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A3 Sensor Display

Target Acquisition and Tracking (Sensors)

Arma 3 Sensors Sensor Display symbology.png

Some vehicles are equipped with sensors that can detect, identify and track various types of targets. Different types of sensors loosely reflect the systems that exist in real life (Radars, EOST, IRST, LST) and are only able to acquire respective types of targets. See Sensors#Mechanics for more details on which target can be detected and tracked by what.

Actions (default)
R Weapons/Next target (in vehicle) Select next target (targets are prioritized according to the currently selected weapon and the target threat)
T Weapons/Lock target Select target under the cursor / center of view
T Weapons/Lase Range Measure distance (and speed) of the target or ground. Some vehicles automatically adjust the weapons zeroing (RCWS) or zeroing and lead on the target (Tank and APC cannon).
LCTRL + R Weapons/Radar on/off Toggle radar on/off
LCTRL + RMB Common/Targeting camera Switch to targeting camera full screen view
LCTRL + T Weapons/Stabilize turret Locks the camera to area (ground) or point (target) track.
Num 1-9 View/Look Slew the camera
Num 5 View/Center look Recenter camera to boresight /or/ to currently selected target (in stabilized mode)
F Next Weapon ATGM toggle Direct Attack (default) or Top Attack

See Custom panels page for more info about controlling the Sensor display.


Fire Control Systems

Some weapon systems can help the gunner find better firing solution when using standard ballistic munitions. There are currently 3 types of aids available. Target Lead Indication (used in jets and AAAs) and Automatic Lead/Range (RCWS, tank cannons), which provide solution for a marked target, and Predicted Impact Point (or CCIP) that show where the projectile will land if fired at that moment.


Different types of fire control and ballistic aids

  • AUTO - Full green square indicates that firing the weapon now will most probably result in a hit. Lead and zeroing are shifted automatically according to the target's distance, speed and direction, so player only has to make sure the crosshair is on target when pulling the trigger. (no longer used in vanilla assets)
  • TLI - A line with a circle on its end indicates where the player has to aim to hit the target. Weapon crosshair needs to be placed on the small circle when pulling the trigger.
  • PIP - A small crosshair with a dot in the center indicates where a projectile will land. Pipper needs to be placed on the target when pulling the trigger.

Crew coordination and awareness

General turret directions are shown on the radar or compass on the top of the screen. Crew positions where tight cooperation is required have an additional, precise indication in 3D where their partner is looking or aiming.


Different types of precise indication where a crewmate is looking or aiming

  • An X indicates where the gunner is aiming when he's operating his weapon autonomously
  • A cross indicates where the gunner is aiming. Once the gunner aimed at target a circle appears in the middle of the cross.
  • Curved brackets indicate where the commander is looking


Module Description Sub-mode
NAV Navigation - requires either a GPS item or GPS-equipped vehicle rotation
SLA Sling-load Assistant - only available in vehicles capable of slingloading n/a
SENS Sensors Display - tactical awareness display that combines information about tracked targets from all sensors and about threats (Arma_3_Sensors#User_Interface ranges
CAM Drone Drone Feed - requires UAV terminal item spectrum
CAM Driver Driver Feed - usually available for commanders and gunners in tanks and for pilots (as a Targeting Pod or a Sling-load camera feed) spectrum
CAM Gunner Gunner Feed - usually available for pilots and drivers and commanders in tanks spectrum
CAM Commander Commander Feed - usually available for drivers and gunners in tanks spectrum
CAM Missile Missile Feed - available mostly on few attack aircrafts, feed is initiated after a missile with camera feed capability is fired n/a
CREW Crew Display - shows crew members' names, cargo occupancy, transport capacity, sling-loaded vehicle n/a
The CAM modules only work with PIP enabled!


Active Radar

  • only sensor that can be switched ON and OFF.
  • only sensor that provides information about a target's speed, altitude, and distance
  • to be able to lock on target the radar-guided (ARH) missiles require the radar to be switched ON
  • activated radar makes your vehicle detectable by RWR or Passive radars at up to twice the range of your own radar.

