Spearhead 1944 Official Servers

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Thanks to Bohemia Interactive and Armahosts there are plenty of official servers available for Spearhead 1944.

This page provides an overview on these - what they offer, how to find them, and how to make use of them.

Official Servers

[ OFFICIAL ] - no mods and no custom game modes

Official Missions and Game Modes

Available missions are all official MP missions in the Spearhead 1944 CDLC:

And all official SPE game modes:

Player count Game Mode name Type Admin Notes
1-10 SPE Combat Patrol SP/COOP Can force location if set via mission parameter
Can select the factions to be used
Can be played alone
Can be played with AI as group leader
Only group leader has map and compass in Veteran/Hardcore
1-10 SPE Escape SP/COOP Can select the factions to be used
Can select the unit types to be used for players
Can be played alone
Can be played with AI as group leader
Only group leader has map and compass in Veteran/Hardcore
1-16 SPE Warlords PvP with AI or SP/COOP against AI Can select the factions to be used Can be played alone with other slots operated by AI
1-18 SPE Zeus GameMaster SP/COOP Zeus Game Master slot must be used
Can be played alone
3-50 SPE Zeus GameMaster SP/COOP Zeus Game Master slot must be used
Should have at least one player

Bohemia Interactive Server Table

The [ OFFICIAL ] Arma 3 Spearhead 1944 servers provided by Bohemia Interactive are hosted in the US (East and West Coast), Europe (Germany) and Asia (Singapore).

[Official by Armahosts.com] - with mods and custom game modes

Official Game Modes

All available for Mortain, Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Normandy
  • CP 1-10 SPE Combat Patrol (SP/COOP)
  • EC 1-10 SPE Escape (SP/COOP)
  • WL 1-16 SPE Warlords (PvP with AI or COOP against AI)

Unofficial Game Modes

All available for Mortain, Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Normandy
  • 1-12 SPE Mission Wizard (SP/COOP) by Toksa
  • 1-66 SPE Random Skirmish (PvP with AI or SP/COOP against AI) by Toksa
  • 1-16 SPE Blitzkrieg Random Mode (PvP with AI or SP/COOP against AI) by kju
  • 1-12 SPE Tank Team DeathMatch (PvP with AI or SP/COOP against AI) by Toksa and UD1E
  • 1-30 CAU Gun Game (PvP with AI or without AI) by Connor

Third party game modes

Armahosts Server Table

The [Official by Armahosts.com] Arma 3 Spearhead 1944 servers provided by Open Group are hosted in Europe (Germany and Finland).

Server info

Custom Ingame Server Browser

Open the Multiplayer menu from the main menu. From there select in the center from the different options

Advanced Browser

  1. Select Official in the Server Type top bar
  2. Choose between All, PvP, PvE, PvPvE in the Game Type bar
  3. Select the desired server in the list and double click with the mouse or the Connect button in the bottom right

Simple Browser

  1. Select Official in the Server Type top left bar
  2. Choose between All, PvP, PvE, PvPvE in the Game Type top center bar
  3. Select the desired server in the list and double click with the mouse or the Connect button in the bottom right


  • The Simple Browser only shows servers without extra mods!
  • You may not load any mods to be able to join servers shown here


  1. Choose between All, PvP, PvE, PvPvE in the Game Type top left bar
  2. Select the desired server in the list and double click with the mouse or the Connect button in the bottom right
  • Quickplay lists also non official servers
  • By default Quickplay only shows servers without extra mods - if you want play on the official servers with extra mods, activate the Any Extra Mods tickbox in the bottom center
  • A Warning symbol is shown in the server list if the mod requirements dont match - either choose another server, or restart the game with the required mods, or use the External Server Browse to get/sync the mods as required by the given server

Direct Connect

  1. Open from the bottom center bar
  2. Get the IP and Port from the server list below for the desired server
  3. Enter IP and Port
  4. Hit the Search button in the center dialog
  5. Click Connect button in the bottom right

Standard Ingame Server Browser

  1. Open the Multiplayer menu from the main menu
  2. Click the Server Browser button in the bottom bar
  3. Click the Official Servers button in the top bar
  4. Wait for the server list to get populated
  5. Select the desired server with Spearhead 1944 in the name from the list and double click with the mouse or the Join button in the bottom right
For easier finding and selection, click on Host at the top of the server list to sort the servers by name and thus group the Spearhead 1944 ones together.

For the official servers with mods:

  1. Open the Multiplayer menu from the main menu
  2. Click the Server Browser button in the bottom bar
  3. Click the Internet button in the top bar
  4. Click the Filter button in the bottom left
  5. Enter into the Host field: armahosts
  6. Click the OK button in the bottom center
  7. Wait for the server list to get populated
  8. Select the desired server with Spearhead 1944 in the name from the list and double click with the mouse or the Join button in the bottom right
Searching for server with a set filter can take up to a minute.

External Server Browser

  1. Open the official Arma 3 Launcher from Bohemia Interactive
  2. Load Spearhead 1944 via the DLC section
  3. Open the Servers section
  4. Click the Official tab in the top bar
  5. Wait for the server list to get populated
  6. Select the desired server with Spearhead 1944 in the name from the list and double click with the mouse or the Join button in the bottom right
For easier finding and selection, click on Name at the top of the server list to sort the servers by name and thus group the Spearhead 1944 ones together.

For the official servers with mods:

  1. Open the official Arma 3 Launcher from Bohemia Interactive
  2. Load Spearhead 1944 via the DLC section
  3. Open the Servers section
  4. Click the Internet tab in the top bar
  5. Click the Filters button in the top right
  6. Enter into the Server Name field: armahosts
  7. Click the Filters button again to close the dialog
  8. Wait for the server list to get populated
  9. Select the desired server with Spearhead 1944 in the name from the list and click Join button in the right side of the selected entry
  10. Click on "Setup DLCs and mods and join" bar in the bottom center

Direct Connect

Add the IP and port found in the server tables above.


To be able to change difficulty level or mission, or to customize the experience via mission parameters (top right button in the mission lobby) or custom dialogs at the mission start, you need to become server admin.

  1. Open the chat window
  2. Type #login ww2admin ([ OFFICIAL ]) / #login admin ([Official by Armahosts.com])
  3. Adjust the mission parameters when in the mission lobby (bottom in the top right) or adjust settings/locations at mission start in custom dialogs

or once admin

  1. Type #missions
  2. Select difficulty (left side) and the mission (right side)

See Multiplayer Server Commands for more information and commands.