Spearhead 1944 War Diary

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Operation Lüttich
Date Diary Entry Photo
August 7th, 1944 On this day, 80 years ago, small-arms fire could be heard around 01:00.
What was thought to be a local skirmish, turns out to be the start of a German counter-attack, named Operation Lüttich. Not all Allied forces are notified, and 700 men on Hill 314 are now cut off.
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August 8th, 1944 On this day, 80 years ago, the town of Mortain fell to German forces.
The Germans tried to break through the US lines near the Abbaye Blanche, Saint-Barthélemy and Bellefontaine, achieving mixed results. Fighting was fierce, and both sides were well aware of what was at stake.
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August 9th, 1944 German counter-attack stalled. The defenders of Hill 314, supported by US artillery and allied aircraft, proved to be costly for the Germans.
Intense artillery fire from both sides lasted throughout the day. The Germans prepared for the final push.
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August 10th, 1944 Today, 80 years ago, the Germans made their final push. Only able to attack for six hours, they had to give up as soon as the morning fog started clearing up.
Operation Lüttich has failed. German command must now decide whether to stand their ground, or retreat.
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August 11th, 1944 Today, 80 years ago, the Germans started to retreat from Mortain.
With allied tanks only 30 km from Paris and the success of Operation Totalize, the Germans are pushed back to Falaise.
The fate of the German 7th army was sealed and the liberation of France well underway.
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August 12th, 1944 Defenders of Hill 314 are still holding on. After 6 days of fighting, they are left with one radio and very little supplies.
Their spotters proved essential in stopping German advances throughout the battle. Out of 700 men, only 400 would survive.
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August 13th, 1944 Operation Lüttich is over. The once beautiful town of Mortain lies in ruins, scattered with wrecks and bodies.
The Germans paid a heavy price for their offensive. All that's left of the panzer divisions are empty markings on the map.
spe war diary aug 13th.jpg