Startup Parameters – Arma 2 Talk
From Bohemia Interactive Community
'-profiles=' works just fine. -- Sy 12:04, 11 July 2009 (CEST)
- Same here. --.kju 12:19, 11 July 2009 (CEST)
List of command line parameters
Extracted from the arma2.exe via strings(1).
- xa2sound
- bepath=
- winxp
- nopatchcheck
- noesrb
- download
- session=
- privateSlots=
- bandwidth=
- gamertag=
- name=
- password=
- pid=
- port=
- connect=
- config=
- server
- host
- forceDX9
- disableShaderGeneration
- generateshaders
- nosplash
- autotest=
- world=
- noland
- netlog
- init=
- worldCfg=
- nopause
- window
- mod=
- profiles=
- noFilePatching
- buldozer+addons
- buldozer
- cfg=
--Worldeater 02:45, 31 July 2009 (CEST)
More in 1.05 beta:
- showscripterrors
- cpucount=
- noLauncher
--alef 20:00, 9 December 2009 (CET)
A bit ago I made a page that has the dumped commands too, didn't even know you guys had this list in the discussion. From 1.05: ArmA_2:_Undocumented_Command_Line_Switches Cheers.