Wish List – Arma 2

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** Alliances definiable independently in mission/campaign via multipliers table
** Alliances definiable independently in mission/campaign via multipliers table
** Example alliances configuration for Resistance in mission could be [west 1, east -2, resistance (own), civilian 2, animals 0]
** Example alliances configuration for Resistance in mission could be [west 1, east -2, resistance (own), civilian 2, animals 0]
** Similar ranking table per unit [west x (depending on side config), east y, resistance (as it is), civilian z, etc.] [[User:ZGuba|zGuba]] 21:14, 2 June 2008 (CEST)
** Similar ranking table per unit [west x (depending on side config), east y, resistance (as it is), civilian z, etc.]
** Killing allies: if unit's rank per allied side is higher than the negative score on killing unit, then it'll be zeroed. No more "if you have killed 10 foes, you have right to kill 2 friendlies".
** "Return fire treshold" for own side - it will hide from you, but won't engage till some negative rank limit is reached [[User:ZGuba|zGuba]] 15:41, 9 June 2008 (CEST)
* Make "hit and runs" score on vehicle driver. [[User:ZGuba|zGuba]] 15:41, 9 June 2008 (CEST)

==Technical & Performance==
==Technical & Performance==

[[Category:ArmA2: The Game|Wish List]]
[[Category:ArmA2: The Game|Wish List]]

Revision as of 15:41, 9 June 2008


Help BI to get ideas for ArmA2 by contributing to this wish list! Before you begin editing, read over the Make A Wish section. Its very important to provide accurate detail in posting your wish.

Making a Wish

1. Add specific detail to your wish, one liners won't be accepted without good detailed information.
2. Make realistic wishes.
3. Always sign your entries by adding ~~~ after your addition. Failure to sign your addition will result in someone removing your addition without notification.

Discussions should be held on the Discussion Page and not in this Wishlist.


  • Bring back the old score card from OFP. After a mission (preview of a custom mission especially) i like to see who i have killed. its just a nice addition really. Siementaa
  • More hiddenSelections based universal models for similar units if possible. Less trouble with memory usage. (?) zGuba 19:42, 3 June 2008 (CEST)


  • Realistic Civilian AI: For example, when a group of civilians are shot at, they tend to just go prone where they stood. Realistically they would run off away from the danger, or find cover that is close by. this would make a more visually appealing setting for an invasion scenario or something similar. The same should apply to millitary units too, but in a different manner. Units under fire should not just go prone, but find the nearest cover, be it a vehicle or bushes and trees as well as buildings. Regarding the civilian reaction to danger, there should be more animations better suited to a civilian, for instance when sprinting perhaps stumbling, cowering in the face of an armed soldier etc. Siementaa
  • AI shouldn't disembark in combat from HMMWV due to single flat tire... make it adapt to it to the point the vehicle is fully undriveable, or go back & attempt to repair vehicle if needed when the threat is neutralised. Tank crews shouldn't disembark due to immobilisation when under fire (suicidal behaviour). zGuba 16:25, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Suppressive fire. That's what most of ammunition is used for on a battlefield. Spray 'n pray for less skilled units - skill dependance on fire modes just like xxxRangeProbability. zGuba 16:25, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • "Chicken" behaviour mode - don't try engaging enemy too much, just run!!! zGuba 19:15, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • "Silent" behaviour mode - make AI select suppressed weapons, not talk too loud & too much to the moment they are fully discovered zGuba 16:30, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Make AI afraid of incoming bullets and missiles (f. e. ejecting from aircrafts when out of morale and sure of inevitability of destruction). zGuba 19:15, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • AI ejecting from planes (option for helicopters) if can't shake the terrain. zGuba 16:11, 7 June 2008 (CEST)


  • Having sounds travel actual distances, such as being able to hear gunshot a depending on the terrain in between the weapon and the one hearing it. In flat areas a round should be heard for a mile or more and obstacles such as hills should dampen gunshots, vehicles,etc.M Jelínek
  • "Whispering to radio" when in stealth(/silent?) mode. zGuba 16:08, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Use radio as an option. Save batteries for distant communication or critical situations (+whisper). zGuba 16:08, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Additional voices that can't be used by AI, sided configuration. playerOnly = 1 or sides[] = [0,0,0,...] zGuba 16:08, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • It's rather tedious entertainment to hear own commands in radio. zGuba 16:08, 7 June 2008 (CEST)


