Eden Editor: Object Categorization: Difference between revisions

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== Hierarchy ==
== Hierarchy ==
===Mode Sorting===
=== Mode Sorting ===
# '''Mode''' - All objects placed in ''Objects'' mode
# '''Mode''' - All objects placed in ''Objects'' mode
# '''Submode''' - Characters and vehicles are sorted per side (e.g., BLUFOR), the rest is under ''Props''
# '''Submode''' - Characters and vehicles are sorted per side (e.g., BLUFOR), the rest is under ''Props''
===Object Sorting===
=== Object Sorting ===
# '''Category''' - the topmost tree hierarchy item. Characters and vehicles are usually sorted by faction (e.g., NATO), while props are sorted by some shared functionality (e.g., Furniture)
# '''Category''' - the topmost tree hierarchy item. Characters and vehicles are usually sorted by faction (e.g., NATO), while props are sorted by some shared functionality (e.g., Furniture)
# '''Subcategory''' - more detailed categorization specific to the main category.
# '''Subcategory''' - more detailed categorization specific to the main category.
# '''Object''' - the object asset which can be actually placed. Identified by an icon; categories don't have one.
# '''Entity''' - the object asset which can be actually placed. Identified by an icon; categories don't have one.

<br style="clear:both;" />
== Configuration ==
== Configuration ==
=== Object ===
''For the list of all config properties, see [[CfgVehicles Config Reference]]''
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
// All objects are configured in CfgVehicles (even those which are not vehicles)
// All objects are configured in CfgVehicles (even those which are not technically vehicles)
class CfgVehicles
class CfgVehicles
class MyObject: Car
class MyObject : Car
// The side decides under which submode is the object sorted
// The side decides under which submode (e.g., BLUFOR) is the object sorted
// Irrelevant when the class doesn't inherit from AllVehicles or any of its child classes (e.g., Car)
// When the class doesn't inherit from AllVehicles or its child classes (e.g., Car),
// the side is ignored and the object will be a Prop
side = 1;
side = 1;

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// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorSubcategory has priority.
// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorSubcategory has priority.
editorSubcategory = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgEditorSubcategories. Should be used everywhere.
editorSubcategory = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgEditorSubcategories. Should be used everywhere.
vehicleClass = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgVehicleClasses. Depreciated, should not be used anymore.
vehicleClass = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgVehicleClasses. Deprecated, should not be used anymore.
=== Categories ===
When you find out that default categories and subcategories don't fit your needs, you can add your own ones. However, we recommend to stick to existing categorization as much as possible.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class CfgEditorCategories
class MyCategory // Category class, you point to it in editorCategory property
displayName = "My Category"; // Name visible in the list
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class CfgEditorSubcategories
class MySubcategory // Category class, you point to it in editorSubcategory property
displayName = "My Subcategory"; // Name visible in the list

== Categories and Subcategories ==
== Categories and Subcategories ==
''WIP - list of all available category and subcategory classes will be added here''

