arma.RPT – Talk

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It might be wise to further break down the errors in to sections like Scripting&Missions / Addons / Game engine. The list could end up be huge. hoz

4.3 w:\c\Poseidon\lib\d3d9\engdd9.cpp(4967) : Unable to create vertex buffer - Reset needed

Isn't this the error that is given when your vid card buffer is full? hoz

What about adding RPT error messages, where you don't know the solution yourself... however others probably know the answer and could post it once the read it here. Like unresolved section at the end to keep things clean / separated. What do you think guys? --WGL.Q 09:36, 18 August 2007 (CEST)

Sounds good! Also maybe as we figure it out there could be a this is what causes it and this is how you fix it. Need more info on UpdatePositionVehicle, UpdateVehicleAI, UpdateDamageVehicleAI, UpdateFlag, UpdatePositionMan, UpdateAIUnit, and especially AIStatsMPRowUpdate. --Doolittle 10:53, 18 August 2007 (CEST)
Here you go. Some entries might be outdated as i used all my ArmA.RPT files i still had. I tried to remove all duplicates and wrong entries. Some still might have slipped through. In addition i guess some could be group together to one entry. I post the list in the discussion site for now:
Client: Object 4:28 (type UpdatePositionMan) not found. -- when you create a unit on client computer but it is local to server. Fix: create on server. --Doolittle 01:06, 7 April 2008 (CEST)

*** Adding PLAYERNAME (2:1) to respawn queue


*** AI identity Andrew Harris applied on person 2:235


*** AI identity cannot be applied - person 10:23 not found


*** Identity PLAYERNAME transferred from 5:140 to 23:122


*** Player identity PLAYERNAME applied on person 2:3550


*** Remote: Identity PLAYERNAME transferred from 549:2 to 549:3


AIUnit::TransferMsg (2:1283) receiving - person (16:13) == NULL


Camera shape anim\cam_zoom_in_front.p3d not found

P3D file 'cam_zoom_in_front.p3d' has not been found at the stated location.

Cannot create non-ai vehicle AmmoBoxAddW,

I've found this error in the following form and from it i can only tell you that what ever was tring to create a vehicle had the wrong class name in the example above "AmmoBoxAddW" does not exist, (Cannot create non-ai vehicle ,) was my error and was caused by my variable class name being an empty string. IE ""

Cannot create object 1:1


Cannot evaluate - no file


Cannot find base Land_benzina for G85_Editor\config.bin/cfgVehicles/FuelStationDD/


Cannot load sound 'ca\sounds\env\wind_day.wss'

The sound file 'wind_day.wss' has not been found at the stated location.

Cannot register unknown string STR_DIFF_ALLOW_SEAGULL


Cannot use magazine M136 in muzzle AK74

M136 LAW magazine cannot be launched with an AK74 muzzle.

Choosing player candidate


Clearing multiplayer statistics


Client: Destroying network objects database


Client: Local object 1:1 not found


Client: Nonnetwork object 136c5404.

This happens to any object you have in its vehicle init "deleteVehicle this". --Doolittle 06:10, 1 April 2008 (CEST)

Client: Object (id 1:1, type UpdateDamageVehicleAI) is local - update is ignored.


Client: ProcessSelectPlayer E1_4 (23:122)


Client: Remote object 2:290 not found


Client: Respawn processed - unit EAST 1-1-A:1 (PLAYERNAME) (O1) (2:288), old body 2:1, new body 2:310


Client: SelectPlayer d981ea, person W3


Creating local statistics for player PLAYERNAME, dpnid=114831976, role=8


Creating remote statistics for player/AI Olli, dpnid=408971533, role=16


Creation of 1:1 ignored, state LOGGED IN


Creation of 1:1 ignored, state MISSION ASKED


Destroying MP statistics row Olli (remote)


Destroying statistics for player [tHc] child, dpnid=821413829, role=11


Empty word in sentence 'xmit'

This will happen if you have an AI controlled M1Abrams on the map (at map start)...

