Conflict – Arma Reforger

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Original presentation

Conflict is an Arma Reforger game mode that was introduced with the Early Access of the game.

The Conflict game mode sees two groups of players fighting for supremacy of an island. To win, one side must capture a certain number of strategic positions and hold them for a given time. These have to be in your faction's radio signal range, otherwise they cannot be properly secured. The more military sites and communication arrays you seize, the greater your operational remit.

Read more about it in the in-game's Field Manual!


Players can only seize enemy positions that are within their faction's radio range. This radiates outwards from a Main Operating Base and can be extended by exercising control over communication stations and relay towers at various military sites, as well as Mobile Command Units. All locations available for capture are listed as tasks and can be identified on your map by way of connecting lines and joining strategically important transceivers. To secure a base, you must maintain a superior military presence in the vicinity of a command tent. In other words, you should try to overwhelm the enemy by force of numbers. The more troops your side has nearby, the faster you can take control of the objective.


In the Conflict game mode, if you are killed in action, you will have the option of returning to the fight. Players can rejoin the battle from a Main Operating Base. Fully operational Mobile Command Units are another option. Furthermore, where server settings allow, radio operators may also offer insertion choices. To deploy at other military locations, supplies are required. These are diminished by a small amount with each soldier deployed. However, this expenditure can be reduced by 50% if living quarters are constructed.


All military bases in the Conflict game mode have supplies. These are stored at command tents or supply depots and include building materials, which can be loaded onto trucks and distributed to other locations for the construction of support structures and field defenses. Such reserves are periodically replenished at each side's Main Operating Base, although in very small quantities. Opposing factions, therefore, will need to focus their attention on capturing supply depots from independent forces. Despite being well-defended, these locations offer plentiful resources and can be immediately located on your map. To ensure logistics and effective resupply, you will need to request an appropriate transport with ample cargo space from a vehicle maintenance point and maneuver it to a supply depot. At this point, you will be able to access the Construction Interface from the rear of the vehicle and assign building materials, which can then be conveyed to another base and unloaded in the same way.

Construction Interface

A unique mechanic in Conflict is the ability to create fixed defenses and support structures to help your faction secure objectives. In addition, you will also need to carefully manage your building materials and decide which structures to raise first at your Main Operating Base. This is achieved through the construction interface utilizing the Game Master layout. Vehicle depots, ammunition supply points, bunkers, and more can be raised within the perimeter of your base or near a supply truck, using materials loaded from in-base supply depots. To open the construction interface, approach a command tent and interact with the sign inside. Alternatively, open the Game Master interface while in the vicinity of your base. Previews for all assets that can be built nearby will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click on a preview, then click anywhere within the allowed perimeter to build the structure. Grayed-out previews require more materials than your depot is currently holding. In addition, by accessing the supply interface from the back of a vehicle, assets can be placed at strategic sites beyond the perimeters of friendly bases. This is especially helpful when placing fortifications to consolidate positions.

Service depots

In the Conflict game mode, support structures can be built using supply materials. Each provides a unique advantage for your faction. They can be utilized for many purposes. Some may be available from the start of a match, while others must be built.

Vehicle Maintenance Points

Allows for various types of vehicles to be requested in exchange for local base supplies.

Fuel Depot

An area with several fuel cisterns that can be established in many base types. It is used specifically for refueling ground vehicles. Vehicles requested in a base with a fuel depot arrive with a full fuel tank.

Ammunition Supply Point

Provides a temporary storage area for ammunition, where players can rearm.

Field Hospital

A medical tent where players can replenish first aid supplies as well as fully heal others.

Radio relay station

Extends the radio signal range for the base where it is constructed.

Living Quarters

Spawns a group of soldiers that can patrol the perimeter of a base and defend against attacks. Also reduces deployment costs by 50%.

Mobile Command Unit

Command trucks can be requested from vehicle maintenance points and enable all players of a particular faction to respawn on its location. Moreover, it also extends your side's radio coverage, offering an alternative to seizing nearby bases. However, both features require the mobile command unit on the command truck to be properly deployed. This is achieved by interacting with the rear of the vehicle. Once deployed, the position of a mobile command unit is revealed to all friendly forces. Only one of these vehicle types can be active at any given time and there is a short delay before respawn options become available. If a Mobile Command Unit is prepped for relocation, on the move, or destroyed, you will lose your extended radio range and the ability to respawn nearby.


Through exemplary conduct you may receive a battlefield promotion. By successfully completing objectives, such as seizing and resupplying bases, supporting friendly units, or eliminating enemies, you are liable to rise through the ranks. As you advance in your career, better vehicles will be available from vehicle maintenance points, and other advantages will be unlocked. Progress can be expedited by supporting friendly units and accepting secondary objectives from the objectives menu. Be aware that you may also be demoted or even engaged by your own side if you are consistently responsible for friendly fire.