=== Characters and Vehicles ===
==== Faction ====
Example configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
faction = "OPF_F";
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Class
! Display Name
! Side
| {{hl|OPF_F}}
| ''CSAT''
| {{hl|OPF_G_F}}
| ''FIA''
| {{hl|BLU_F}}
| ''NATO''
| {{hl|BLU_G_F}}
| ''FIA''
| {{hl|IND_F}}
| ''AAF''
| Independent
| {{hl|IND_G_F}}
| ''FIA''
| Independent
| {{hl|CIV_F}}
| ''Civilians''
| Civilian
==== Subcategory ====
Example configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_AAs";
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Class
! Display Name
! Contents
| {{hl|EdSubcat_AAs}}
| ''Anti-Air''
| Vehicles specifically equipped for neutralizing air threats.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_APCs}}
| ''APCs''
| Vehicles which were designed as Armored Vehicle Carriers. A tank with passenger seats (e.g., M4A2 Slammer) is not an APC, because such functionality is not its main purpose.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Artillery}}
| ''Artillery''
| Vehicles which were designed to engage distant targets. Generally reserved only with vehicles where gunner can access the ballistic computer.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Boats}}
| ''Boats''
| Naval vehicles.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Cars}}
| ''Cars''
| Lightly armored wheeled vehicles.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Drones}}
| ''Drones''
| Vehicles which doesn't need crew and are controlled using UAV interface.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Helicopters}}
| ''Helicopters''
| Rotary wing aircrafts.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel}}
| ''Men''
| Default characters folder.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_African}}
| ''Men (African)''
| Civilians with African identity sets.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Asian}}
| ''Men (Asian)''
| Civilians with Asian identity sets.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arctic}}
| ''Men (Arctic)''
| Characters in arctic (snow) camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arid}}
| ''Men (Arid)''
| Characters in arid camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Desert}}
| ''Men (Desert)''
| Characters in desert camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Jungle}}
| ''Men (Jungle)''
| Characters in jungle camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Urban}}
| ''Men (Urban)''
| Characters in urban camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Woodland}}
| ''Men (Woodland)''
| Characters in woodland camouflage uniforms.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_European}}
| ''Men (European)''
| Civilians with European identity sets.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_SpecialForces}}
| ''Men (Special Forces)''
| Characters with special purpose (e.g., recon, snipers, divers, etc.)
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_Story}}
| ''Men (Story)''
| Special story characters, usually with specific names and identities already assigned.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Personnel_VR}}
| ''Men (Virtual Reality)''
| Virtual characters.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Planes}}
| ''Planes''
| Fixed wing aircrafts.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Submersibles}}
| ''Submersibles''
| Vehicles operating underwater.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Tanks}}
| ''Tanks''
| Armored vehicles with main purpose to neutralize other armored vehicles.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Targets}}
| ''Targets''
| Virtual targets for AI.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Turrets}}
| ''Turrets''
| Static weapons, e.g., fixed machine guns or mortars. This subcategory has priority over others (e.g., mortar is an artillery as well, but it is a turret first).
=== Props ===
==== Category ====
Example configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorCategory = "EdCat_Animals";
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Class
! Display Name
! Contents
| {{hl|EdCat_Animals}}
| ''Animals''
| Animals, i.e., objects inherited from {{hl|class Animal}}.
| {{hl|EdCat_Default}}
| ''Other''
| Default category where unsorted objects belong. Ideally, you should never use it and pick one of the more specific categories instead.
| {{hl|EdCat_Equipment}}
| ''Equipment''
| Character equipment (i.e., uniforms, vests, backpacks and headgear) which player can pick. Usually inherited from weapon {{hl|class WeaponHolder}} and vehicle {{hl|class Backpack}}.
| {{hl|EdCat_Fences}}
| ''Fences''
| Fence is {{Link|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fence|defined}} as ''a structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually constructed from posts that are connected by boards, wire, rails or netting.[1] A fence differs from a wall in not having a solid foundation along its whole length.'' Includes matching gates and corner elements.
| {{hl|EdCat_Furniture}}
| ''Furniture''
| Furniture is {{Link|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furniture|defined}} as ''the movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (e.g., chairs, stools and sofas) and sleeping (e.g., beds)''
