Victoria Crater – Take On Mars

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TKOM Victoria Crater Panorama.jpg

Victoria is an impact crater on Mars located at 2.05°S, 5.50°W, it is 730 metres wide, and approximately 70 metres deep. It was origonaly explored by Opportunity in 2006, however in this game any vehicle will be used to explore the game model of Victoria crater.

There is currently 33 missions, since the August 22ed update. It has received various updates since the launch the most noticeable are the missions, and rock layouts.

Game Description

Victoria Crater is an ancient impact crater located at the Meridiani Planum extraterrestrial plain, lying situated within the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle region of the planet. The investigation of Victoria Crater provides great opportunity to gain an insight in the processes of crater degradation on Mars.

Mission Chart

Color Key
Needs a section
Mission Priority Major Worth Minor Worth Location
Victoria Crater Major $500k $100k Middle of Victoria Crater
Dark streaks Major $600k $100k North of Victoria Crater
Sand crater Major $900k $300k South of Victoria Crater
Two impact craters Major $1300k $0k West of Victoria Crater
Rock formation near Victoria Major $1100k $300k South-East rim of Victoria Crater
Group of impact craters Major $1500k $0k East rim of Victoria Crater
0185 Minor $150k $0k East rim of Victoria Crater
0339 Negligible $150k $0k South-East rim of Victoria Crater
0533 Minor $8000k $0k North-West of Victoria Crater rim
1967 Minor $200k $0k West of Victoria Crater, next to two impact craters
2311 Minor $100k $0k West of Victoria Crater, next to two impact craters
2838 Negligible $400k $100k Top Left Quadrant
2965 Negligible $500k $100k Middle right of map
3029 Minor $500k $150k Top right Quadrant
3277 Negligible $500k $100k South of Victoria Crater - edge of map
3695 Minor $20000k $5000k Middle of Victoria Crater
3715 Negligible $400k $100k South-East of Victoria Crater
3858 Negligible $300k $100k Top left quadrant
3873 Minor $7500k $0k West of Victoria Crater rim
4116 Minor $150k $0k South-East Victoria Crater rim
4266 Minor $200k $0k South-East Victoria Crater rim
4329 Negligible $600k $100k Top Right Quadrant - edge of map
5238 Minor $200k $0k East rim of Victoria Crater
5540 Minor $1500k $0k South-West Victoria Crater rim
5697 Minor $300k $0k East rim of Victoria Crater
5871 Negligible $500k $100k North-East of Victoria Crater
6275 Minor $300k $100k South of Victoria Crater
6812 Minor $4000k $0k Bottom Left Quadrant
7093 Minor $4000k $0k Bottom Right Quadrant
7123 Negligible $400k $100k East of Victoria Crater rim
8055 Minor $500k $150k Top right quadrant
8714 Negligible $100k $0k South rim of Victoria Crater
9353 Negligible $400k $100k North of dark streaks


Victoria Crater


August 22, 2013 the campaign was adjusted.


The day has come and humankind is on the verge of historical event. The first human made vehicle will land on the surface of our neighboring planet, the mysterious Mars. Your mission is to land this vehicle to the inside of the huge Victoria Crater. The lander's main task is to perform an analysis of atmosphere inside of the chasm, but of course it would also be beneficial to collect many photographs of the crater's inner craggy rim.


Explore Victoria: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the insides of Victoria Crater

Photograph Rim 1: Worth: $30k Priority: Minor Photograph part of the Crater's inner rim

Photograph Rim 2: Worth: $30k Priority: Minor Photograph part of the Crater's inner rim

Dark streaks

To successfully complete this mission you will first need to land your vehicle exactly on one of the dark streaks, so that you are able to execute subsequent analyses. After landing, monitor Mars's atmosphere in this area. However the most important task is to perform an analysis of the blue sand from the dark streaks with the soil probe. Optionally you may photograph the dark streaks and the two nearby impact craters.
Objectives Explore: Streaks Worth: $10k Priority: Major Survey the dark streaks region.

Analyze: Atmosphere Worth: $30k Priority: Major Monitor an atmospheric situation in the dark streaks region.

Analyze: Soil Worth: $60k Priority: Major Analyze the blue sand from the dark streak with the soil probe.

Photo: Streaks Worth: $20k Priority: Minor Take photographs of the dark streaks your vehicle landed on.

Photo: Craters Worth: $20k Priority: Minor Take photographs of the two nearby craters.

Sand crater

Your next goal is to explore a sand crater located right at the edge of the Victoria Crater. First photograph the inside of the sand crater to get more detailed overview of the area and then check the radiation levels. Due to the suitable position of this location right next to the large crater, it would also be convenient to take some photos of the Victoria's rocky edges.

Explore: Crater Worth: 10K Priority: Major Explore the sand crater and it is surroundings.

Photo: Rocky rim 01 Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Photograph the rocky edge of Victoria's rim.

Photo: Rocky rim 02 Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Photograph the rocky edge of Victoria's rim.

Photo: Crater Worth: $20k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the sand crater.

Analyze: Radiation Worth: $10k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the sand crater.

Two impact craters

Tracker Tag The mission consists of examining one bigger and one smaller crater situated nearby each other. Use your vehicle to photograph the inside of both craters, scan selected rocks in their centers with APXS and then gauge the radiation levels in both of the areas. Objectives

Explore: Two craters Worth: $10k Priority: Major Examine two nearby impact craters.

Photo: Crater Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the smaller crater.

Analyze: Rock scan 01 Worth: $60k Priority: Major Use your APXS to scan a rock inside of the smaller crater.

Analyze: Radiation 01 Worth: 30k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the smaller crater.

Photo: Big crater Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the bigger crater.

