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Freaky Community of Online Playerz
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See our Memberpage

26. November 2002

The FCOPZ (Freaky Community of Online Playerz) is a multigaming clan with focus on Armed Assault and Joint Operations.


The FCOPZ developed from the Operation Flashpoint squad "RedFreaks", which was born on 26th November 2002 within a few hours. A small part of that members, which are still with FCOPZ had met in an old OFP squad at the end of 2001/beginning 2002 (illuminator, schlappi, Hunchback, LostSoul, Skysurfer and Wolfskin). The squad we are talking about was the "OldFreaks". After some curious decisions of the former leader, the RedFreaks splitted from the rest.

In the same evening the domain "RedFreaks.org" got registered and an improvised portal site was up. The name of our new squad was inspired by the preceding episode and lasted till 23th November 2003.

At this time the OFP scene started to shrink, a lot of members left us, some got inactive. We were in danger to dissolve, which happened to many squads in these times. Something had to be happen...

After some participations in leagues and the understanding that the Flashpoint community won't establish new records in memberships (after all Flashpoint had more than 5 years under its belt) we hit the decision to transform into a Multi-Egoshooter clan. From the beginning it was clear the our focus would be on tactics at first.

Unfortunately we got dissapointed more than once and had to remove games like "Söldner" and "Battlefield 2" from our shelves again, because there were not meeting our requirements to try different tactics while granting us full freedom of action, as shown in "Operation Flashpoint" and "Joint Operations" before.

Since November 2006 ArmA is out and we are sitting in on from the beginning. Beside we are still waiting for games like "Game2" and "Enemy in Sight" and remain true to tactics and simulation close to reality.

Don't ask us for ranks and medails. But there's also no anarchy. Each squad has its leader, which keep the democratic reins in their hands. See our rules for more...


This article is work in progress at the moment...--TomNedry 16:06, 5 March 2007 (CET)