| {{hl|EdCat_Ruins}}
| ''Ruins''
| Ruins of objects categorized in ''Structures'' class. Not destroyed vehicles, they should be placed in ''Wrecks''.
| {{hl|EdCat_Ruins_Altis}}
| ''Ruins (Altis)''
| Ruins of objects categorized in ''Structures (Altis)'' class.
| {{hl|EdCat_Ruins_Tanoa}}
| ''Ruins (Tanoa)''
| Ruins of objects categorized in ''Structures (Tanoa)'' class.
| {{hl|EdCat_Sets}}
| ''Sets''
| {{hl|EdCat_Signs}}
| ''Signs''
| Signs, wall and ground decals and helper objects.
| {{hl|EdCat_Structures}}
| ''Structures''
| Immovable man-made objects, like buildings, industrial objects or utility network.
| {{hl|EdCat_Structures_Altis}}
| ''Structures (Altis)''
| Structures belonging specifically to Altis (i.e., Mediterranean) themed terrains.
| {{hl|EdCat_Structures_Tanoa}}
| ''Structures (Tanoa)''
| Structures belonging specifically to Tanoa (i.e., Pacific) themed terrains.
| {{hl|EdCat_Supplies}}
| ''Supplies''
| Equipment containers which can store weapons, magazines, items and equipment. Used for cargo crates, equipment which are visualized directly (e.g., specific rifle) belong to ''Equipment'' and ''Weapon Attachments''and ''Weapons'' categories.
| {{hl|EdCat_TEST}}
| ''TEST''
| {{hl|EdCat_Things}}
| ''Things''
| Movable man-made objects.
| {{hl|EdCat_VRObjects}}
| ''VR Objects''
| Virtual Reality themed objects, including structures and walls (this category has larger priority than others).
| {{hl|EdCat_Walls}}
| ''Walls''
| Objects for area enclosure with solid foundation. Includes matching gates and corner elements.
| {{hl|EdCat_WeaponAttachments}}
| ''Weapon Attachments''
| Weapon attachments which player can pick. Usually inherited from {{hl|class WeaponHolder}}.
| {{hl|EdCat_Weapons}}
| ''Weapons''
| Weapons attachments which player can pick. Usually inherited from {{hl|class WeaponHolder}}.
| {{hl|EdCat_Wrecks}}
| ''Wrecks''
| Destroyed vehicles. Should use the subcategories as unamaged vehicles have.
==== Subcategory ====
Example configuration:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Advertisements";
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Class
! Display Name
! Intended Category
! Contents
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Advertisements}}
| ''Advertisements''
| Signs''
| Company signs and billboards.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Airports}}
| ''Airport''
| ''
| Airport themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Aquatic}}
| ''Aquatic''
| Animals''
| Aquatic animals (e.g., fish, sharks or turtles)
| {{hl|EdSubcat_AssaultRifles}}
| ''Assault Rifles''
| Weapons''
| Assault rifles which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Avian}}
| ''Avian''
| Animals''
| Avian animals (e.g., birds)
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Backpacks}}
| ''Backpacks''
| Equipment''
| Backpacks which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Beach}}
| ''Beach''
| ''
| Beach themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_BlankSigns}}
| ''Blanks''
| Signs''
| Blank signs to which deigner can map a texture using [[setObjectTexture]].
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Blocks}}
| ''Blocks''
| VR Objects''
| Virtual Reality blocks.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_BottomSlot}}
| ''Bipods''
| Weapon Attachments''
| Weapon attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Camping}}
| ''Camping''
| ''
| Objects with touristic and camping theme.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Cemetery}}
| ''Cemetery''
| ''
| Cemetery themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Chemlights}}
| ''Chemlights''
| Equipment''
| Chemlights which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_ConstructionSites}}
| ''Construction Sites''
| ''
| Construction themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Decals}}
| ''Decals''
| Signs''
| Semi-transparent flat signs which can be placed on the ground or on walls.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Default}}
| ''Other''
| ''
| Defaul subcategory. Ideally, you should never use it and pick one of the more specific subcategories instead.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_DismantledWeapons}}
| ''Dismantled Weapons''
| Equipment''
| Backpacks with dismantled weapons (e.g., mortar) which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Electronics}}
| ''Electronics''
| ''
| Electronics and appliances.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Explosives}}
| ''Explosives''
| Weapons''
| Explosives and mines which can be picked up from the ground. They are inventory items, not explosives that can be immediatelly detonated.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Flags}}
| ''Flags''
| Signs''
| Flags on a flagpole.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Food}}
| ''Food''
| ''
| Food related objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_FrontSlot}}
| ''Suppressors''
| Weapon Attachments''
| Front slot attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Garbage}}
| ''Junk''
| ''
| Garbage and junk themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Graffiti}}
| ''Graffiti''