Analyze: Rock scan 02 Worth: $60k Priority: Major Use your APXS to scan a rock inside of the bigger crater.

Analyze: Radiation 01 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the bigger crater.

Rock formation near Victoria

Your next goal is to collect photographs from around one rock formation at the edge of Victoria Crater. You might also use the opportunity to photograph the crater's inner craggy rim from closer distance. After that, drive your vehicle to the peak of Victoria's rim and perform there a measurement of Mars's atmosphere. Objectives

Explore: Formation Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the area at the edge of Victoria.

Photo: Formation Worth: $30k Priority: Major Collect photographs from around the rock formation.

Analyze: Atmosphere Worth: $40k Priority: Major Monitor the atmospheric conditions at the peak of Victoria's rim.

Photo: Rocky rim 01 Worth: $20k Priority: Minor Photograph the rocky edge of Victoria's rim.

Photo: Rocky rim 02 Worth: $20k Priority: Minor Photograph the rocky edge of Victoria's rim.

Group of impact craters

Tracker Tag This mission consists of exploring several smaller impact craters and monitoring environmental situation in the area. Make photographs and check radiation levels in the first three craters, scan selected rock with APXS and then continue towards the fourth crater, which is located slightly further. On the way, perform a few checks of the environmental conditions.

Explore: Group Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the area with three small impact craters.

Photo: Crater 01 Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the first impact crater

Analyze: Radiation 01 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the first crater.

Photo: Crater 02 Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the second impact crater

Analyze: Rock scan 01 Worth: $60k Priority: Major Use your APXS to analyze a suitable rock near one of the impact craters.

Analyze: Radiation 02 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the second crater.

Photo: Crater 03 Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the third impact crater

Analyze: Radiation 03 Worth: $10k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the third crater.

Analyze: Atmosphere 01 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform a periodic measurement of the atmospheric conditions.

Analyze: Atmosphere 02 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform a periodic measurement of the atmospheric conditions.

Analyze: Atmosphere 03 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform a periodic measurement of the atmospheric conditions.

Photo: Crater 04 Worth: $10k Priority: Major Photograph the inside of the last impact crater

Analyze: Rock scan 02 Worth: $60k Priority: Major Use your APXS to analyze another suitable rock near one of the impact craters to compare the previous results.

Analyze: Radiation 04 Worth: $30k Priority: Major Measure the radiation levels inside of the last crater.

Mission ref: 0185

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $15k Priority: Major Photograph the specified points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Use your scientific equipment to analyze the designated target.

Mission ref: 0339

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Survey the area and assess possible points of scientific value.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Collect photographs of the designated points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $40k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Mission ref: 1967

Tracker Tag Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Examine the specified area of interest.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Collect photographs of the designated points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $60k Priority: Major Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Mission ref: 2311

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Inspect the designated region of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the point of interest.

Mission ref: 2838

Tracker Tag Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $5k Priority: Negligible Examine the specified area of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Use your scientific equipment to analyze the designated target.

Analyze: Worth: $5K Priority: Major Preform an analysis of the point of interest.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Collect photographs of the designated points of interest.

Mission ref: 2965

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $5k Priority: Negligible Survey the region and assess possible scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Photograph the specified points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Preform an analysis of the point of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Preform an analysis of the point of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Mission ref: 3277

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $5k Priority: Negligible Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Photograph the specified points of interest.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Take photographic documentation of the specified region.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the point of interest.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Collect photographs of the designated points of interest.

Mission ref: 3715

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Survey the region and assess possible scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $15k Priority: Minor Photograph the specified points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Analyze: Worth: $40k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Mission ref: 4116

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $25k Priority: Major Photograph the specified points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the point of interest.

Mission ref: 4266

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Take photographic documentation of the specified region.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the point of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $40k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Mission ref: 4329

Tracker tag Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $30k Priority: Negligible Survey the area and assess possible points of scientific value.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Use your scientific equipment to analyze the designated target.

Analyze: Worth: $5k Priority: Minor Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Photo: Worth: $5k Priority: Minor Photograph the specified points of interest.

Photo: Worth: $5k Priority: Minor Take photographic documentation of the specified region.

Photo: Worth: $5k Priority: Minor Collect photographs of the designated area.

Analyze: Worth: $50k Priority: Minor Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Mission ref: 5238

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Examine the specified area of interest.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Take photographic documentation of the area of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $60k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Mission ref: 5697

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Inspect the designated region of interest.

Photo: Worth: $15k Priority: Major Photograph the specified points of interest.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Mission ref: 5871

Tracker tag Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Collect photographs of the designated area.

Analyze: Worth: $5k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Analyze: Worth: $200k Priority: Minor Analyze the specified target.

Analyze: Worth: $40k Priority: Minor Use your scientific equipment to analyze the designated target.

Mission ref: 6275

Tracker tag Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Major Survery the area and assess possible points of scientific value.

Photo: Worth: $15k Priority: Major Collect photographs of the designated area.

Analyze: Worth: $60k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Minor Analyze the point of interest with your scientific equipment.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Perform an analysis of the designated target.

Mission ref: 8714

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $10k Priority: Negligible Explore the designated region and evaluate scientific targets.

Photo: Worth: $20k Priority: Minor Photograph specified point of interest.

Mission ref: 9353

Execute the assigned tasks defined in the mission. To be considered complete; all tasks of major scientific value must be carried out.

Explore: Worth: $20k Priority: Major Survey the area and assess possible points of scientific value.

Photo: Worth: $10k Priority: Minor Take photographic documentation of the specified region.

Analyze: Worth: $5k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Use your scientific equipment to analyze the designated target.

Analyze: Worth: $30k Priority: Major Analyze the specified target.

Photo: Worth: $15k Priority: Minor Collect photographs of the designated points of interest.

See also

Wiki: History of Victoria Crater