Introduced with Arma 3 version 1.34 – Category talk
From Bohemia Interactive Community
- airDensityRTD
- allTurrets
- difficultyEnabledRTD
- enablePersonTurret
- enginesIsOnRTD
- enginesRpmRTD
- enginesTorqueRTD
- fullCrew
- isObjectRTD
- rotorsForcesRTD
- rotorsRpmRTD
- serverCommandExecutable
- setCustomWeightRTD
- weightRTD
Create and 1.34
- addForceGeneratorRTD
- airDensityCurveRTD
- clearForcesRTD
- enginesPowerRTD
- forceAtPositionRTD
- forceGeneratorRTD
- getEngineTargetRpmRTD
- getRotorBrakeRTD
- getTrimOffsetRTD
- getWingsOrientationRTD
- getWingsPositionRTD
- isAutoStartUpEnabledRTD
- isAutoTrimOnRTD
- setEngineRpmRTD
- setForceGeneratorRTD
- setWantedRpmRTD
- setWingForceScaleRTD
- stopEngineRTD
- windRTD
- wingsForcesRTD
- magazineTurretAmmo
- setMagazineTurretAmmo