sic – Template
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Template {{sic}} placed immediately after a circumstantially correct but unusual spelling or grammatically iffy statement, will add a small but superior note at that point in the text that links to this page.
Sic, in other words, indicates that the word is a direct retranscription and not the result of a spelling mistake.
This template is used on these pages.
- incorrect: (Optional) wrongfully spelt term
- correct: (Optional) correct spelling
Code | Result |
" we can then use setDammage{{sic}} to..." | " we can then use setDammagesic to..." |
" we can then use {{sic|setDammage}} to..." | " we can then use setDammagesic to..." |
"this is a {{sic|nular|nullar}} operator" | "this is a nularsic operator" |