Audio: Tree Destruction – Arma Reforger

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This page covers the sound aspects of tree destruction.

  • Tree prefabs themselves make use of the Multiphase Destruction system, but everything sound-related is handled on the "spawned debris".
  • Unlike regular entities using Multiphase Destruction, trees spawn debris Prefabs of type SCR_TreeDebrisSmallEntity rather than just models. The tree destruction sounds are defined in these Prefabs.
  • The sounds themselves are designed and set up so that each tree "type" (leafy, coniferous, rotten) has its own .acp. The sounds automatically "scale" their sound characteristics based on the debris' bounding box size.
  • A DestructionManager entity must be present within the gameworld.

SCR_TreeDebrisSmallEntity Setup

In the Unsorted section, there are Audio Source Configuration Impact and Audio Source Configuration Break.

  • Audio Source Configuration Impact defines the sound played when the tree debris impacts onto/with something else.
  • Audio Source Configuration Break defines the sound played when the tree debris spawns (= when the tree breaks).

The AudioSourceConfiguration classes are configured as follows:

Audio Source Configuration Impact defines the sound played when the tree debris impacts onto/with something else
Sound Project One of the tree-type specific .acp files
Audio Source Configuration Break defines the sound played when the tree debris spawns (= when the tree breaks)
Sound Project One of the tree-type specific .acp files

Available Signals

Not all signals are available for each type of sound.

Signal Name Values Description Available for Break Sounds Available for Impact Sounds
EntitySize = mass of object The entity's mass, usually used in order to "scale" sounds. Checked Checked
CollisionDV = change in speed of entity A value reflecting the change in speed of an entity upon contact (how fast was it before, how much was it slowed down?) Unchecked Checked


Tree debris Prefabs will make use of the Multiphase Destruction Debug values.