  • Allow driver to aim with his weapon :) like single seated tanks and Ka-50 in OFP. zGuba 15:41, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Make player feel like commander! Hierarchical control - squads / subsquads / vehicles > soldiers instead of F11-F12 scrolling. Function keys were good for controlling 12-men sized groups, not multiple squads. Also hierarchical communication: [green]3: Enemy tank[s] at 2 o'clock! [blue]Alpha: This is Alpha, we've got enemy armor at 325231! [blue]PltLdr: Alpha, move to that building at 322210! [blue]Alpha:Moving [green]1: Squad, move to that building at 8 o'clock! [green]1: Shit! 2,4 and 7 are down! [blue]Alpha: Need medical assistance and antitank support! We've got 3 men down! blablabla... and some linguistic gymnastic. zGuba 17:15, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Smoother control over infantry actions. It is difficult to react to changing situations as an infantry in ArmA due to clunky and slow reacting controls. Transitions between posese and actions is also very slow and unrealistc, which can be a cause for some frusteration. For example, in real life a soldiers rifle is hanging on his shoulder by a strap, he can quickly drop his rifle and have it hang around him, while he grabs another weapon quickly such as an anti-tank weapon or pistol rather than the current system, which has a very slow and unrealistic transition from one action to another. Transitions between walking and running are very annoying and unrealistic, the player should always have absolute instantaneous control over their body, as in real life. The AT weapons and the effect they have on the player is very unrealistic and annoying. Players should be able to sprint with the AT weapon employed as in real life it is very light and maliable. Hazzard65

Weapons, Vehicles & Units

  • Realistic weapons would be a nice addition. Things such as range, fire rate, accuracy, bullet damage, penetration capabilities, recoil, wind resistance and bullet drop on all weapons, not just sniper rifles.M Jelínek
 Modern Firearms Site
  • AI driving needs massive improvement. As far as i can tell, AI driving has gotten even worse than OFP! for instance, AI take the shortest route from way point 0 to way point 1. Road classes should be introduced, or improved or better implemented into the AI to allow for drivers to stick to the main roads rather than go off into back streets because they are along the displacement line between the two way points. it is really annoying when i make a mission that begins with me in cargo of a vehicle and i have to wait for the driver to maneuver around trees and buildings because he got him self stuck. Siementaa
    • The path plotting of the AI should be better. It happens a lot of vehicles going off the road for no apparent reason. This mostly happen when then depart (f.e. in a convoy) or when they have to go round a corner. And when vehicles are off the road they should have better paths too, or at least know that when an obstacle won't fall down, they need to use another path. (How many times I've seen a tank trying to run over a tree -or even a house!- while the object won't give in. Tanks, and other vehicles become useless if this happens.) Hurricane
  • Faster disembarking from vehicles. This should, however, depend on the behavior of the group/unit during the activation of the way point. For instance when a unit is under fire, units in cargo should disembark very quickly, whilst when safe or careless, and maybe alert to some extent, they will disembark at the current rate. Siementaa
    • Something like "disembarking interval" per proxy would be appreciated there. zGuba 17:23, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Helicopters at the moment are very poor when it comes to synchronized landing-cargo unloading and take off. They tend to hover or fly around the "H" and the unload/get out way point before finally landing. (the system i use is a Transport Unload/unload way point synced to a get out way point belonging to a separate group. (although it happens with out any second group, with just a get out way point and an invisible H. Siementaa
    • the same needs to be done with loading. Using the same system as the unloading, helicopters tend to fly off and land somewhere far away before the group has a chance to load. very annoying in mission ergonomics, it is just silly. Siementaa
  • External guns on tanks. instead of the simple turret gun as in ArmA and OFP, there should be the ability for a character to turn out and use an external machine gun or grenade launcher. Also, this should not be confined to the gunner position. Siementaa