Enforced NCSGameLoaded state


Error context [\]={};

Error: Failed to create surface texture


Error: Model data3d\cl_basic.p3d cannot be used as a sprite - it has not just one LOD level


ErrorMessage: Cannot create system memory surface DXT5,2048x2048 (size 5592416 B)

ErrorMessage: Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha


ErrorMessage: File oac_conversion_tool\cfgMagazines.hpp, line 50: /cfgMagazines.Flare: Undefined base class 'FlareWhite_M203'


ErrorMessage: File oac_conversion_tool\cfgVehicles.hpp, line 1659: /cfgVehicles.SoldierGB: Member already defined.


ErrorMessage: Include file cfgPatches\cfgPatches.hpp not found.


File description.ext, line 994: '/EndDialog/Punkte2.text': Missing ';' at the end of line


GetOutAny soldier EAST 1-1-D:1 (PLAYERNAME) already in landscape


GGroup respawn: sending answer - person WEST 1-1-A:9 ([GER]_ratz) REMOTE, respawn (null), to 1351687698


Group respawn processed locally: WEST 1-1-B:9 (PLAYERNAME) -> NULL


Group respawn: answer received - person WEST 1-1-A:8 (PLAYERNAME), respawn (null)


Group respawn: ask received - person WEST 1-1-A:10 (S@nt@ Cruz) REMOTE, group WEST 1-1-A, from 862973247


Group respawn: WEST 1-1-B:5 (PLAYERNAME) ask for respawn


Group update arrived - leader changed from <null> (0:0) to EAST 1-1-B:2 ([HA]NAzGuL) REMOTE (E14) (2:2375)


In Vehicle: ca\data\papauto.p3d mising cargo get in direction point

papauto.p3d file does not have a cargo dir memory point placed in the Memory LOD

In Vehicle: ca\data\papauto.p3d missing driver get in direction point

papauto.p3d file does not have a driver dir memory point placed in the Memory LOD

Item STR_DN_MAVERICK listed twice

Stringtable item 'STR_DN_MAVERICK is already stated in a stringtable.csv somewhere.

LODShape::Preload: shape 'data3d\cl_basic.p3d' not found

P3D file cl_basic has not been found at the stated path, or the path does not exist.

Longest free VM Magazine 100Rnd_762x51_M240 (100 ammo left) not found


Magazine 100Rnd_762x54_PK (100 ammo left) not found


Mission test_ch_esl_24_two_sides_v0_8.Sara: Number of roles (36) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (14)


MoveIn: Soldier WEST 1-2-A:1 (bravoman2) already in vehicle apc2


NAT Negotiation started for cookie : 14299


NetServer: new player (waiting for ProcessPlayers) - session.numPlayers=0, playerId=1125306398, bot=0, name='PLAYERNAME', |users|=1


NetServer::ProcessPlayers(): users.card=0, session.numPlayers=1, created=0, deleted=1


NetServer:finishDestroyPlayer (waiting for ProcessPlayers) - session.numPlayers=1, playerId=1125306398, |users|=0


Network simulation, time = 0.000


No more slot to add connection at De61 (2072.9,5468.9)


No shape object 637983: <no shape> tested for aiming position


Object id 890240a2 (162) not found in slot 72,72


Only one field in line "? (".


Only one field in line "?(markerColor _marker != _marker)".


Path not found in house 41d5a358# 561: tovarna2.p3d from 136 to 94.


Ref to nonnetwork object 43d33018# 639545: dummyweapon.p3d

If you deleteVehicle a unit that was created with createVehicleLocal, this will happen. Not a bug. Just a warning.

Saving undefined enum value -1 / 4, context /Vehicles/VisibleFar/Vehicles/Item38/Brain/Path/Path/Item3.type


SelectPlayer - local player in remote group


SelectPlayer - local player in remote subgroup


SelectPlayer - local player in remote vehicle


SelectPlayer - on remote person


Server: Identity added - name PLAYERNAME, id 1185949982 (total 2 identities, 2 players)


Server: Identity check started - name o'79 Q, id 2 (total 0 identities, 1 players)


Server: Identity removed - name PLAYERNAME, id 1185949982 (total 4 identities, 4 players)


Server: Object 1:1 not found (message UpdateDamageObject)


Server: Player info added - name PLAYERNAME, id 1572039793 (total 2 identities, 3 players)


Server: Player info removed - name PLAYERNAME, id 1185949982 (total 5 identities, 4 players)


SetFace error: class not found

class Man....class Face53 is not configured in CfgFaces.

