camSetBank – Talk

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Will this command finally work in ArmA?

the number seems wrong, shouldn't this be degrees 0..360 ?


Not sure, the given example was provided by BI.
Planck 14:17, 24 August 2007 (CEST)

On a C++ plugin the command

 float bank = 6.0;
 sprintf(command, "%s camSetBank %f", "MyCam", bank);
 ExecuteCommand(command, result, 4096-1);
 sprintf(command,"%s camCommit 0", "MyCam");
 ExecuteCommand(command, result, 4096-1);

do not change anything.

Afaik the command setVectorUp can be used to set the bank of the camera. --T_D 15:22, 9 October 2008 (CEST)

I wasn't able to get setVectorUp or camSetBank to work. Using VS2 v1.23 --Hendo 19:49, 11 March 2010 (CET)