaultSoldierBrain
class Components
class AIBrainAimingErrorComponent
class AIBrainCountermeasuresComponent
minReactionTime = 0.1;
maxReactionTime = 3;
randomReactionTimePercent = 0.3;
CMOnTargettedProbability = 0.5;
class AIBrainSuppressionComponent
class AIBrainTargetSelectorComponent // seems not implemented in 1.82
class DefaultCivilianBrain
class Components
class DefaultAnimalBrain
class Components
Available parameters
class AIBrainCountermeasuresComponent
useSmokeGrenadeDelay = 20;
CMCheckDelay = 0.8;
suppressionThreshold = 0.8;
nonLeaderSmokeProbability = 0.1;
CMOnTargettedProbability =0.1;
suppressionTimerMax = 2;
minimalThrowDistance = 900;
minReactionTime = 0.1;
maxReactionTime = 3;
randomReactionTimePercent = 0.2;
class AIBrainSuppressionComponent
maxSuppression = 1;
worstDecreaseTime = 10;// in seconds for 0 skill
bestDecreaseTime = 1;// in seconds for 1 skill
SuppressionRange = 20;
CauseFireWeight = 0.5;
CauseHitWeight = 0.5;
CauseExplosionWeight = 0.5;
CauseBulletCloseWeight = 0.5;
SuppressionThreshold = 0.7;
class AIBrainAimingErrorComponent
maxAngularError = 0.1309;// half of the error cone in radians
maxAngularErrorTurrets = 0.0872;// half of the error cone in radians, used for turrets
worstDecreaseTime = 2;// how long (in seconds) it should take 0 skilled soldier to stabilize the aim completely
bestDecreaseTime = 0.2;// how long (in seconds) it should take 1 skilled soldier to stabilize the aim completely
lostTargetTimeMin = 0.5;// how soon after loosing sight of target, error starts to raise
lostTargetTimeMax = 3;// how long error is raising after loosing sight of target
shootingInfluence = 0.4;// importance of shooting in algorithm, multiplier
movingInfluence = 1;// importance of moving in algorithm, multiplier
turningInfluence = 1;// importance of turning in algorithm, multiplier
damageCoef = 10;// importance of damage of entity, multiplier
fatigueCoef = 10;// importance of fatigue of entity, multiplier
suppressionCoef = 0.5;// importance of suppression value, multiplier
lostTargetCoef = 3;// importance of loosing target event, multiplier