Youtube – Template
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Shows a YouTube video.
- videoID: the ID part of the URL. e.g a75eG8HG5Fk
- caption: (optional) caption below the video
- textAlign: (optional, default left) "left", "right" or "center" - does not use the float property
- size: (optional, default 300) width in pixels
Code | Result |
{{Youtube}} | -Youtube ID not defined- |
{{Youtube|a75eG8HG5Fk}} | |
{{Youtube|UgXq6z6-644|{{arma2}} trailer}} | Arma 2 trailer |
{{Youtube|M1YBZUxMX8g|{{arma3}} trailer|right}} | Arma 3 trailer |
{{Youtube|EwAxJC9AR_A|{{Name|arma3apex}} trailer|center|400}} | Arma 3 Apex trailer |