Example Code: Remove NVGs From Enemies
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Arma 3
Arma 3
Arma 2
private "_enemySide"; // private definition of the _enemySide variable
_enemySide = east; // value attribution to _enemySide
if (side _x == _enemySide) then // if the unit is on the _enemySide, process the next step
_x removeWeapon "NVGoggles"; // removal of the enemy unit's NVG
} forEach allUnits; // going through -all- units
private "_enemySide"; // private definition of the _enemySide variable
_enemySide = east; // value attribution to _enemySide
if (side _x == _enemySide) then // if the unit is on the _enemySide, process the next step
_x removeWeapon "NVGoggles"; // removal of the enemy unit's NVG
} forEach _unitsArray; // going through provided units - allUnits has been introduced in Arma 2