From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- FTL (Friendly To Local) manager tracks relationship between player and civilian side.
FTL State can be one of the following: "LOW", "NEUTRAL", "HIGH". See FriendlyToLocal System. - Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Sides
- Syntax:
- [functionCalled, type] call BIS_fnc_FTLmanager
- Parameters:
- functionCalled: String - one of the following:
- "Init" - initialises the FTL manager
Return: Number - FTL State - "Destroy" - destroys the current FTL manager instance
Return: - "GetFTLState" - returns current FTL state
Return: String - FTL state: "LOW", "NEUTRAL" or "HIGH" - "SetFTLState" - computes and sets the new FTLValue and FTLState afterwards
Return: - "GetNearestTownRespect" - Returns nearest (in 500m radius) town respect for player
Return: Number - respect
- "Init" - initialises the FTL manager
- type: String - can be one of the following:
- "sysUpdate" (internal use)
- "NONE" (no change)
- "CivKilled" (-0.5)
- "VIPCivKilled" (-0.7)
- "RebelKilled" (-0.3)
- "TaskSmallRefused" (-0.05)
- "TaskSmallDone" (+0.4)
- "TaskSmallFailed" (-0.4)
- "TaskGreatRefused" (-0.1)
- "TaskGreatDone" (+0.6)
- "TaskGreatFailed" (-0.6)
- "CivHouseDestroyed" (-0.5)
- "GreatHouseDestroyed" (-0.8)
- Return Value:
- Boolean - false if the manager is not initialised yet
- Example 1:
Additional Information
- See also:
- FriendlyToLocal System
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