| Signs''
| Graffiti themed decals which can be placed on a wall.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Hats}}
| ''Hats''
| Equipment''
| Hats which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Helipads}}
| ''Helipads''
| Signs''
| Landing zone decals which can be placed on the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Helmets}}
| ''Helmets''
| Equipment''
| Helmets which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Helpers}}
| ''Helpers''
| Signs''
| Abstract helper symbols and marks.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Historical}}
| ''Historical''
| ''
| Historical objects, e.g., ancient or medieval themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Industrial}}
| ''Industrial''
| ''
| Industrial themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Intel}}
| ''Intel''
| ''
| Intel items, e.g., documents or maps.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_InventoryItems}}
| ''Inventory Items''
| Equipment''
| Misc inventory items which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Lamps}}
| ''Lamps''
| ''
| Lamps illuminating their surroundings.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Launchers}}
| ''Launchers''
| Weapons''
| Rocket launchers which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_MachineGuns}}
| ''Machine Guns''
| Weapons''
| Machine guns which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Machines}}
| ''Machines''
| ''
| Various machines and devices.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Magazines}}
| ''Magazines''
| ''
| Magazines which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Market}}
| ''Market''
| ''
| Outdoor market themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Medicine}}
| ''Medicine''
| ''
| Healthcare themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Military}}
| ''Military''
| ''
| Military themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Obstacles}}
| ''Obstacles''
| ''
| Infantry and vehicle obstacles, mainly for training courses.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Office}}
| ''Office''
| ''
| Office themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Pistols}}
| ''Pistols''
| Weapons''
| Handguns which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Posters}}
| ''Posters''
| Signs''
| Posters which can be placed on a wall.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Racing}}
| ''Racing''
| ''
| Racing themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Religious}}
| ''Religious''
| ''
| Religious objects, with specific religion undefined.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Residential_City}}
| ''City''
| ''
| City themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Residential_Village}}
| ''Village''
| ''
| Village themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_RoadSigns}}
| ''Road Signs''
| ''
| Road signs and barriers.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Seaports}}
| ''Seaport''
| ''
| Seaport themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Services}}
| ''Services''
| ''
| Commercial zone objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_ShootHouse}}
| ''Shoot House''
| ''
| Objects with a theme of plywood training shoot house.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Shops}}
| ''Shop''
| ''
| Shop themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_SideSlot}}
| ''Accessories''
| Weapon Attachments''
| Side attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_SniperRifles}}
| ''Sniper & Marksmen Rifles''
| Weapons''
| Sniper rifles which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Sports}}
| ''Sport & Recreation''
| ''
| Sport and recreation themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Storage}}
| ''Storage''
| ''
| Storage facilities and objects. Not weapon and equipment storage.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_SubMachineGuns}}
| ''SMGs''
| Weapons''
| Sub-machine guns which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Terrestrial}}
| ''Terrestrial''
| Animals''
| Terrestrial animals (e.g., dog or rabbit).
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Tools}}
| ''Tools''
| ''
| Tools and small devices.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_TopSlot_Collimators}}
| ''Collimator Sights''
| Weapon Attachments''
| Collimator sight attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_TopSlot_Optics}}
| ''Optic Sights''
| Weapon Attachments''
| Optic sight attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Trains}}
| ''Trains''
| ''
| Railroad themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Transportation}}
| ''Transportation''
| ''
| Transportation themed objects.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Uniforms}}
| ''Uniforms''
| Equipment''
| Uniforms which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Utilities}}
| ''Utilities''
| ''
| Utility objects, e.g., power, gas or water distribution.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_Vests}}
| ''Vests''
| Equipment''
| Vests which can be picked up from the ground.
| {{hl|EdSubcat_WarningSigns}}
| ''Warnings''
| Signs''
| Warning signs.
[[Category:Eden Editor: Modding]]

