Praetorian – User talk

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Bedtime here in Austria, Central Europe. 4:30am surely isn't the best time to be awake. If you don't get your kickoff problems resolved this (=your) day, then we can dig into it tomorrow/today (well... in ~20 hours or so). -- Manny 04:19, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

Oh, and as a further addendum: try to use the Preview button more often to reduce the number of times you edit your texts. Multiple edits generate significant load on the database (each revision gets stored) and spams the popular list of recent changes. Also, moderators get pissed of because of the latter reason. And you don't want the moderators to give you a mean look, do you? :) -- Manny 04:26, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

Yes thanks for this ... I will comply. LOL. Praetorian 04:48, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

Good, let's do this step by step:

  1. Create a new mission in Sahrani,
  2. Put your player somewhere,
  3. Save the mission as mytest,
  4. Open your favorite text editor (Notepad, UltraEdit, ...),
  5. Write: hint "I am a script file and I have been called upon";
  6. Save the file in your mission root folder as test.sqf (most likely in: C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Praetorian\missions\mytest.sara\),
    • if you're using notepad, set the file type to All files (*.*) first,
    • you might want to double-check that the file actually got named test.sqf and not test.sqf.txt. You could for instance fire up the console (Run -> cmd.exe), go to the directory (cd "C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Praetorian\missions\mytest.sara\") and check the files (dir),
  7. Go back to the editor (and open your mission, if you have closed it before opening your text editor),
  8. Edit your player unit:
    • In the initialization line write: nil = [] execVM "test.sqf"
  9. Preview the mission and observe. I am a script file and I have been called upon should appear in the upper left corner.

Also, these kinds of questions are perhaps better suited for ArmA editing related forums. Wikis actually ain't the best place to ask questions like these. -- Manny 15:17, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

Thanks Manny, it was the file itself ... it was named hello.sqf.txt and once I changed this, I worked out the paths easily. Thanks again and I will put this type of thing in forums from now on. Well technically, this is my first ever successful script I made for a game so today's a good day (lol) -- Praetorian 02:16, 13 May 2007 (CEST)