From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns scroll values for current scrollbars in range 0...1 (-1 if not applicable) for the following controls:
- Groups:
- GUI Control
- Syntax:
- ctrlScrollValues control
- Parameters:
- control: Control
- Return Value:
- Array of Numbers in format [vScrollValue, hScrollValue]
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Copy// ControlsGroup private _disp = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; private _ctrlGrp = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroup", -1]; private _ctrl = _disp ctrlCreate ["RscTree", -1, _ctrlGrp]; _ctrl tvAdd [[], "Root"]; for "_i" from 1 to 25 do { _ctrl tvAdd [[0], format ["Tree Item %1", _i]]; }; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [0,0,0.3,1.2]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; tvExpandAll _ctrl; _ctrlGrp ctrlSetPosition [0,0,0.2,0.3]; _ctrlGrp ctrlCommit 0; uiNamespace setVariable ["_ctrl", _ctrlGrp]; onEachFrame { hintSilent str ctrlScrollValues (uiNamespace getVariable ["_ctrl", controlNull]); }; 0 spawn { sleep 1; uiNamespace getVariable ["_ctrl", controlNull] ctrlSetScrollValues [0.3, -1]; sleep 1; uiNamespace getVariable ["_ctrl", controlNull] ctrlSetScrollValues [-1, 0.3]; sleep 1; uiNamespace getVariable ["_ctrl", controlNull] ctrlSetScrollValues [0.7, -1]; sleep 1; uiNamespace getVariable ["_ctrl", controlNull] ctrlSetScrollValues [-1, 0.7]; };
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