- AirPlane like A-10 should to have Cluster Bomb Unit weapon (CBU-52,58,72,87,94,97) for destroy troop --Chukrit1980 05:52, 25 April 2008 (CEST)

- should to have SAM Site/vehicle to protect ARMY-BASE (Troop can switch ON/OFF Tracking Radar and set AUTO/Manual-Fire Missile) and AIRCRAFT should to have Anti-SAM Radar Missile like (HARM for USAF Aircraft and Kh-50 for RU Aircraft)--Chukrit1980 05:52, 25 April 2008 (CEST)

- should to have Paratrooper Operation like High/Low-Drop, High/Low-Drag and when paratrooper still not drag parachute, they should to be control heading/speed to found&move to safty/target area. and after they drag parachute, they will can control a little of heading and Air break only --Chukrit1980 06:00, 25 April 2008 (CEST)

  • More random destroy effects, also environment conditions like no secondary explosions and burning while wet. zGuba 21:21, 2 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Non-fire-and-forget config switch for missiles (for example Vikhrs, Spirals and AGM-114K) - means following currently tracked target! Also some laser tracking simulation would be fine zGuba 15:41, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Option to hide in opened (M113 / HMMWV / M163) turrets (we're standing ducks there) zGuba 15:50, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Full engine and gearbox configuration (idle RPM, max RPM, power/RPM, torque/RPM, transmissions, ignition sound, ignition type) zGuba 16:11, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Flat tires replacement (what are these spare wheels doing there?) and tires configuraton (influence on vehicle's driving characteristics made by flat tire) zGuba 16:20, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Single use weapons (like M136 AT4). zGuba 15:41, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Unguided rockets changing their trajectory randomly (like in SLX Mod), affected by wind. zGuba 16:33, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ejection seats and disconnecting rotor blades effect would be nice to see. If we can script it, then You can hardcode it :) zGuba 17:24, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Turrets for aircrafts. zGuba 15:41, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • "multiplier" config variable making shot bullet with multiplied strength - worst example of current state is 2A42 "fast mode" a.k.a. "ammo waster" zGuba 23:30, 4 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Helicopter physics need improvement in some areas. Most importantly, autorotations are not possible with the current physics model. In real helicopters, an autorotation allows a controlled descent to an emergency landing in case of engine failure. This happens through purely aerodynamic forces. At the time of engine failure, collective is dropped to minimum pitch which forces an air current over the blades as the helicopter descends. This air current keeps the blades spinning near normal operating RPM, so that when the helicopter nears the ground there is enough momentum in the blades to add collective to slow the descent of the helicopter and cushion the landing enough so there is no damage. Lateral movement is also another crucial part of autorotations so that at the appropriate time, the helicopter can be flared by raising the nose which greatly helps to decrease the descent rate. In ARMA, when the engine is cut either manually or by fire, the blades stop spinning within a few seconds and the helicopter drops like a rock with no control over collective or tail rotor and no chance of landing softly. Wildwilly
  • Soldiers not disappearing in destroyed vehicles. zGuba 16:49, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Maybe for ArmA 3 :) disconnectable parts of vehicles (wheels, doors, canopys, wings and blades) and influence of that loss on the vehicle params. zGuba 17:42, 7 June 2008 (CEST)



  • Ability to vote for admin in Player List. Many new players seem to be non-literate :| zGuba 15:52, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Additional options section for addons, so they could be customized ingame instead of .hpp files. zGuba 16:13, 7 June 2008 (CEST)

Dedicated Server

Should to have Dedicated Server Linux Version. (include Voice-Communication Service.) And Support Hyperlobby System too. --Chukrit1980 05:37, 25 April 2008 (CEST)





  • Public server for players statistics: Accuracy per weapon, Head shots, kill/death ratio, team kills, time serving/playing etc etc Bangon82



  • Ability to hide waypoint from player. I'd love to assign waypoints to get AI controlled player to move around but don't want someone to join in game and see all these waypoints. --Doolittle 21:01, 23 January 2008 (CET)


  • Ability to change marker font size ! Currently have to use locations to get smaller font --Doolittle 21:00, 23 January 2008 (CET)


