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$ergt, Airwolf, Donnerstirn, fellow, Forsaken Surge, Frikki, Havoc, Jake2kOne, Killer, Lord Alucard, mcdrake, Reini, Sir.Nick, Smoerble, snakexp, Yeti.OS
Former members
a lot in the last years
not participating in any league
1.1.2006 by Smoerble, Jake2kOne, Sir.Nick and a lot others


Bombrats is a group of german players, all 18+ years old, a lot are fathers themselfs.

Play with Bombrats

Everyone is invited to play together with any Bombrats-member any time. No recruiting process, just contact any member, join the Bombrats-Teamspeak-Server and have a nice time.


The Bombrats are always looking for new members, BUT only under strict rules:

  • Keep in mind: real-life is always more important than the Bombrats
  • Members have to be 18 years or older... the older, the better
  • Bombrats do not care about skills.
  • Bombrats care only about teamplay abillities
  • Bombrats meet only to have fun, not to have or make stress

If someone wants to become an official member, this is handled not by a process but just based on the personality of the recruiter. Because of this, players should play some times together with the Bombrats on their Teamspeak-Server and decide before joining, if they like the group or not.


The name Bombrats was chosen as all members are using the message board at link.

Bombrats do not have a good logo, which is sad but maybe one day this will change.


Some members of the Bombrats Community play games together since 1999/2000. They met each other in the modification Infiltration for the game Unreal Tournament (the first one). To organize a game-server a fun clan named 4ce was founded. This was separated into 2 different clans where the core members started a community under the tag 599th. After about 2 years the 599th's had about 30 members and decided to join all together the so called fun-clan ICCrew. About a year later again the core members of the Bombrats quit IC again as it became a real clan with strict rules and formed the Bombrats.

Partners & Friends

  • The Bombrats are looking forward to find a lot friends in the ArmA fields.
