Eden Editor: Custom Entity Textures

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The following list shows all entities that allow for changing their textures through the Eden Editor custom textures attribute either by providing the path to a texture or by using a Procedural Textures. Some more information can be found on Arma 3: Art of War Artwork Textures.

No. Display Name Class Name Preview Textures
1 Area Marker AreaMarker_01_F arma3-areamarker 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\confrontationarea_01_area_f_ca.paa 1024x256
2 Banner (AAF) Banner_01_AAF_F arma3-banner 01 aaf f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_aaf_CO.paa 512x256
3 Banner (CSAT) Banner_01_CSAT_F arma3-banner 01 csat f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_csat_CO.paa 512x256
4 Banner (LDF) Banner_01_EAF_F arma3-banner 01 eaf f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_F_Enoch\Flags\flag_EAF_CO.paa 512x256
5 Banner Banner_01_F arma3-banner 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\data_f\flags\flag_white_co.paa 512x256
6 Banner (FIA) Banner_01_FIA_F arma3-banner 01 fia f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_fia_CO.paa 512x256
7 Banner (IDAP) Banner_01_IDAP_F arma3-banner 01 idap f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_F_Orange\Flags\flag_IDAP_CO.paa 512x256
8 Banner (NATO) Banner_01_NATO_F arma3-banner 01 nato f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_nato_CO.paa 512x256
9 Blood Pool (Large, New) BloodPool_01_Large_New_F arma3-bloodpool 01 large new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodPool_Large_Fresh_CA.paa 1024x1024
10 Blood Pool (Large, Old) BloodPool_01_Large_Old_F arma3-bloodpool 01 large old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodPool_Large_Old_CA.paa 1024x1024
11 Blood Pool (Medium, New) BloodPool_01_Medium_New_F arma3-bloodpool 01 medium new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodPool_Medium_Fresh_CA.paa 512x512
12 Blood Pool (Medium, Old) BloodPool_01_Medium_Old_F arma3-bloodpool 01 medium old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodPool_Medium_Old_CA.paa 512x512
13 Blood Splatter (Large, New) BloodSplatter_01_Large_New_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 large new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Large_Fresh_CA.paa 1024x1024
14 Blood Splatter (Large, Old) BloodSplatter_01_Large_Old_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 large old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Large_Old_CA.paa 1024x1024
15 Blood Splatter (Medium, New) BloodSplatter_01_Medium_New_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 medium new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Medium_Fresh_CA.paa 512x512
16 Blood Splatter (Medium, Old) BloodSplatter_01_Medium_Old_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 medium old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Medium_Old_CA.paa 512x512
17 Blood Splatter (Small, New) BloodSplatter_01_Small_New_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 small new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Small_Fresh_CA.paa 256x256
18 Blood Splatter (Small, Old) BloodSplatter_01_Small_Old_F arma3-bloodsplatter 01 small old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSplatter_Small_Old_CA.paa 256x256
19 Blood Spray (New) BloodSpray_01_New_F arma3-bloodspray 01 new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSpray_Fresh_CA.paa 512x512
20 Blood Spray (Old) BloodSpray_01_Old_F arma3-bloodspray 01 old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodSpray_Old_CA.paa 512x512
21 Blood Trail (New) BloodTrail_01_New_F arma3-bloodtrail 01 new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodTrail_Fresh_CA.paa 256x1024
22 Blood Trail (Old) BloodTrail_01_Old_F arma3-bloodtrail 01 old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Humanitarian\Garbage\data\BloodTrail_Old_CA.paa 256x1024
23 Canvas (Medium) Canvas_01_F arma3-canvas 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\canvas_rectangle_large_image_f_co.paa 2048x1024
24 Canvas (Medium, Landscape) Canvas_01_Landscape_F arma3-canvas 01 landscape f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\canvas_rectangle_large_image_f_co.paa 2048x1024
25 Canvas (Large) Canvas_01_Large_F arma3-canvas 01 large f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\canvas_rectangle_large_image_f_co.paa 2048x1024
26 Canvas (Small) Canvas_01_Small_F arma3-canvas 01 small f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\canvas_rectangle_large_image_f_co.paa 2048x1024
27 Canvas (Medium, Square) Canvas_01_Square_F arma3-canvas 01 square f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\canvas_rectangle_large_image_f_co.paa 2048x1024
28 Aftershave (Boxed) EauDeCombat_01_box_F arma3-eaudecombat 01 box f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Vessels\data\eaudecombat_01_box_co.paa 1024x1024
29 Flag (Marker) FlagMarker_01_F arma3-flagmarker 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.93,0.43,0.22,1.0,CO) N/A
30 Folded Flag (Altis) FoldedFlag_01_Altis_F arma3-foldedflag 01 altis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Items\Decorative\Data\FoldedFlag_01_Altis_CO.paa 1024x1024
31 Folded Flag (Livonia) FoldedFlag_01_Livonia_F arma3-foldedflag 01 livonia f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Items\Decorative\Data\FoldedFlag_01_Livonia_CO.paa 1024x1024
32 Folded Flag (Horizon Islands) FoldedFlag_01_Tanoa_F arma3-foldedflag 01 tanoa f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Items\Decorative\Data\FoldedFlag_01_Tanoa_CO.paa 1024x1024