RWR and Passive Radar

  • detects anyone who has a radar ON at twice the distance of the tracked radar's own range.
  • provides unique indication to targets with active radars
  • most often the RWR can detect radar threat in 360° field-of-view
  • additional passive radar (less common than RWR) allows you to mark the radar threat and use it for targeting your weapons

Infrared sensor

  • can only detect 'hot' targets - vehicles that have been heated up by a running engine or fired weapon
  • susceptible to environmental conditions (fog)
  • often with field-of-view limited to the optics field-of-view
  • often coupled with Visual sensor

Visual sensor

  • can detect cold targets
  • susceptible to environmental conditions (fog, light), in most cases useless at night
  • often with field-of-view limited to the optics field-of-view
  • often coupled with IR sensor

Laser and strobe tracker

  • detect a spot lased by a laser designator or an IR grenade (as a homing beacon)
  • usually with a 180° front hemisphere field-of-view

Human sensor

  • able to detect and track human targets
  • doesn't fully work with data link

Data Link

  • with send position capability - broadcasts own position to everyone on the same side who has a receive capability
  • with send capability - broadcasts all targets acquired by own sensor suite to everyone on the same side who has a receive capability
  • with receive capability - receives targets from send-enabled units on the same side; the targets will be displayed on Sensor panel - meaning the vehicle has to have the sensor panel in the first place
  • with targeting (sensor) capability - conditioned by the receive capability; adds an ability to mark targets received via data link and achieve an easier lock-on or engage these targets with lock-after-launch ammo.


Name Sensors FoV hor./vert. Range sky/gnd (m) target ID range (m) Notes
xH-9 helicopters, Caesar N/A
UH-80, CH-49, CH-67, PO-30, Mi-290, WY-55 RWR 360 16000 12000
IFV-6a, ZSU-39 Radar 360/100 9000/6000 5000 up looking
Data Link 360 16000
AH-99 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR + Visual 46/34 3000/2000 + 2000/1500 2000 targeting camera
Radar 180/90 5000/4000 3000 down looking
Mi-48 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR + Visual 26/26 4000/3000 + 3000/2000 2000 targeting camera
Radar 120/90 5000/4000 3000 down looking
A-143 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR + Visual 26/20 4000/3000 + 3000/2000 2000 targeting camera
Radar 90 8000/4000 3000
A-164, To-199 RWR + Anti-radiation 360 + 90 16000 + 8000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR + Visual 50/37 5000/4000 + 4000/3000 2000 targeting camera
F/A-181 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR 360/90 2500/2000 2000
Visual 26/20 4000/3000 2000 targeting camera
Radar 45 15000/8000 8000
To-201 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR 360/120 5000/3000 2000
Visual 26/20 4000/3000 2000 targeting camera
Radar 60 13000/9000 6000
A-149 RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR 90/60 4000/3000 2000
Visual 26/20 4000/3000 2000 targeting camera
Radar 45 12000/8000 4000
Sentinel RWR 360 16000 12000
Laser + Strobe 180 6000 front hemisphere
IR + Visual 51/37 4000/3000 + 3500/3000 4000 + 3000 targeting camera
Radar 60 8000/6000 6000 down looking
Praetorian 1C Radar 360/100 10000/7000 10000 up looking
IR 60/40 4000/3500 3500
Data Link 360 16000
Mk21 Radar 15 14000/11000 11000
Visual 60/40 4000/3500 4000
Data Link 360 16000
Mk49 IR 60/40 4000/3500 3500
Data Link 360 16000

Precision guided munitions

Name Seeker Cone (degrees) Min-Max range (m) Target speed (km/h) Notes
PCML Visual 20-600 126
Titan AT IR 50-4000 126 + manual guidance
Titan AP N/A manual guidance only
DAGR IR + Laser 30° 100-5000 126 + manual guidance
Scalpel IR + Laser 30° 250-6000 198 + manual guidance
Macer IR 30° 350-6000 198
KH25 / Sharur IR 20° 300-6000 144
Jian IR + Laser 30° 350-8000 126 + manual guidance
GBU-12 Laser 180° 250-8000 108 doesn't require full lock
LOM-250 Laser 180° 250-8000 108 doesn't require full lock
Titan AA IR 100-3500 900
Titan AA Long IR 30° 100-4500 1800
Zephyr Radar (ARH) 40° 500-10000 3006
ASRAAM IR 90° 200-6000 2160
Falchion-22 IR 30° 150-4500 1602
Sahr-3 IR 45° 150-5000 2520
RIM-116 IR 180° 250-4000 2160
RIM-162 Radar (ARH) 120° 1000-12000 3240
BIM-9X IR 180° 250-5000 2160
BIM-120C Radar (ARH) 50° 1000-12000 2880
BIM-120D Radar (ARH) 100° 1000-13000 2880
R73 IR 150° 75-6000 2160
R77 Radar (ARH) 65° 1000-10000 2880