setVehicleInit – Talk

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Okay, this is how I thought this command would work but I can't seem to get it working this way: you create an object, you _v setVehicleInit "this execvm ""makemarker.sqf""";. Now if anyone joins after I created the object, and they (as a client) run processInitCommands...then on their machine the makemarker.sqf will be run. I could use this to have clients make markers for objects that were created before they got into the game, right??? Am I missing anything? Why are people sending variables and all this stuff when a client joins? Why not use this method? It seems so simple. --Doolittle 08:20, 2 August 2007 (CEST)


This command appears to have a local effect to me (and can be used on remote objects). Each client can have a unique version of an object's init string. --Ceeeb 13:58, 17 February 2009 (CET)