33 Folded Flag (UK) FoldedFlag_01_UK_F arma3-foldedflag 01 uk f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Items\Decorative\Data\FoldedFlag_01_UK_CO.paa 1024x1024
34 Folded Flag (US) FoldedFlag_01_US_F arma3-foldedflag 01 us f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Items\Decorative\Data\FoldedFlag_01_US_CO.paa 1024x1024
35 Diorama Base (Dirt) GalleryDioramaBase_01_Dirt_F arma3-gallerydioramabase 01 dirt f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Base_Dirt_co.paa 2048x2048
36 Diorama Base (Grass) GalleryDioramaBase_01_Grass_F arma3-gallerydioramabase 01 grass f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\base_grass_co.paa 2048x2048
37 Diorama Base (Sand) GalleryDioramaBase_01_Sand_F arma3-gallerydioramabase 01 sand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\base_Sand_co.paa 2048x2048
38 Diorama Unit (Astra) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_Astra_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 astra f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_Astra_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
39 Diorama Unit (Blank) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_02_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
40 Diorama Unit (IDAP) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_IDAP_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 idap f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_IDAP_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
41 Diorama Unit (Macrotech) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_Macrotech_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 macrotech f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_Macrotech_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
42 Diorama Unit (Opsis) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_opsis_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 opsis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_Opsis_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
43 Diorama Unit (Redstone) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_Redstone_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 redstone f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_Redstone_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
44 Diorama Unit (Vrana) GalleryDioramaUnit_01_Vrana_F arma3-gallerydioramaunit 01 vrana f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\screen_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.4665,0.5215,0.8905,1.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\Diorama_Base_Unit_02_Vrana_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\Props_F_AoW\Civilian\Gallery\data\diorama_base_unit_03_co.paa 2048x2048
45 Gallery Frame (Large, Portrait) GalleryFrame_01_large_portrait_F arma3-galleryframe 01 large portrait f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_large_portrait_picture_f_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_large_portrait_f_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_large_portrait_f_co.paa 2048x1024
46 Gallery Frame (Large, v1) GalleryFrame_01_large_v1_F arma3-galleryframe 01 large v1 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_picture_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_01_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
47 Gallery Frame (Large, v2) GalleryFrame_01_large_v2_F arma3-galleryframe 01 large v2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_picture_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
48 Gallery Frame (Large, v3) GalleryFrame_01_large_v3_F arma3-galleryframe 01 large v3 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_03_picture_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_03_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_03_large_f_co.paa 2048x1024
49 Gallery Frame (Medium) GalleryFrame_02_F arma3-galleryframe 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryFrame_02_rectangle_picture_alt_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_rectangle_f_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_rectangle_f_co.paa 2048x2048
50 Gallery Frame (Large, Rectangle) GalleryFrame_02_large_rectangle_F arma3-galleryframe 02 large rectangle f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_rectangle_picture_co.paa 2048x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_rectangle_f_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_large_rectangle_f_co.paa 2048x2048
51 Gallery Frame (Medium, Square) GalleryFrame_02_square_F arma3-galleryframe 02 square f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_square_picture_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_square_f_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #2 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\galleryframe_02_square_f_co.paa 2048x2048
52 Gallery Label GalleryLabel_01_F arma3-gallerylabel 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\civilian\gallery\data\gallery_label_01_f_co.paa 1024x1024
53 Photo Intel_Photos_F arma3-intel photos f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
54 Balloon (Air) Land_Balloon_01_air_F arma3-land balloon 01 air f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.941,0.510,0.192,1,co) N/A
55 Balloon (Water) Land_Balloon_01_water_F arma3-land balloon 01 water f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.941,0.510,0.192,1,co) N/A
56 Billboard 1 (Blank) Land_Billboard_F arma3-land billboard f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\Billboard_metal_CO.paa 256x256