Latest revision as of 16:11, 23 April 2024


3den objectCategorization.png

Mode Sorting

  1. Mode - All objects placed in Objects mode
  2. Submode - Characters and vehicles are sorted per side (e.g., BLUFOR), the rest is under Props

Object Sorting

  1. Category - the topmost tree hierarchy item. Characters and vehicles are usually sorted by faction (e.g., NATO), while props are sorted by some shared functionality (e.g., Furniture)
  2. Subcategory - more detailed categorization specific to the main category.
  3. Entity - the object asset which can be actually placed. Identified by an icon; categories don't have one.



For the list of all config properties, see CfgVehicles Config Reference

// All objects are configured in CfgVehicles (even those which are not technically vehicles)
class CfgVehicles
	class MyObject : Car
		// The side decides under which submode (e.g., BLUFOR) is the object sorted
		// When the class doesn't inherit from AllVehicles or its child classes (e.g., Car),
		// the side is ignored and the object will be a Prop
		side = 1;

		// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorCategory has priority.
		editorCategory = "MyCategory"; // Class from CfgEditorCategories. Usually used for props.
		faction = "MyCategory"; // Class from CfgFactionClasses. Usually used for characters and vehicles.

		// Two ways how to set it exist. When both are present, editorSubcategory has priority.
		editorSubcategory = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgEditorSubcategories. Should be used everywhere.
		vehicleClass = "MySubcategory"; // Class from CfgVehicleClasses. Deprecated, should not be used anymore.


When you find out that default categories and subcategories don't fit your needs, you can add your own ones. However, we recommend to stick to existing categorization as much as possible.

class CfgEditorCategories
	class MyCategory // Category class, you point to it in editorCategory property
		displayName = "My Category"; // Name visible in the list
class CfgEditorSubcategories
	class MySubcategory // Category class, you point to it in editorSubcategory property
		displayName = "My Subcategory"; // Name visible in the list

Categories and Subcategories

Characters and Vehicles


Example configuration:

faction = "OPF_F";
Class Display Name Side
IND_F AAF Independent
IND_G_F FIA Independent
CIV_F Civilians Civilian


Example configuration:

editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_AAs";
Class Display Name Contents
EdSubcat_AAs Anti-Air Vehicles specifically equipped for neutralizing air threats.
EdSubcat_APCs APCs Vehicles which were designed as Armored Vehicle Carriers. A tank with passenger seats (e.g., M4A2 Slammer) is not an APC, because such functionality is not its main purpose.
EdSubcat_Artillery Artillery Vehicles which were designed to engage distant targets. Generally reserved only with vehicles where gunner can access the ballistic computer.
EdSubcat_Boats Boats Naval vehicles.
EdSubcat_Cars Cars Lightly armored wheeled vehicles.
EdSubcat_Drones Drones Vehicles which doesn't need crew and are controlled using UAV interface.
EdSubcat_Helicopters Helicopters Rotary wing aircrafts.
EdSubcat_Personnel Men Default characters folder.
EdSubcat_Personnel_African Men (African) Civilians with African identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Asian Men (Asian) Civilians with Asian identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arctic Men (Arctic) Characters in arctic (snow) camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Arid Men (Arid) Characters in arid camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Desert Men (Desert) Characters in desert camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Jungle Men (Jungle) Characters in jungle camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Urban Men (Urban) Characters in urban camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_Camo_Woodland Men (Woodland) Characters in woodland camouflage uniforms.
EdSubcat_Personnel_European Men (European) Civilians with European identity sets.
EdSubcat_Personnel_SpecialForces Men (Special Forces) Characters with special purpose (e.g., recon, snipers, divers, etc.)
EdSubcat_Personnel_Story Men (Story) Special story characters, usually with specific names and identities already assigned.
EdSubcat_Personnel_VR Men (Virtual Reality) Virtual characters.
EdSubcat_Planes Planes Fixed wing aircrafts.
EdSubcat_Submersibles Submersibles Vehicles operating underwater.
EdSubcat_Tanks Tanks Armored vehicles with main purpose to neutralize other armored vehicles.
EdSubcat_Targets Targets Virtual targets for AI.
EdSubcat_Turrets Turrets Static weapons, e.g., fixed machine guns or mortars. This subcategory has priority over others (e.g., mortar is an artillery as well, but it is a turret first).



