Workbench Links – Arma Reforger

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A Workbench link is a protocol link that allows to share a direct point to a resource/script/game world location.

Using a Workbench link requires registering the enfusion:// protocol in Windows, clicking the Register enfusion:// protocol button button in Workbench Options > Workbench tab.


A Workbench link is composed of the enfusion:// protocol followed by the Module name to open; eventually an addon ID, the relative file path and eventual parameters separated by a semicolon:

  • enfusion://ResourceManager/~ArmaReforger:Configs/Factions/BLUFOR.conf
  • enfusion://ScriptEditor/scripts/Game/Editor/Containers/UIInfo/SCR_UIInfo.c;8
  • enfusion://WorldEditor/worlds/arland/arland.ent;3458.4,34.5587,2820.21;-15.107,297.881,0;46247

Module Module Name Base Link Parameters
Resource Manager ResourceManager enfusion://ResourceManager N/A
Script Editor ScriptEditor enfusion://ScriptEditor
  • file line number
World Editor WorldEditor enfusion://WorldEditor
  • camera's world position (x, y, z)
  • camera's angles (x, y, z) - angles in -180..+180 range, z is always 0
  • entity ID - to select a specific entity
The following modules do not support a file parameter - a link can only be used to open the associated editor.
Particle Editor ParticleEditor enfusion://ParticleEditor N/A
Animation Editor AnimEditor enfusion://AnimEditor
Audio Editor AudioEditor enfusion://AudioEditor
Behavior Editor BehaviorEditor enfusion://BehaviorEditor
String Editor LocalizationEditor enfusion://LocalizationEditor
Procedural Animation Editor ProcAnimEditor enfusion://ProcAnimEditor

A link can be found prefixed with; the Enfusion Engine website provides a redirection for platforms that do not see enfusion:// as a valid protocol (e.g Discord).

Link Creation

Resource Manager

Create a link by clicking on any resource in Resource Browser with Right Mouse Button then selecting Copy Link option from the context menu.

Creating a link in Resource Browser

Script Editor

Create a link by selecting from the top menu Edit → Copy link option or by using the Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + L shortcut (can be changed in the shortcuts options section)

Creating a link in Script Editor

World Editor

Create a link by selecting from the top menu Game → Copy view link option or by using the Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + L shortcut (can be changed in the shortcuts options section)

Creating a link in World Editor