57 Briefing Room Desk Land_BriefingRoomDesk_01_F arma3-land briefingroomdesk 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Boat_F_Destroyer\Destroyer_01\Data\Destroyer_01_Screen_01_co.paa 2048x2048
58 Briefing Room Screen Land_BriefingRoomScreen_01_F arma3-land briefingroomscreen 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Boat_F_Destroyer\Destroyer_01\Data\Destroyer_01_Screen_01_co.paa 2048x2048
59 File (Documents) Land_File1_F arma3-land file1 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.835294,0,0,0.0,ca) N/A
60 File (Research) Land_File2_F arma3-land file2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.835294,0,0,0.0,ca) N/A
61 File (Top Secret) Land_File_research_F arma3-land file research f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_EPC\Items\Documents\Data\Files_secret_CA.paa 512x256
62 Flat TV Land_FlatTV_01_F arma3-land flattv 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,co) N/A
63 Infostand (1 leg) Land_InfoStand_V1_F arma3-land infostand v1 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\InfoStands_CA.paa 256x256
64 Infostand (2 legs) Land_InfoStand_V2_F arma3-land infostand v2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\InfoStands_CA.paa 256x256
65 Old Laptop (Closed) Land_Laptop_02_F arma3-land laptop 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Props_F_Argo\Items\Electronics\data\laptop_02_screen_co.paa 1024x512
66 Old Laptop (Open) Land_Laptop_02_unfolded_F arma3-land laptop 02 unfolded f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Props_F_Argo\Items\Electronics\data\laptop_02_screen_co.paa 1024x512
67 Laptop (Device readings) Land_Laptop_device_F arma3-land laptop device f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_EPC\Items\Electronics\Data\Electronics_screens_laptop_device_CO.paa 1024x512
68 Laptop (Open, Intel v1) Land_Laptop_Intel_01_F arma3-land laptop intel 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Data\img\Screens\CSATNtb_co.paa 1024x512
69 Laptop (Open, Intel v2) Land_Laptop_Intel_02_F arma3-land laptop intel 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Data\img\Screens\CSATNtb_co.paa 1024x512
70 Laptop (Open, Intel v3) Land_Laptop_Intel_Oldman_F arma3-land laptop intel oldman f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Data\img\Screens\CSATNtb_co.paa 1024x512
71 Laptop (Open) Land_Laptop_unfolded_F arma3-land laptop unfolded f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Items\Electronics\Data\Electronics_screens_laptop_CO.paa 1024x512
72 Sleeved Map (Altis) Land_Map_unfolded_Altis_F arma3-land map unfolded altis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Items\Documents\Data\Map_unfolded_altis_CO.paa 512x512
73 Sleeved Map (Livonia) Land_Map_unfolded_Enoch_F arma3-land map unfolded enoch f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Enoch\Items\Documents\Data\Map_unfolded_Enoch_CO.paa 512x512
74 Sleeved map (Stratis) Land_Map_unfolded_F arma3-land map unfolded f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Items\Documents\Data\map_stratis_CO.paa 512x512
75 Sleeved Map (Malden) Land_Map_unfolded_Malden_F arma3-land map unfolded malden f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Items\Documents\Data\Map_unfolded_malden_CO.paa 512x512
76 Sleeved Map (Tanoa) Land_Map_unfolded_Tanoa_F arma3-land map unfolded tanoa f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Items\Documents\Data\Map_unfolded_tanoa_CO.paa 512x512
77 Whiteboard (Map of Altis, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Altis_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall altis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Altis_CO.paa 2048x2048
78 Whiteboard (Map of Livonia, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Enoch_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall enoch f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\Props_F_Enoch\Civilian\InfoBoards\data\MapBoard_Enoch_CO.paa 2048x2048
79 Whiteboard (Empty, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\data\mapboard_default_co.paa 2048x2048
80 Whiteboard (Map of Malden, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Malden_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall malden f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Civilian\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Malden_CO.paa 2048x2048
81 Whiteboard (Map of Stratis, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Stratis_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall stratis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Stratis_CO.paa 2048x2048
82 Whiteboard (Map of Tanoa, Wall) Land_MapBoard_01_Wall_Tanoa_F arma3-land mapboard 01 wall tanoa f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Civilian\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Tanoa_CO.paa 2048x2048
83 Whiteboard (Map of Livonia) Land_MapBoard_Enoch_F arma3-land mapboard enoch f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\Props_F_Enoch\Civilian\InfoBoards\data\MapBoard_Enoch_CO.paa 2048x2048
84 Whiteboard (Empty) Land_MapBoard_F arma3-land mapboard f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Default_CO.paa 2048x2048
85 Mobile Phone (Old) Land_MobilePhone_old_F arma3-land mobilephone old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Items\Electronics\Data\Electronics_screens_mobilePhone_old_CO.paa 256x256
86 Mobile Phone (New) Land_MobilePhone_smart_F arma3-land mobilephone smart f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Items\Electronics\Data\Electronics_screens_mobilePhone_smart_CO.paa 256x512
87 Notepad Land_Notepad_F arma3-land notepad f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.835294,0,0,0.0,ca) N/A
