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The idea: 2D elements animated by bones, used for displays inside vehicles.

Main Structure

Add class MFD to class CfgVehicles/YourVehicle.

Subclasses of MFD you can name as you want.

class MFD
	class MFD1 { /* ... */ }; // optional subclasses
	class MFD2 { /* ... */ };
	// ...

with class MFD1 of the following structure:

class MFD1
	topLeft = "HUD LH";		// Those 3 points define the displayarea and need to be present in model of vehicle.
	topRight = "HUD PH";
	bottomLeft = "HUD LD";

	borderLeft = 0.05;		// Offsets used to finetune the actual displayarea.
	borderRight = 0.05;		// The values can be in range from 0 - 1.
	borderTop = 0.02;
	borderBottom = 0.1;

	enableParallax = 1;		// Parallax simulation. Enables holographic projection effect,
	// but only takes eye position from freelook/G-forces into effect (not XYZ offsets (ex. Ctrl + NUM4)).

	color[] = { 0, 1, 0, 0.1 };	// Obsolete, done over color values in class Draw, but at the moment still required.

	class Bones					// List of all bones
		// ...

	class Draw					// List of all drawingmethods
		// ...

Class Bones

All bones that are used for positioning and animating of drawings.

Defined positions are relative to position the bone is binded to (by default {0,0} of display area).

Codesamples for each possible bone, with all needed values:

class Bones
	class Fixed
		type = fixed;
		pos[] = { 0.05, 0.9 };

	class Linear
		type = linear;
		source = fuel;
		min = 0;	// Min value this bone can display
		max = 1;	// Max value this bone can display
		minPos[] = { 0.5, 0.2 };
		maxPos[] = { 0.5, 0.5 };

	class Rotational
		type = rotational;
		source = targetDist;
		center[] = { 0, 0 };
		min = 100;
		max = 3000;
		minAngle = -120;
		maxAngle = +120;

	class Vector
		type = vector;
		source = velocity;
		pos0[] = { 0.5, Pos0Center };				// Position of 0-degree dive line
		pos10[] = { 0.5 + 0.9, Pos0Center + 0.7 };	// Position of 10-degree bank and 10-degree dive (to adjust scale)

	class ILS
		type = ils;
		pos0[] = { 0.5, 0.4 };						// Position when centered
		pos3[] = { 0.7, 0.6 };						// Position when 3-degree off in both directions

	class Horizont
		type = horizon;
		pos0[] = { 0.5, 0.27 };						// Position of 0-degree dive line
		pos10[] = { 0.5 + 0.9, 3.4 };				// Position of 10-degree bank and 10-degree dive (used to adjust scale)
		angle = 0;									// Horizon angle to which this line corresponds to

Class Draw

The class Draw is a "group", which consist of other groups or classes.

Every group can have its own alpha, color[], clipTL[], clipBR[] and condition values, which will be valid for all classes/groups inside.

Format for a point (for points[], pos[], right[] and down[] entries):

{ [bone1,] position1, blending weight1[, [bone2,] position2, blending weight2]... }

entries with [] are optional.

Points directly defined after each other are linked by a line, in case you don't want to link place an empty point {} between those points.

class Draw
	alpha = 0.8;
	color[] = { 0.2, 1, 0.1 };
	clipTL[] = { 0.0, 0.05 };	// Defines the space in which the bone is drawn
	clipBR[] = { 1.0, 0.90 };	// TL = Top Left, BR = Bottom Right
	condition = "on";

	class Line
		type = line;
		points[] = { { Bone1, 1 }, { Bone2, 1 } };

	class Text
		type = text;
		align = left;
		scale = 1; // Text size, obsolete (but still required)
		source = speed;
		sourceScale = 3.6; // Convert from m/s to km/h
		pos[] = { SpdMove2, { -0.05, -0.03 }, 1 };		// pos[], right[], down[] define the box (size) of the first letter.
		right[] = { SpdMove2, { 0.01, -0.03 }, 1 };
		down[] = { SpdMove2, { -0.05, 0.03 }, 1 };

In order for a hud element to disappear and reappear according to its condition, it must be defined as a subclass.

class Draw
	class arrow
		Condition = "ils";
		type = "line";
		class Circle
			points[] =
				{ { 0.489, 0.822 }, 1 },
				{ { 0.500, 0.813 }, 1 },
				{ { 0.511, 0.822 }, 1 },
				{ { 0.489, 0.822 }, 1 },

This graphic will only show when the landing gear is down:

class Draw
	class arrow
		Condition = "ils";
		type = "line";
		points[] =
			{ { 0.489, 0.822 }, 1 },
			{ { 0.500, 0.813 }, 1 },
			{ { 0.511, 0.822 }, 1 },
			{ { 0.489, 0.822 }, 1 },

This graphic will always be displayed despite the ils condition.

Short Reference

Available Sources


  • velocity: Velocity vector
  • weapon: Current weapon aim vector
  • target: Vector to current target


  • altitudeAGL: Above ground level altitude (m)
    • Multiply source by 3.28084 to get (ft)
  • altitudeASL: Above sea level altitude (m)
    • Multiply source by 3.28084 to get (ft)
  • speed: Speed (m/s)
    • Multiply by 3.6 to get KPH
    • Multiply by 0.0288 to get (Mach * 10) (Hud wont display decimals)
    • Multiply source by 2.2369356 to get MPH.
    • Multiply by 1.94384 to get Knots.
  • vSpeed: Vertical speed (m/s)
  • targetDist: Distance to current target
  • rpm: Current engine rpm (0..1)
  • fuel: Fuel tank state (0..1)
  • HorizonDive: Dive angle in radians
    • Multiply source by 57.2958 to get degrees
  • HorizonBank: -
  • Static: No source, always shows

Available Bone Types

  • fixed: Non moving bone
  • linear: Linear moving bone
  • rotational: Rotating bone
  • vector: Vector bone
  • ils: Instrument landing system
  • horizon: Artificial horizon

Available Draw Types

  • group: If no type is defined, type is assumed to be group
  • line: Drawing a line
  • text: Drawing text

Available Conditions


  • on: Engine on
  • ils: Gear down
  • mgun: Current weapon is gun class
  • AAMissile: Current weapon is an air locking missile
  • ATMissile: Current weapon is a non-air locking missile
  • Bomb: Current weapon is a bomb
  • Rockets: Current weapon is an unguided missile or rocket
  • stall: Aircraft is currently stalling
  • lights: Lights are on?
  • collisionLights: Collision lights are on?
  • flaps: Flaps are down?
