From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Syntax:
- hashMap1 merge hashMap2
- Parameters:
- hashMap1: HashMap - this HashMap will be modified
- hashMap2: HashMap - all key-value pairs from this HashMap are added to hashMap1. If a key from hashMap2 already exists in hashMap1, it doesn't overwrite the value in hashMap1.
- Return Value:
- Nothing
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- hashMap1 merge [hashMap2, overwriteExisting]
- Parameters:
- hashMap1: HashMap - this HashMap will be modified
- hashMap2: HashMap - all key-value pairs from this HashMap are added to hashMap1
- overwriteExisting: Boolean - (Optional, default false) if true, keys from hashMap1 that also exist in hashMap2 are overwritten. When set to true, merging is faster
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copy_hashMap merge _otherHashMap;
- Example 2:
- Copyprivate _hashmap1 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken"] createHashMapFromArray [100, 200, 200]; private _hashmap2 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken", "camel"] createHashMapFromArray [150, 300, 400, 800]; _hashmap1 merge _hashmap2; // _hashmap is [["cow",100],["cat",200],["chicken",200],["camel",800]]
- Example 3:
- Copyprivate _hashmap1 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken"] createHashMapFromArray [100, 200, 200]; private _hashmap2 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken", "camel"] createHashMapFromArray [150, 300, 400, 800]; _hashmap1 merge [_hashmap2, true]; // _hashmap is [["cow",150],["cat",300],["chicken",400],["camel",800]]
- Example 4:
- Copyprivate _hashmap1 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken"] createHashMapFromArray [100, 200, 200]; private _hashmap2 = ["cow", "cat", "chicken", "camel"] createHashMapFromArray [150, 300, 400, 800]; _hashmap1 merge [_hashmap2, false]; // _hashmap is [["cow",100],["cat",200],["chicken",200],["camel",800]] as Syntax 1
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