88 Noticeboard Land_Noticeboard_F arma3-land noticeboard f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\Noticeboard_CA.paa 256x256
89 PC Set (Screen) Land_PCSet_01_screen_F arma3-land pcset 01 screen f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,co) N/A
90 PC Set (Screen, Intel v1) Land_PCSet_Intel_01_F arma3-land pcset intel 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Data\img\Screens\CSATNtbDesktop_co.paa 1024x1024
91 PC Set (Screen, Intel v2) Land_PCSet_Intel_02_F arma3-land pcset intel 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Missions_F_Oldman\Data\img\Screens\CSATNtbDesktop_co.paa 1024x1024
92 Photoframe (broken) Land_Photoframe_01_broken_F arma3-land photoframe 01 broken f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Items\Decorative\Data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x512
Texture #1 a3\props_f_orange\items\decorative\data\photoframe_01_f_co.paa 1024x1024
93 Photoframe Land_Photoframe_01_F arma3-land photoframe 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Items\Decorative\Data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x512
Texture #1 a3\props_f_orange\items\decorative\data\photoframe_01_f_co.paa 1024x1024
94 Photo Frame (Portrait) Land_Photoframe_02_F arma3-land photoframe 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\items\decorative\data\photoframe_02_us_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\items\decorative\data\photoframe_02_f_co.paa 1024x1024
95 Photo Frame (Portrait, Standing) Land_Photoframe_02_standing_F arma3-land photoframe 02 standing f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_aow\items\decorative\data\photoframe_02_aaf_co.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\props_f_aow\items\decorative\data\photoframe_02_f_co.paa 1024x1024
96 Photos 1 Land_Photos_V1_F arma3-land photos v1 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
97 Photos 2 Land_Photos_V2_F arma3-land photos v2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
98 Photos 3 Land_Photos_V3_F arma3-land photos v3 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
99 Photos 4 Land_Photos_V4_F arma3-land photos v4 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
100 Photos 5 Land_Photos_V5_F arma3-land photos v5 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
101 Photos 6 Land_Photos_V6_F arma3-land photos v6 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \a3\structures_f\items\documents\data\photos_camo_co.paa 512x256
102 Sign (Mines) Land_Sign_Mines_F arma3-land sign mines f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\signm_mines_co.paa 256x256
103 Sign (Mines Danger, International) Land_Sign_MinesDanger_English_F arma3-land sign minesdanger english f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignMinesDanger_English_CO.paa 1024x512
104 Sign (Mines Danger, Altis) Land_Sign_MinesDanger_Greek_F arma3-land sign minesdanger greek f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignMinesDanger_Greek_CO.paa 1024x512
105 Sign (Mines, Tall, International) Land_Sign_MinesTall_English_F arma3-land sign minestall english f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignMines_English_CO.paa 256x256
106 Sign (Mines, Tall) Land_Sign_MinesTall_F arma3-land sign minestall f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\signm_mines_co.paa 256x256
107 Sign (Mines, Tall, Altis) Land_Sign_MinesTall_Greek_F arma3-land sign minestall greek f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignMines_Greek_CO.paa 256x256
108 Sign (Military Area, Small, Greek & English) Land_Sign_WarningMilAreaSmall_F arma3-land sign warningmilareasmall f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\SignM_NoEntry_CO.paa 512x256
109 Sign (Military Area, Greek & English) Land_Sign_WarningMilitaryArea_F arma3-land sign warningmilitaryarea f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\signm_warningmilitaryarea_co.paa 1024x512
110 Sign (Military Vehicles, Greek & English) Land_Sign_WarningMilitaryVehicles_F arma3-land sign warningmilitaryvehicles f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\SignM_WarningMilitaryVehicles_CO.paa 512x256
111 Sign (No Weapons, International) Land_Sign_WarningNoWeapon_F arma3-land sign warningnoweapon f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignM_WarningNoWeapon_CO.paa 1024x512
112 Sign (No Weapons, Altis) Land_Sign_WarningNoWeaponAltis_F arma3-land sign warningnoweaponaltis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignM_WarningNoWeaponAltis_CO.paa 1024x512
113 Sign (No Weapons, Tanoa) Land_Sign_WarningNoWeaponTanoa_F arma3-land sign warningnoweapontanoa f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Mines\Data\SignM_WarningNoWeaponTanoa_CO.paa 1024x512
114 Sign (Risk Area) Land_Sign_WarningUnexplodedAmmo_F arma3-land sign warningunexplodedammo f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\signs_f\signm\data\SignM_WarningUnexplodedAmmo_CO.paa 512x1024
115 Tablet Land_Tablet_01_F arma3-land tablet 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_Heli\Items\Electronics\Data\Tablet_Screen_CO.paa 2048x2048
116 Rugged Tablet (Black) Land_Tablet_02_black_F arma3-land tablet 02 black f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_Heli\Items\Electronics\Data\Tablet_Screen_CO.paa 2048x2048
Texture #1 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\RuggedTablet_black_CO.paa 1024x1024
117 Rugged Tablet Land_Tablet_02_F arma3-land tablet 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_Heli\Items\Electronics\Data\Tablet_Screen_CO.paa 2048x2048
