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Article: How to animate a model.
== Note ==
If you are searching my tutorial on animations, take a look [[ArmA:_How_to_animate_a_model|here]].

To animate a model, you have to make use of both, the ''cfgModels'' and ''cfgSkeletons'' class.
The ''cfgSkeletons'' class defines the bones of a vehicle. Bones are, more or less, the <u>animated selections</u> of a model.
The ''cfgModels'' class is an extended version of the OFP cfgModels class. It defines the selections of a model which you want to animate or use with the setObjectTexture command, but since ArmA, you have to put everything related to animate your model in here.
According to the article about [[Model Config]], the cfgSkeletons and cfgModels class should be part of a model.cfg file which is located in the addon pbo file.
However, this does not seems to work (I assume the model.cfg files will be put into the model p3d file during binarization). For now, you can add the cfgSkeletons and cfgModels class to your config.cpp which works like a charm.
The ''cfgSkeletons'' class defines, as mentioned before, the bones (<nowiki>=</nowiki> animated selections) of a vehicle.
Each skeleton is a subclass within the cfgSkeletons class, consisting of three parameters:
|currently unknown, set to 1.
|inherit bones from given class.
|define your own bones here.
===Defining a bone===
Bones are defined in the skeletonBones[]-array which is made of a list of unsorted bones. Each bone is the name of a selection you want to animate.
====A single bone====
A bone is defined by using two strings:
You may define multiple bones by strining them togeter.
"bone1","", //defines bone1
"bone2",""  //defines bone2
====Linked bones====
The second argument (empty in the example above) is used for linking two bones:<br>
Linking is used to make the animation of "bone1" depending on the movement of "bone2". If you e.g. have a turret, you have to make use of linking here, because the up and down movement of the turrets weapon is typically influenced by left and right movement of the turret:
"turret_x","",        //defines bone turret_x
"turret_y","turret_x"  //defines bone turret_y and makes it linked to bone turret_x
You can not link more than two bones in a row!<br>
If you do something like
<pre> "bone1","bone2","bone3"</pre>
this will result in an error, as Armed Assault interprets this as
*defining "bone1" which is linked to "bone2"
*defining "bone3", ''which misses the second argument.''
However, it should be possible to use a syntax like this (not tested yet):
"bone1","bone2", //defines bone "bone1" and makes it linked to "bone2"
"bone2","bone3", //defines bone "bone2" and makes it linked to "bone3"
"bone3",""      //defines bone "bone3".
In conclusion, "bone1" is linked to "bone2", which is linked to "bone3".<br>
So "bone1" should be depending on the movement of both, "bone2" and "bone3".
===cfgSkeletons Example===
<pre>class BWMod_Tiger_Skeleton
The cfgModels class is used to declare the selections of a model you want to animate or access via the setObjectTexture command. Since ArmA, the cfgModels class has been extended an is now used to define all animations of a model.
Each of your model is a subclass inside of the cfgModels class and the models filename is used as the name of your class (without .p3d). E.g. your model p3d is named "myVehicle.p3d" your class is "class myvehicle {}". We will call them "modelclasses" in this article for the sake of simplicity.
Each modelclass consists of three parameters and an additional subclass which defines the animations of your models:
|inherit sections (= selections) from given glass.
|define your sections here.
|class name of skeleton used by this model.
|'''class Animations {}'''
|subclass which defines the animations of your model.
A section is the same as a selection: a part of the model which may be animated or changed via the setObjectTexture command. To define selections in your modelclass make use of the section[]-array. This array is an unordered list of all selections you want to use in the ways described above.
To define animations for your model, you have to make use of the class animations in your modelclass.
Each animation is a subclass in the class animations consisting of parameters:
|the type of the animation, e.g. rotating or translation. Refer to [[Model_Config#Animation_types|Model Config]] for a list of all animation types.
|The source used to animate the selection. Refer to [[Model_Config#Animation_sources|Model Config]] for a list of all sources.
|The name of the axis you want to use (only necessary for types ''rotation'' and ''translation'').
|If using an own axis (by the axis-parameter) use value 1 if axis is located in the memory lod of your model or 0 if the axis is located in the lod (or better: every lod) where your animated selection is used.
|Use "loop" if you want your animation to "loop" (e.g. on wheels) or "clamp" if you want your animation to stop at a specific angle (e.g. on the steering wheel of a car).
|If source returns a value <= minValue, the animation is animated with angle0 (see below)
|If source returns a value >= maxValue, the animation is animated with angle1 (see below)
|The angle the selection is animated when minValue is reached.
|The angle the selection is animated when maxValue is reached.
I am assuming that each source is returning a value between 0 and 1 which is used to animate your selection. Some may even return a value from -1 to 1.
When using source="speed", the source is returning 0 when the vehicle is not moving and 1 when the vehicle is moving at maximum speed.
When using source="drivingWheel", the source is returning -1 when the vehicle is turning left, 0 when the vehicle is not turning and 1 when the vehicle is turning right.

Latest revision as of 03:38, 3 December 2018


If you are searching my tutorial on animations, take a look here.