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Shows loading screen with the given text, using the given resource. While loading screen is shown, simulation and scene drawing is disabled, user control is disabled, mouse cursor is hidden, scripts run at full speed (50ms per frame instead of 3ms per frame for Scheduled Scripts).
By default, startLoadingScreen will use "RscDisplayNotFreeze" resource.

A custom resource can be defined in Description.ext, and a full black background will be used by default - the following controls are supported by the engine:

  • idc = 101 - text (type = 0) or picture (type = 48). The text will be set to the value provided by the command argument.
  • idc = 103 - progress (type = 8) or animated texture (type = 45). This control indicates global hardcoded mission loading progress and is useless after the mission is loaded.
  • idc = 104 - progress (type = 8). This control's progress is initially set to 0 and can be manipulated with progressLoadingScreen command.

Resource can be defined in Description.ext; it must NOT be defined as RscTitles!

  • The loading screen does not end by itself and absolutely needs a call to endLoadingScreen command
  • Game simulation is disabled during Loading Screen operation (at least in single player):
Arma 3


startLoadingScreen [text, resource]
text: String
resource: String - (Optional)
Return Value:


Example 1:
startLoadingScreen ["Loading My Mission, please wait..."];
Example 2:
startLoadingScreen ["Can't skip loading time...", "MyLoadingRsc"];
Example 3:
startLoadingScreen ["Loading My Mission"]; // code progressLoadingScreen 0.5; // code endLoadingScreen;
Example 4:
// this structure prevents error-prone or lengthy code to miss endLoadingScreen. private _maxTime = diag_tickTime + 30; // max 30s of loading startLoadingScreen ["Loading"]; private _handle = 0 spawn { // code that may crash or take too long }; waitUntil { uiSleep .1; scriptDone _handle || diag_tickTime > _maxTime }; endLoadingScreen;

Additional Information

See also:
endLoadingScreen progressLoadingScreen BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen import (Config)


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Killzone_Kid - c
Posted on Nov 21, 2015 - 18:38 (UTC)
The default Arma 3 loading screen has no control to display text.