Strange - no material used on terrain 15,5?


Supply action on E1 - missing action


Suspending not allowed in this context


SW animation used for ca\plants\lopuch.p3d - Not all levels have Keep Height set


Unit not created: Subgroup 2:1908 not found


Unit WEST 1-2-I:1 (0x13416000) - network ID 2:19479


Unit WEST 1-2-I:1 has no vehicle


Unknown entity: ' Ammunition'


Unrecognized texture type :


Update of 2:9561 ignored, state MISSION ASKED




w:\c\El\ParamFile\paramFile.cpp(2850) : No owner


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\AI\aiArcade.cpp(1351) : Target acqusition slow and inaccurate (may even select friendly)


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\AI\aiCenter.cpp(4824) : No transport


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\AI\aiRadio.cpp(163) : Character


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\AI\operMap.cpp(2119) : Cannot search path - no algorithm


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\arcadeTemplate.cpp(1787) : Type is not VehicleType


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\d3d9\engdd9.cpp(5008) : Vertex buffer not allocated


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\fileServer.cpp(4192) : Item should be already created


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\landSave.cpp(1666) : Link cannot be resolved


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\memTable.cpp(1377) : Free: Memory block corrupt.


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\Network\networkClient.cpp(7799) : Not implemented


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\Shape\shape.cpp(7961) : No geometry and no shape


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\soldierOld.cpp(3039) : RespawnToFriendly (respawn=side) not implemented


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\soldierOld.cpp(7126) : Face


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\soldierOld.cpp(7145) : Glasses


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\transport.cpp(7836) : Unit is not in cargo


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\vehicleAI.cpp(6481) : Bad double magazine detection


w:\c\Poseidon\lib\world.cpp(3945) : Entity listed twice.


W3 (Saboteur (Special Forces)): Unknown action Eject, target W3


Warning Message: '/' is not a value


Warning Message: Addon 'CAMisc' requires addon 'CAUI'


Warning Message: Cannot load texture ca\data\data\vlajka.paa.

The texture file vlajka.paa was not found at the given pathway/location.

Warning Message: Cannot open object anim\cam_zoom_in_front.p3d


Warning Message: class 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/CAManBase/HeadLimits/' is not defined ('initAngleX' accessed)


Warning Message: Error: creating magazine 6G30Base with scope=private


Warning Message: Error: creating weapon zunilauncher38 with scope=private


Warning Message: Music track7 not found


Warning Message: No entry '.vehicleClass'.

The cfgVehicles section of the config for this model does not contain the parameter vehicleClass.

e.g. vehicleClass = "Car";

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgFontFamilies.audreyshandb48'.

CfgFontFamilies has no sub-class called 'audreyshand48'.

Error occurs when an attempt is made to reference audreyshand48 when it has not been defined in CfgFontFamilies.

Warning Message: Picture \flags\pirates.jpg not found

The image pirates.jpg has not been found at given path.

Warning Message: Script ammo.sqs not found


Warning Message: Shape \anim\cam_zoom_in_front not found


Warning Message: Size: '/' not an array


Warning Message: Sound rus1 not found


Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted

mission.sqm lists addons that are not currently loaded. Addon may be listed in outro/intro section of mission.sqm. Example: CTI distributed with Arma has SaraLite listed in outro section. Removing this line with text editor will remove message.

Warning: ca\plants\akat02s.p3d:0 Face 129, point 108, face points 106,108,109 - very small normal 0,0,0


Warning: Delete out of order


Warning: no idc entry inside class RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/controls/B_Side


Warnings in ca\plants\akat02s.p3d:1


x (285) out of range <0, 256)


XXX Getting out while IsMoveOutInProgress


XXX is not soldier nor transport.


XXX: Unknown action Eject, target O6