Texture #1 a3\props_f_exp_a\military\equipment\data\ruggedtablet_co.paa 1024x1024
118 Rugged Tablet (Sand) Land_Tablet_02_sand_F arma3-land tablet 02 sand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_Heli\Items\Electronics\Data\Tablet_Screen_CO.paa 2048x2048
Texture #1 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\RuggedTablet_Sand_CO.paa 1024x1024
119 Target - Oval (Ground) Land_Target_Oval_F arma3-land target oval f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) N/A
120 Target - Oval (Wall, Bottom) Land_Target_Oval_Wall_Bottom_F arma3-land target oval wall bottom f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) N/A
121 Target - Oval (Wall, Left) Land_Target_Oval_Wall_Left_F arma3-land target oval wall left f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) N/A
122 Target - Oval (Wall, Right) Land_Target_Oval_Wall_Right_F arma3-land target oval wall right f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) N/A
123 Target - Oval (Wall, Top) Land_Target_Oval_Wall_Top_F arma3-land target oval wall top f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,CA) N/A
124 Rugged Dual Screen (Black, Horizontal) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v1_black_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v1 black f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_black_CO.paa 2048x2048
125 Rugged Dual Screen (Horizontal) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v1_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v1 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\props_f_exp\military\camps\data\tripodscreen_01_co.paa 2048x2048
126 Rugged Dual Screen (Sand, Horizontal) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v1_sand_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v1 sand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_sand_CO.paa 2048x2048
127 Rugged Dual Screen (Black, Vertical) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v2_black_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v2 black f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_black_CO.paa 2048x2048
128 Rugged Dual Screen (Vertical) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v2_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 a3\props_f_exp\military\camps\data\tripodscreen_01_co.paa 2048x2048
129 Rugged Dual Screen (Sand, Vertical) Land_TripodScreen_01_dual_v2_sand_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 dual v2 sand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_sand_CO.paa 2048x2048
130 Rugged Large Screen (Black) Land_TripodScreen_01_large_black_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 large black f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 N/A
Texture #3 N/A
Texture #4 N/A
Texture #5 N/A
Texture #6 N/A
Texture #7 N/A
Texture #8 N/A
Texture #9 N/A
Texture #10 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_black_CO.paa 2048x2048
131 Rugged Large Screen Land_TripodScreen_01_large_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 large f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #2 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #3 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #4 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #5 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #6 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #7 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #8 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #9 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0.0,co) N/A
Texture #10 a3\props_f_exp\military\camps\data\tripodscreen_01_co.paa 2048x2048
132 Rugged Large Screen (Sand) Land_TripodScreen_01_large_sand_F arma3-land tripodscreen 01 large sand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 N/A
Texture #1 N/A
Texture #2 N/A
Texture #3 N/A
Texture #4 N/A
Texture #5 N/A
Texture #6 N/A
Texture #7 N/A
Texture #8 N/A
Texture #9 N/A
Texture #10 a3\Props_F_Enoch\Military\Camps\data\TripodScreen_01_sand_CO.paa 2048x2048
133 VR Obstacle (20x10x8) Land_VR_Block_01_F arma3-land vr block 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
134 VR Obstacle (12x12x4) Land_VR_Block_02_F arma3-land vr block 02 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
135 VR Obstacle (12x7.5x6) Land_VR_Block_03_F arma3-land vr block 03 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
136 VR Obstacle (10.5x10.5x9) Land_VR_Block_04_F arma3-land vr block 04 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
137 VR Obstacle (10x5x4) Land_VR_Block_05_F arma3-land vr block 05 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
138 VR Cover Object (Kneel) Land_VR_CoverObject_01_kneel_F arma3-land vr coverobject 01 kneel f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
139 VR Cover Object (High kneel) Land_VR_CoverObject_01_kneelHigh_F arma3-land vr coverobject 01 kneelhigh f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
140 VR Cover Object (Low kneel) Land_VR_CoverObject_01_kneelLow_F arma3-land vr coverobject 01 kneellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
141 VR Cover Object (Stand) Land_VR_CoverObject_01_stand_F arma3-land vr coverobject 01 stand f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
142 VR Cover Object (High stand) Land_VR_CoverObject_01_standHigh_F arma3-land vr coverobject 01 standhigh f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
143 VR Slope (10x5x4) Land_VR_Slope_01_F arma3-land vr slope 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.75,0.75,0.75,1.0,CO) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,CO) N/A
