BTS Guidelines

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Resolving Things

  1. Change to Resolved right to Change Status To:-Button
  2. press Change Status To:
  3. Resolve page will open
  4. change Resolution to fixed/no change required
  5. change Fixed in Version (ONLY when resolution is fixed)
  6. leave a note
  7. press Resolve Issue
Normally the REPORTER should change the Status to Closed afterwards, when he tested the resolution.

Duplicate Handling

  1. Change to RESOLVED in the dropdown right to Change Status To:-Button
  2. press Change Status To:
  3. Resolve page will open
  4. change Resolution to duplicate
  5. insert the id of the duplicate entry (note: this entry will not be altered)
  6. Check Close immediately:-checkbox, when the status should be changed to CLOSED afterwards (for an alternative way, see note)
  7. leave a note, why this is a duplicate
  8. press Resolve Issue
Instead of RESOLVED it is possible to take CLOSED in the dropdown, when the bug status wasNEW.
The duplicate ID-field (5.) is not shown, if you take CLOSED (Limitation of Mantis).
Therefore you should add the relationship before closing.


mantis_var english german
duplicate_of duplicate of Duplikat von
has_duplicate has duplicate hat Duplikat
related_to related to verwandt mit
dependant_on parent of abhängig von
blocks child of blockiert