SNKMAN – User talk

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FSM: ( Fine State Machine )
In ArmA 2 we have 2 different .fsm which are used to set how A.I. should behave in combat.

1. NativeFSM ( CACharacters\CfgFSMs.hpp )
2. ScriptedFSM ( CACharacters\Scripts\Danger.fsm )
Bouth FSMs are initialized in the "CACharacter" >> "CfgVehicles" >> "CAManBase".
The '''NativeFSM''' is used to control the general behaviour of A.I. units in combat.
It will choose if A.I. should go to cover or attack a known enemy.
If A.I. should reload while in cover or if A.I. should look any another ( may better ) cover.

Latest revision as of 09:23, 12 August 2010