144 Wallet Land_Wallet_01_F arma3-land wallet 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Props_F_Orange\Items\Documents\Data\Wallet_picture_CO.paa 1024x1024
145 Wall Sign (Chalkboard) Land_WallSign_01_chalkboard_F arma3-land wallsign 01 chalkboard f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\WallSign_01_F_chalkboard_CO.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\WallSign_01_F_chalkboard_CO.paa 1024x1024
146 Wall Sign Land_WallSign_01_F arma3-land wallsign 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\WallSign_01_F_wood_CO.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\WallSign_01_F_wood_CO.paa 1024x1024
147 Leaflet Leaflet_05_F arma3-leaflet 05 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\weapons_f_orange\ammo\data\leaflet_default_co.paa 32x32
148 Leaflet (New) Leaflet_05_New_F arma3-leaflet 05 new f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\weapons_f_orange\ammo\data\leaflet_default_co.paa 32x32
149 Leaflet (Old) Leaflet_05_Old_F arma3-leaflet 05 old f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\weapons_f_orange\ammo\data\leaflet_default_co.paa 32x32
150 Leaflet (Stack) Leaflet_05_Stack_F arma3-leaflet 05 stack f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\weapons_f_orange\ammo\data\leaflet_default_co.paa 32x32
151 Whiteboard (Map of Altis) MapBoard_altis_F arma3-mapboard altis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Altis_CO.paa 2048x2048
152 Whiteboard (Map of Malden) MapBoard_Malden_F arma3-mapboard malden f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Civilian\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Malden_CO.paa 2048x2048
153 Whiteboard (Seismic map) MapBoard_seismic_F arma3-mapboard seismic f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_EPC\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Seismic_CO.paa 2048x2048
154 Whiteboard (Map of Stratis) MapBoard_stratis_F arma3-mapboard stratis f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F\Civ\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Stratis_CO.paa 2048x2048
155 Whiteboard (Map of Tanoa) MapBoard_Tanoa_F arma3-mapboard tanoa f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Props_F_Argo\Civilian\InfoBoards\Data\MapBoard_Tanoa_CO.paa 2048x2048
156 Rugged Communications Terminal RuggedTerminal_01_communications_F arma3-ruggedterminal 01 communications f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\computerscreen_flame_ca.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.5,0.25,0.99,CA) N/A
Texture #2 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_02_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_01_ntb_ant_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #5 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linknode_01_main_f_acessories_co.paa 2048x2048
157 Rugged Communications Hub RuggedTerminal_01_communications_hub_F arma3-ruggedterminal 01 communications hub f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\computerscreen_flame_ca.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.5,0.25,0.99,CA) N/A
Texture #2 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_02_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_01_ntb_ant_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #5 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linknode_01_main_f_acessories_co.paa 2048x2048
158 Rugged Terminal RuggedTerminal_01_F arma3-ruggedterminal 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\computerscreen_flame_ca.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.5,0.25,0.99,CA) N/A
Texture #2 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.99,CA) N/A
Texture #3 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #4 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_03_co.paa 2048x2048
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Texture #6 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linknode_01_main_f_acessories_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #7 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\raidterminal_generator_co.paa 2048x2048
159 Rugged Communications Terminal (Large) RuggedTerminal_02_communications_F arma3-ruggedterminal 02 communications f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\computerscreen_flame_ca.paa 1024x1024
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.5,0.25,0.99,CA) N/A
Texture #2 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_01_co.paa 2048x2048
Texture #3 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linkterminal_box_02_co.paa 2048x2048
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Texture #5 a3\props_f_decade\objectives\data\linknode_01_main_f_acessories_co.paa 2048x2048
160 Arrow (Blue) Sign_Arrow_Blue_F arma3-sign arrow blue f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
161 Arrow (Cyan) Sign_Arrow_Cyan_F arma3-sign arrow cyan f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,0.75,ca) N/A
162 Arrow (Direction, Blue) Sign_Arrow_Direction_Blue_F arma3-sign arrow direction blue f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
163 Arrow (Direction, Cyan) Sign_Arrow_Direction_Cyan_F arma3-sign arrow direction cyan f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,0.75,ca) N/A
164 Arrow (Direction, Red) Sign_Arrow_Direction_F arma3-sign arrow direction f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.75,ca) N/A
165 Arrow (Direction, Green) Sign_Arrow_Direction_Green_F arma3-sign arrow direction green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
166 Arrow (Direction, Pink) Sign_Arrow_Direction_Pink_F arma3-sign arrow direction pink f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
