Ceeeb/Sandbox\ArmA: Scripting - Getting Started – User talk

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:::::Maybe you have the good old problem of having a hello.sqf.txt? --[[User:T D|T_D]] 14:58, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
:::::Maybe you have the good old problem of having a hello.sqf.txt? --[[User:T D|T_D]] 14:58, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
:::::To test it you can either execute the script like that: execVM "hello.sqf.txt" or you go to your explorer options. (German: Extras->Ordneroptionen->Ansicht und das Häkchen bei "Erweiterungen bei bekannten Dateitypen ausblenden" entfernen)

Revision as of 15:06, 12 May 2007

Spelling errors

I fixed some spelling up on the page because I'm learning scripting and have been reading this page. If you didn't want me to do this then sorry but it was annoying me. Praetorian

I dared to fix other typos and added a word here and there. Bad, bad me :) Once I got my article done, I might meddle with yours. :-P -- Manny 03:33, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

Actually Manny, this isn't my article ... this is just something I found and used to learn scripting from. -- Praetorian 04:25, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
Please double-check if it's copyrighted or not. Also, I just began to wonder why it is this in Ceeeb's sandbox? -- Manny 04:28, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
Whoa, what you guys doing in here? At the moment this is an exact copy of the article of the same name. I saw how, ummm, inappropriate it was and decided to have a go at re-writing it. None of the content is mine. But 1.07B has distracted me... --Ceeeb 05:01, 12 May 2007 (CEST)

I've had so much trouble learning scripting

Just to let anyone know that might want to help me, I have been building web sites for about 10 years now and yet although I have read nearly every scripting tutorial that there is for OFP and ARMA, I cannot get anything to work. I know how to do triggers and set units and play around with all the existing parts of the game but I want to make game movies and missions and stuff like this and I simply can't get it right.

Can someone help possibly?

The error I keep getting when I use Ceebo's script called hello.sqs or hello.sqf is "Cannot find hello.sqs" ... no matter where I put it. I put this script EVERYWHERE but up my ass and it still won't work. LOL. Praetorian

Try putting them into your mission folder, which should be in your personal files folder.
  • .\ArmA Other Profiles\Your profile name\missions\Mission name
  • .\ArmA\missions\Mission name (not entirely sure about that one)
Try to locate your profile. If you use the standard profile that's generated by default, look into the second folder. Otherwise go with the first one.
For instance (I'm a freaking Austrian with German path names, so don't get confused by the full path name of My Files; also don't get confused by the %-stuff. ArmA translates pretty much every special character into HTML entities):
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Manuel\Eigene Dateien\ArmA Other Profiles\Cpl%2e%20Manny\missions\Dialog%20Test.Intro
-- Manny 03:39, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
Thank Manny, I think I can even make out some of that German LOL. I'll try these paths. Praetorian 03:50, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
One further addendum: You of course need to save the mission first so the paths actually get created. -- Manny 03:51, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
I've wormed my way to this C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA\ and once I get here I'm presented with MISSIONS - SAVED - USERSAVED ...
so I will dump the hello.sqf file into \Missions\Island_Assassination_1.sara ... and see if it works. Praetorian 03:57, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
OK so that anyone can work out that I'm only half an idiot and not a complete one ... I'll list the paths that I've tried and are not working when I place that hello.sqf script in it. By the way I thought I'd mention that I have ARMA installed on a different drive in D:\_GAMEDATA\ArmA\ ... but I didn't think this made a difference.
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA\Missions\Island_Assassination_1.sara ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA\Missions\ ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA\Missions\Saved\missions\Island_Assassination_1.sara ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA\Missions\UserSaved\missions\Island_Assassination_1.sara ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
Also trying a newly saved mission with new paths to the new PRAETORIAN profile ...
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Praetorian ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Praetorian\missions\ ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
C:\Documents and Settings\Spartan\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Praetorian\missions\Hello.sara\ ... (Script hello.sqf not found)
It's kind of getting ridiculous now ... ahaha ... I must be doing something fundamentally wrong ...
Maybe you have the good old problem of having a hello.sqf.txt? --T_D 14:58, 12 May 2007 (CEST)
To test it you can either execute the script like that: execVM "hello.sqf.txt" or you go to your explorer options. (German: Extras->Ordneroptionen->Ansicht und das Häkchen bei "Erweiterungen bei bekannten Dateitypen ausblenden" entfernen)