World Editor: Rotate Tool – Arma Reforger

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This tool allows for object(s) rotation.


Holding Ctrl while rotating will temporarily enable Snap angle (it will not toggle its state - only enable it)

Alt + Left Mouse Button will duplicate the element and rotate the copy.

Snap angle

Snaps the object's rotation to steps of below-defined angle.

The angle can be freely defined or picked from a selection of angles (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60°).

Rotate separately

If checked, selected objects will rotate each on their own axis; if not, they will all rotate around the same axis (as one big object).

Transform children

If checked, the children will rotate on their own axis too - not keeping their relative position to the parent.

In order to keep the same relative position for children, they should be selected and "rotate separately" unticked.