  • Built-in XEH. I think that everybody in BIS should be impressed with this addon. zGuba 21:29, 2 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Please add launched missile to incomingMissile eventhandler result array. zGuba 15:29, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • If possible, please separate Eject from GetOut eventhandler or add information about it [like "GetOut"/"Eject"] to it's result array. zGuba 15:58, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Firing turret info. zGuba 23:17, 4 June 2008 (CEST)


  • Command to get number of F-key used to control AI unit. If on command bar I have to hit F3 to use a soldier, need command to tell me it's F3. --Doolittle 20:58, 23 January 2008 (CET)
  • Arrays of units in given vehicles cargo and separate for units mounted on crew positions (exclude effective commander in cargo). zGuba 15:27, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ability to obtain and change missile's target via command after launch. zGuba 15:33, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ability to return and set damage per each part of the vehicle and soldier. zGuba 17:25, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ability to return and set weapons, magazines and ammo used in each turret. zGuba 16:27, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ability to make AI target and fire at given position (2D and 3D) with desired error and weapon (artillery, cutscenes purposes) zGuba 17:24, 7 June 2008 (CEST)

Mission Editor

MP Commands

  • isAdmin --Doolittle 20:59, 23 January 2008 (CET)

Debug / File Handling

  • Single error report per one line. zGuba 16:18, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Another report file containing cumulative error lines sorted by count. zGuba 16:18, 7 June 2008 (CEST)

Editing & Modding

  • More functions within the editor. A full script editor would be a huge plus. Also, more built in functions to avoid massive amounts of scripting (unit load out editor, respawn; both vehicle and player, crate/vehicle load out...). F-16
  • Allow overwriting localization strings. zGuba 16:18, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Allow aggregation of objects along with composition (which is defined via skelletons). That would enable to creation of objects made of independent parts. (I can think of a building as aggregate of bricks, supporting struts, roof tiles....) After hitting such object, it would not be simply destroyed, but would fall into pieces, thus adding realism Buky


  • The addition of realistic Ragdoll. The best example i can think of is that of the game Bioshock. It has a mix of prerecorded (or prescripted) animation and free ragdoll physics. It creates a brilliant realism that is far better than the current all-prerecorded or the floppy all-ragdoll physics engine. Siementaa
  • Currently if you try to load a vehicle into another larger vehicle (boat/cargo plane) the end result is carnage. It would be great to have a system of synchronizing objects so they will be able to carry things. This could be especially interesting if someone wanted to drop palletized cargo out of a plane (ammo, fuel, people...). The same goes for ships, aircraft carriers would be much simpler and a hanger deck could possibly be accommodated. F-16
  • Damage/destructibility: If you happen to shoot the tip of a T-72's barrel with a Sabot round, the whole thing should not explode. Damage should, for the most part, not spill over into other parts of a vehicle. The same goes for aircraft, if you shoot the wingtip, it should pop off (or at least the wing). Also, if an engine or gun (in the case of some of the lighter vehicles) is shot, it should stop working. It would also be great to see a better deflection/damage threshold so you cannot destroy a tank with an MP5 and so rpg/at4 rounds will deflect if they hit at a steep angle (this would slightly benefit the M1A1 as opposed to the T-72 but newer tanks would also take advantage of this). F-16
  • Generally enhanced animations. Smooth transactions between animations used in everyday combat. More animations for moving around in a realistic and enyojable way. Realistic automatic animations such as steping and rolling over small fences when moving towards them. Ability to move or hit the dirt when dooing longer animations such as reloading AT rocket. ArmA has greate animations but lacks some important ones to give the player total freedom of movement.Walker001
  • Less armor = x for whole vehicle, more independently "armored" parts. This way - destroyable windows as a logical consequence of partially destroyable buildings! Could it be done also for vehicles, so breaking windscreen won't damage the whole vehicle? zGuba 19:30, 3 June 2008 (CEST)


Spec-Ops should to be can swimming and scuba driving equ. (Jump-off from boat and driving cross the sea to beach for sneak-in army base) --Chukrit1980 08:33, 25 April 2008 (CEST)

