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Creates a dialog which is defined either in the mission's description.ext, in the campaign's description.ext or in the global resource.cpp. The given name has to be the class name used in one of these files. If another dialog is already opened, the desired dialog is created as a child dialog of the one already opened.
By default, displays created with createDisplay are rendered on top of dialogs created with createDialog. If forceOnTop is set to true, the dialog will be rendered on top of displays.
GUI Control


createDialog dialogName
dialogName: String - class name used in the description.ext, resource.cpp or config.cpp
Return Value:
Boolean - true when the dialog was created successfully

Alternative Syntax

createDialog [dialogName, forceOnTop]
dialogName: String - class name used in the description.ext, resource.cpp or config.cpp
forceOnTop: Boolean - (Optional, default false) if true, dialog will be rendered on top of displays
Return Value:
Display - created dialog


Example 1:
private _ok = createDialog "RscDisplayGame"; if (!_ok) then { hint "Dialog could not be opened!" };

Additional Information

See also:
displayCtrl createDisplay closeDialog dialog displayNull controlNull ctrlCreate displayParent


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Killzone_Kid - c
Posted on Jul 29, 2017 - 09:04 (UTC)
A user dialog created with createDisplay over mission display (findDisplay 46) will stop display event handlers added to mission display from firing. However if it is created with createDialog then the event handlers continue to work.