Resource Manager Plugin – Arma Reforger

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This tutorial teaches how to create a Resource Manager-specific plugin.

Please read Workbench Plugin before following this tutorial.


  • Open Script Editor
  • In an addon, create a new script in WorkbenchGame/ResourceManager - name it TAG_TutorialPlugin.c (must end with Plugin by convention)
  • Double-click the file to open it
  • Press Ctrl + T to use the Script Template plugin
    • In its window, select "Class Type: WorkbenchPlugin", set the parent class to ResourceManagerPlugin and leave the other fields blank/default
    • A Workbench plugin skeleton is inserted.
  • In the cRun() method, write cPrint("It works!"); and save the file
  • Reload Workbench scripts via Reload WB Scripts option located in Plugins→Settings menu (default shortcut: Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + R)
  • The TAG_TutorialPlugin plugin should appear in the Resource Manager's Plugins list, available in the top bar - click on the plugin entry
  • "It works!" gets printed in the output console.

Contextual Menu Option

The Resource Browser's Contextual Menu can provide a Plugin option allowing to run code on the selected resource(s) of the defined type(s).

The Plugin Contextual Menu is only available in Resource Manager, not any other Workbench module.

In the WorkbenchPluginAttribute, the resourceTypes parameter must be filled, e.g cresourceTypes: { "et", "c" }.

The cOnResourceContextMenu method must be overridden to work with said resources.

[WorkbenchPluginAttribute(name: "Tutorial Plugin", wbModules: { "ResourceManager" }, resourceTypes: { "et", "c" })] class TAG_TutorialPlugin : ResourceManagerPlugin { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ override void OnResourceContextMenu(notnull array<ResourceName> resources) { Print("Resource context menu action has been called! Here are the selected resources:"); foreach (ResourceName resource : resources) { if (resource.EndsWith("c")) Print("- Script File: " + resource); else Print("- Prefab File: " + resource); } } }

ResourceManager Module API

See the ResourceManager class.

The Resource Manager API allows to register resources, rebuild them, get the selected ones or get their meta file content. In the below code:

  • the cGetResourceBrowserSelection method is used to temporarily store Resource Browser-selected resources in cm_aResourceNames and their file path in cm_aFilePaths
  • the cGetMetaFile method is used to get the current resource's .meta file as a MetaFile instance.

[WorkbenchPluginAttribute(name: "Tutorial Plugin", wbModules: { "ResourceManager" }, awesomeFontCode: 0xF188)] class TAG_TutorialPlugin : ResourceManagerPlugin { protected ref array<ResourceName> m_aResourceNames; protected ref array<string> m_aFilePaths; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ override void Run() { ResourceManager resourceManager = Workbench.GetModule(ResourceManager); m_aResourceNames = {}; m_aFilePaths = {}; resourceManager.GetResourceBrowserSelection(WorkbenchSearchResourcesCallbackMethod, false); // non-recursive search if (m_aFilePaths.IsEmpty()) { Print("No Resources selected in Resource Browser"); return; } MetaFile metaFile; foreach (int i, ResourceName filePath : m_aFilePaths) { metaFile = resourceManager.GetMetaFile(filePath); if (!metaFile) // e.g directory continue; PrintFormat( "#%1: %3 (dir %2)", i, metaFile.GetSourceFilePath(), // returns the directory tree, e.g $MyMod:Path/To/ metaFile.GetResourceID()); // returns the file's ResourceName, equal to 'resName' below } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // \param[in] resName // \param[in] filePath is in format $MyMod:Path/To/File.ext protected void WorkbenchSearchResourcesCallbackMethod(ResourceName resName, string filePath = "") { m_aResourceNames.Insert(resName); m_aFilePaths.Insert(filePath); } }