  • Sea not damaging units like it was ocean of acid. We're in 2008. We'll be in 2009. zGuba 21:16, 2 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Radar systems, hot smoke affecting IR scanners. zGuba 15:41, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Unified FOV for all ironsight-only weapons and soldier/vehicle views (that feeling of beign frog while driving HMMWV...) zGuba 15:50, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Ability to dig out a position(s) to three levels: Shallow (body height when prone), medium (kneeling) and deep (standing) Bangon82
  • Smoke partially occluding the view for AI. (er... is it done for fog?) zGuba 16:24, 7 June 2008 (CEST)


  • Police models, for units and vehicles. Such as in OFP:R with the Nogova police. Siementaa
  • Smoking craters. After an explosive has detonated, and left a crater there should be smoke rising from it for a while. Also, vegitation, such as grass, should be cleared within the blast area. Siementaa
  • Bullet hole effects on buildings and vehicles. Siementaa
  • Flaming units: units can set on fire if close to a gasoline explosion or similar. There should be a preset animation for this (Assuming that it is fatal), or more rather a mixture of an animation yet you remain in control of the unit. The ability to submerge your self in water to put your self out. There should be varying degrees of this, from total engulfing to fire localized to a limb. A good example of this is tank, or large vehicle explosions: since in reality, tank explosion doesn't mean immediate huge explosion and insta-death, units should eject the vehicle on fire, assuming they survived the initial explosion. Siementaa
  • Exploding barrels. Realistically however: when hit with a small caliber bullet they wont blow up, they will leak. Relating to the previous suggestion about units catching on fire, units in close proximity to barrel explosion should catch on fire to a degree relative to their proximity. Siementaa
  • The smoke from lit fires doesn't rise enough. Make it more like OFP where it rises alot higher, yet dissipates with altitude. Siementaa
  • Torches: For example, the headlamp off S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl. This should be added to all units. However with an AI control that only allows them to be used under particular behaviors. Also a realistic ability for AI to spot a torch beam. Hand held torches that can be equipped like binoculars (for the civilian population). Torches on weapons. Siementaa
  • The ability to shoulder and holster your weapon. Again adding to the realism. Siementaa
  • Full array of movements and smooth transitions (f. e. crouching and leaning without weapon, or lying with AT launcher prepared to fire) zGuba 16:08, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Vibrations from engine affecting whole vehicle (diesel on low RPM :P) - would be easier if there'll be ability to fully configure engine and gearbox for each vehicle. zGuba 16:08, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Death animations depending on lethal hit positon. zGuba 16:08, 3 June 2008 (CEST)
    • In first person view, having camera shake from head cracking ground and vision blurring out from redish(blood?) to black(death). Bangon82
  • Option for particle that it won't be outscaled when zooming in. zGuba 16:25, 7 June 2008 (CEST)
  • "14 year old African boy" animation set (that means firing from hip, good for some kind of less skilled insurgents) zGuba 15:29, 9 June 2008 (CEST)

Gameplay Logic and Overall Continuity

  • Side based ranking system! ArmA (OFP?) ranking system leads to absurds. If You're civilian and kill Resistance allies, you'll be recognized as enemy by everybody, while enemies could appreciate your support. But killing enemies won't make them shoot back, because every unit appreciates your ranking! My suggestion:
    • Rank for killing unit of any side depending on killer's side
    • Alliances definiable independently in mission/campaign via multipliers table
    • Example alliances configuration for Resistance in mission could be [west 1, east -2, resistance (own), civilian 2, animals 0]
    • Similar ranking table per unit [west x (depending on side config), east y, resistance (as it is), civilian z, etc.]
    • Killing allies: if unit's rank per allied side is higher than the negative score on killing unit, then it'll be zeroed. No more "if you have killed 10 foes, you have right to kill 2 friendlies".
    • "Return fire treshold" for own side - it will hide from you, but won't engage till some negative rank limit is reached zGuba 15:41, 9 June 2008 (CEST)
  • Make "hit and runs" score on vehicle driver. zGuba 15:41, 9 June 2008 (CEST)

Technical & Performance