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167 Arrow (Direction, Yellow) Sign_Arrow_Direction_Yellow_F arma3-sign arrow direction yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
168 Arrow (Red) Sign_Arrow_F arma3-sign arrow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.75,ca) N/A
169 Arrow (Green) Sign_Arrow_Green_F arma3-sign arrow green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
170 Arrow (Large, Blue) Sign_Arrow_Large_Blue_F arma3-sign arrow large blue f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
171 Arrow (Large, Cyan) Sign_Arrow_Large_Cyan_F arma3-sign arrow large cyan f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,0.75,ca) N/A
172 Arrow (Large, Red) Sign_Arrow_Large_F arma3-sign arrow large f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.75,ca) N/A
173 Arrow (Large, Green) Sign_Arrow_Large_Green_F arma3-sign arrow large green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
174 Arrow (Large, Pink) Sign_Arrow_Large_Pink_F arma3-sign arrow large pink f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
175 Arrow (Large, Yellow) Sign_Arrow_Large_Yellow_F arma3-sign arrow large yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
176 Arrow (Pink) Sign_Arrow_Pink_F arma3-sign arrow pink f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
177 Arrow (Yellow) Sign_Arrow_Yellow_F arma3-sign arrow yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
178 Circle Sign_Circle_F arma3-sign circle f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.6,0.1,0.1,ca) N/A
179 Pointer (Blue) Sign_Pointer_Blue_F arma3-sign pointer blue f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
180 Pointer (Cyan) Sign_Pointer_Cyan_F arma3-sign pointer cyan f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,1,0.75,ca) N/A
181 Pointer (Red) Sign_Pointer_F arma3-sign pointer f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,0.75,ca) N/A
182 Pointer (Green) Sign_Pointer_Green_F arma3-sign pointer green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
183 Pointer (Pink) Sign_Pointer_Pink_F arma3-sign pointer pink f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0,1,0.75,ca) N/A
184 Pointer (Yellow) Sign_Pointer_Yellow_F arma3-sign pointer yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,0,0.75,ca) N/A
185 Sphere (100cm) Sign_Sphere100cm_F arma3-sign sphere100cm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.6,0.1,1.0,ca) N/A
186 Sphere (Geometry, 100cm) Sign_Sphere100cm_Geometry_F arma3-sign sphere100cm geometry f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.898039,0.403922,0.133333,1.000000,ca) N/A
187 Sphere (10cm) Sign_Sphere10cm_F arma3-sign sphere10cm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.6,0.1,1.0,ca) N/A
188 Sphere (Geometry, 10cm) Sign_Sphere10cm_Geometry_F arma3-sign sphere10cm geometry f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.898039,0.403922,0.133333,1.000000,ca) N/A
189 Sphere (200cm) Sign_Sphere200cm_F arma3-sign sphere200cm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.6,0.1,1.0,ca) N/A
190 Sphere (Geometry, 200cm) Sign_Sphere200cm_Geometry_F arma3-sign sphere200cm geometry f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.898039,0.403922,0.133333,1.000000,ca) N/A
191 Sphere (25cm) Sign_Sphere25cm_F arma3-sign sphere25cm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,0.6,0.1,1.0,ca) N/A
192 Sphere (Geometry, 25cm) Sign_Sphere25cm_Geometry_F arma3-sign sphere25cm geometry f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.898039,0.403922,0.133333,1.000000,ca) N/A
193 Sign (IDAP) SignAd_Sponsor_01_IDAP_F arma3-signad sponsor 01 idap f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
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194 Sign (ARMEX) SignAd_Sponsor_ARMEX_F arma3-signad sponsor armex f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
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195 Sign (Blueking) SignAd_Sponsor_Blueking_F arma3-signad sponsor blueking f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
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196 Sign (Burstkoke) SignAd_Sponsor_Burstkoke_F arma3-signad sponsor burstkoke f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
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197 Sign (Sponsor) SignAd_Sponsor_F arma3-signad sponsor f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
198 Sign (Fuel, green) SignAd_Sponsor_Fuel_green_F arma3-signad sponsor fuel green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_fuel2_CA.paa 1024x512
199 Sign (Fuel, white) SignAd_Sponsor_Fuel_white_F arma3-signad sponsor fuel white f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_fuel1_CA.paa 1024x512
200 Sign (IDAP) SignAd_Sponsor_IDAP_F arma3-signad sponsor idap f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\ad_IDAP_ca.paa 1024x512
201 Sign (ION) SignAd_Sponsor_ION_F arma3-signad sponsor ion f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_ion_ca.paa 1024x512
202 Sign (Larkin) SignAd_Sponsor_Larkin_F arma3-signad sponsor larkin f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_larkin_ca.paa 1024x512
203 Sign (Quontrol) SignAd_Sponsor_Quontrol_F arma3-signad sponsor quontrol f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_quontrol_ca.paa 1024x512
204 Sign (Redburger) SignAd_Sponsor_Redburger_F arma3-signad sponsor redburger f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_redburger_CA.paa 1024x512
205 Sign (Redstone) SignAd_Sponsor_Redstone_F arma3-signad sponsor redstone f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_redstone_CA.paa 1024x512