Example configuration:

editorCategory = "EdCat_Animals";
Class Display Name Contents
EdCat_Animals Animals Animals, i.e., objects inherited from class Animal.
EdCat_Default Other Default category where unsorted objects belong. Ideally, you should never use it and pick one of the more specific categories instead.
EdCat_Equipment Equipment Character equipment (i.e., uniforms, vests, backpacks and headgear) which player can pick. Usually inherited from weapon class WeaponHolder and vehicle class Backpack.
EdCat_Fences Fences Fence is defined as a structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually constructed from posts that are connected by boards, wire, rails or netting.[1] A fence differs from a wall in not having a solid foundation along its whole length. Includes matching gates and corner elements.
EdCat_Furniture Furniture Furniture is defined as the movable objects intended to support various human activities such as seating (e.g., chairs, stools and sofas) and sleeping (e.g., beds)
EdCat_Ruins Ruins Ruins of objects categorized in Structures class. Not destroyed vehicles, they should be placed in Wrecks.
EdCat_Ruins_Altis Ruins (Altis) Ruins of objects categorized in Structures (Altis) class.
EdCat_Ruins_Tanoa Ruins (Tanoa) Ruins of objects categorized in Structures (Tanoa) class.
EdCat_Signs Signs Signs, wall and ground decals and helper objects.
EdCat_Structures Structures Immovable man-made objects, like buildings, industrial objects or utility network.
EdCat_Structures_Altis Structures (Altis) Structures belonging specifically to Altis (i.e., Mediterranean) themed terrains.
EdCat_Structures_Tanoa Structures (Tanoa) Structures belonging specifically to Tanoa (i.e., Pacific) themed terrains.
EdCat_Supplies Supplies Equipment containers which can store weapons, magazines, items and equipment. Used for cargo crates, equipment which are visualized directly (e.g., specific rifle) belong to Equipment and Weapon Attachmentsand Weapons categories.
EdCat_Things Things Movable man-made objects.
EdCat_VRObjects VR Objects Virtual Reality themed objects, including structures and walls (this category has larger priority than others).
EdCat_Walls Walls Objects for area enclosure with solid foundation. Includes matching gates and corner elements.
EdCat_WeaponAttachments Weapon Attachments Weapon attachments which player can pick. Usually inherited from class WeaponHolder.
EdCat_Weapons Weapons Weapons attachments which player can pick. Usually inherited from class WeaponHolder.
EdCat_Wrecks Wrecks Destroyed vehicles. Should use the subcategories as unamaged vehicles have.


Example configuration:

editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Advertisements";
Class Display Name Intended Category Contents
EdSubcat_Advertisements Advertisements Signs Company signs and billboards.
EdSubcat_Airports Airport Airport themed objects.
EdSubcat_Aquatic Aquatic Animals Aquatic animals (e.g., fish, sharks or turtles)
EdSubcat_AssaultRifles Assault Rifles Weapons Assault rifles which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Avian Avian Animals Avian animals (e.g., birds)
EdSubcat_Backpacks Backpacks Equipment Backpacks which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Beach Beach Beach themed objects.
EdSubcat_BlankSigns Blanks Signs Blank signs to which deigner can map a texture using setObjectTexture.
EdSubcat_Blocks Blocks VR Objects Virtual Reality blocks.
EdSubcat_BottomSlot Bipods Weapon Attachments Weapon attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Camping Camping Objects with touristic and camping theme.
EdSubcat_Cemetery Cemetery Cemetery themed objects.
EdSubcat_Chemlights Chemlights Equipment Chemlights which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_ConstructionSites Construction Sites Construction themed objects.
EdSubcat_Decals Decals Signs Semi-transparent flat signs which can be placed on the ground or on walls.
EdSubcat_Default Other Defaul subcategory. Ideally, you should never use it and pick one of the more specific subcategories instead.
EdSubcat_DismantledWeapons Dismantled Weapons Equipment Backpacks with dismantled weapons (e.g., mortar) which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Electronics Electronics Electronics and appliances.
EdSubcat_Explosives Explosives Weapons Explosives and mines which can be picked up from the ground. They are inventory items, not explosives that can be immediatelly detonated.
EdSubcat_Flags Flags Signs Flags on a flagpole.
EdSubcat_Food Food Food related objects.
EdSubcat_FrontSlot Suppressors Weapon Attachments Front slot attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Garbage Junk Garbage and junk themed objects.
EdSubcat_Graffiti Graffiti Signs Graffiti themed decals which can be placed on a wall.
EdSubcat_Hats Hats Equipment Hats which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Helipads Helipads Signs Landing zone decals which can be placed on the ground.
EdSubcat_Helmets Helmets Equipment Helmets which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Helpers Helpers Signs Abstract helper symbols and marks.
EdSubcat_Historical Historical Historical objects, e.g., ancient or medieval themed objects.
EdSubcat_Industrial Industrial Industrial themed objects.
EdSubcat_Intel Intel Intel items, e.g., documents or maps.
EdSubcat_InventoryItems Inventory Items Equipment Misc inventory items which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Lamps Lamps Lamps illuminating their surroundings.
EdSubcat_Launchers Launchers Weapons Rocket launchers which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_MachineGuns Machine Guns Weapons Machine guns which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Machines Machines Various machines and devices.
EdSubcat_Magazines Magazines Magazines which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Market Market Outdoor market themed objects.
EdSubcat_Medicine Medicine Healthcare themed objects.
EdSubcat_Military Military Military themed objects.
EdSubcat_Obstacles Obstacles Infantry and vehicle obstacles, mainly for training courses.
EdSubcat_Office Office Office themed objects.
EdSubcat_Pistols Pistols Weapons Handguns which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Posters Posters Signs Posters which can be placed on a wall.
EdSubcat_Racing Racing Racing themed objects.
EdSubcat_Religious Religious Religious objects, with specific religion undefined.
EdSubcat_Residential_City City City themed objects.
EdSubcat_Residential_Village Village Village themed objects.
EdSubcat_RoadSigns Road Signs Road signs and barriers.
EdSubcat_Seaports Seaport Seaport themed objects.
EdSubcat_Services Services Commercial zone objects.
EdSubcat_ShootHouse Shoot House Objects with a theme of plywood training shoot house.
EdSubcat_Shops Shop Shop themed objects.
EdSubcat_SideSlot Accessories Weapon Attachments Side attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_SniperRifles Sniper & Marksmen Rifles Weapons Sniper rifles which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Sports Sport & Recreation Sport and recreation themed objects.
EdSubcat_Storage Storage Storage facilities and objects. Not weapon and equipment storage.
EdSubcat_SubMachineGuns SMGs Weapons Sub-machine guns which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Terrestrial Terrestrial Animals Terrestrial animals (e.g., dog or rabbit).
EdSubcat_Tools Tools Tools and small devices.
EdSubcat_TopSlot_Collimators Collimator Sights Weapon Attachments Collimator sight attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_TopSlot_Optics Optic Sights Weapon Attachments Optic sight attachments which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Trains Trains Railroad themed objects.
EdSubcat_Transportation Transportation Transportation themed objects.
EdSubcat_Uniforms Uniforms Equipment Uniforms which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_Utilities Utilities Utility objects, e.g., power, gas or water distribution.
EdSubcat_Vests Vests Equipment Vests which can be picked up from the ground.
EdSubcat_WarningSigns Warnings Signs Warning signs.