From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns array of all components available to given object info panel.
- Groups:
- Custom Panels
- Syntax:
- unit infoPanelComponents panelID
- Parameters:
- unit: Object - the concerned vehicle
- panelID: String - "left" or "right" can be used as panel names
- Return Value:
- Array with [className, componentType, isAccessible]
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- [unit, turretPath] infoPanelComponents panelID
- Parameters:
- unit: Object - the concerned vehicle
- turretPath: Array - turret index
- panelID: String - "left" or "right" can be used as panel names
- Return Value:
- Array with [className, componentType, isAccessible]
- Example 1:
Additional Information
- See also:
- Arma 3: Custom Info infoPanel infoPanels setInfoPanel enableInfoPanelComponent infoPanelComponentEnabled
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