206 Sign (Suatmm) SignAd_Sponsor_Suatmm_F arma3-signad sponsor suatmm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_suatmm_CA.paa 1024x512
207 Sign (Vrana) SignAd_Sponsor_Vrana_F arma3-signad sponsor vrana f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_vrana_ca.paa 1024x512
208 Sign (IDAP - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_01_IDAP_F arma3-signad sponsors 01 idap f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 a3\Structures_F_Orange\Signs\Special\Data\ad_IDAP_sponsor_ca.paa 1024x512
209 Sign (ARMEX - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_ARMEX_F arma3-signad sponsors armex f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_armex_ca.paa 1024x512
210 Sign (Blueking - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Blueking_F arma3-signad sponsors blueking f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_bluking_CA.paa 1024x512
211 Sign (Burstkoke - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Burstkoke_F arma3-signad sponsors burstkoke f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_koke_CA.paa 1024x512
212 Sign (Sponsor - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_F arma3-signad sponsors f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
213 Sign (Fuel, green - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Fuel_green_F arma3-signad sponsors fuel green f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_fuel2_CA.paa 1024x512
214 Sign (Fuel, white - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Fuel_white_F arma3-signad sponsors fuel white f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_fuel1_CA.paa 1024x512
215 Sign (ION - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_ION_F arma3-signad sponsors ion f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_ion_ca.paa 1024x512
216 Sign (Larkin - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Larkin_F arma3-signad sponsors larkin f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_larkin_ca.paa 1024x512
217 Sign (Quontrol - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Quontrol_F arma3-signad sponsors quontrol f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_quontrol_ca.paa 1024x512
218 Sign (Redburger - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Redburger_F arma3-signad sponsors redburger f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_redburger_CA.paa 1024x512
219 Sign (Redstone - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Redstone_F arma3-signad sponsors redstone f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_redstone_CA.paa 1024x512
220 Sign (Suatmm - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Suatmm_F arma3-signad sponsors suatmm f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Structures_F_Kart\Signs\Companies\Data\Ad_suatmm_CA.paa 1024x512
221 Sign (Vrana - Small) SignAd_SponsorS_Vrana_F arma3-signad sponsors vrana f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 A3\Signs_F\Signs_Ad\Data\ad_vrana_ca.paa 1024x512
222 User Texture (10m) UserTexture10m_F arma3-usertexture10m f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
223 User Texture (1m) UserTexture1m_F arma3-usertexture1m f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
224 User Texture (1x2m) UserTexture_1x2_F arma3-usertexture 1x2 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca) N/A
225 VR Area (Circle, 4m, Grey) VR_Area_01_circle_4_grey_F arma3-vr area 01 circle 4 grey f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.45,0.45,0.45,1,co) N/A
226 VR Area (Circle, 4m, Yellow) VR_Area_01_circle_4_yellow_F arma3-vr area 01 circle 4 yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co) N/A
227 VR Area (Square, 1x1, Grey) VR_Area_01_square_1x1_grey_F arma3-vr area 01 square 1x1 grey f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.45,0.45,0.45,1,co) N/A
228 VR Area (Square, 1x1, Yellow) VR_Area_01_square_1x1_yellow_F arma3-vr area 01 square 1x1 yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co) N/A
229 VR Area (Square, 2x2, Grey) VR_Area_01_square_2x2_grey_F arma3-vr area 01 square 2x2 grey f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.45,0.45,0.45,1,co) N/A
230 VR Area (Square, 2x2, Yellow) VR_Area_01_square_2x2_yellow_F arma3-vr area 01 square 2x2 yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co) N/A
231 VR Area (Square, 4x4, Grey) VR_Area_01_square_4x4_grey_F arma3-vr area 01 square 4x4 grey f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.45,0.45,0.45,1,co) N/A
232 VR Area (Square, 4x4, Yellow) VR_Area_01_square_4x4_yellow_F arma3-vr area 01 square 4x4 yellow f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.581,0.441,0.293,1,co) N/A
233 VR Wall VR_Billboard_01_F arma3-vr billboard 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.2,ca) N/A
234 VR Ground Icon VR_GroundIcon_01_F arma3-vr groundicon 01 f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 \A3\Structures_F_Bootcamp\VR\Helpers\Data\VR_GroundIcon_01_default_CA.paa 1024x1024
235 VR Sector (60deg, 50m, Grey) VR_Sector_01_60deg_50_grey_F arma3-vr sector 01 60deg 50 grey f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.01,ca) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,0.1,ca) N/A
236 VR Sector (60deg, 50m, Red) VR_Sector_01_60deg_50_red_F arma3-vr sector 01 60deg 50 red f.jpg
Attribute Default Texture Default Texture Size
Texture #0 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.433,0.107,0.088,0.1,ca) N/A
Texture #1 #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.433,0.107,0.088,0.7,ca) N/A