PEW File Format: Difference between revisions

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(part one edit)
Line 82: Line 82:
   char  Signature[7]; "POSEW59" or "POSEW60" note not null terminated
   char  Signature[7]; "POSEW59" or "POSEW60" note not null terminated
   bytes Unknown[37];
  ulong    UnknownLong0;
   ulong    UnknownLong1; // typically 0
  String  UnknownString1;//"cwr\cwr_islands\cwr_cain\data\0"
  String  UnknownString2;//""
  float   GridSize;      //50.0
  float   UnknownFloat3; //400.0
  String  UnknownString3;//""
  ulong   UnknownLong2;  // typically 0

Revision as of 17:25, 9 February 2009



To do...


Type Description
byte 8 bit (1 byte)
short 16 bit signed short (2 bytes)
int 32 bit signed integer (4 bytes)
float 32 bit signed single precision floating point value (4 bytes)
double 64 bit signed single precision floating point value (8 bytes)
asciiz Null terminated (0x00) variable length ascii string
ascii fixed length ascii string(UTF-8)


 ulong x,y;


 byte r,g,b,a;


 ulong  Length;
 Asciiz Characters;// null terminated regardless. Actual len = len+1;

File Format

The following is a mix of pseudo-code and structure references that could be used to describe the file format of POSEW60.pew project design file.
Any naming definitions or naming conventions used may or may not be accurate.
  • This file format is principally used with Armed Assault v1.09 and later plus the ArmA Tools Suite Final release (v1.14).

POSEW60 { PoseHeader Header; ulong nObjectTypes; ObjectType ObjectTypes[nObjectTypes]; RoadNets RoadNets[...]; XYPair TerrainGridSize; float TerrainGridHeights[TerrainGridSize]; float BlueEdgeTerrainHeights[NoOfBlueFloats]  ; //Always zero values. // NoOfBlueFloats = (TerrainGrid_X / 16) * TerrainGrid_X; ulong Unknown; ulong NoOfObjects; Object Objects[NoOfObjects]; ulong NoOfLayers; Layer Layers[[NoOfLayers] ; RoadNetworks; // Sort of defined, needs more work... ulong NoOfBackgrounds; Background Backgrounds[NoOfBackgrounds] ; EndBlocks; // Sort of defined, needs more work... }


 char   Signature[7]; "POSEW59" or "POSEW60" note not null terminated

 ulong    UnknownLong0;
 ulong    UnknownLong1;  // typically 0
 String   UnknownString1;//"cwr\cwr_islands\cwr_cain\data\0"
 String   UnknownString2;//""
 float	   GridSize;      //50.0
 float	   UnknownFloat3; //400.0
 String   UnknownString3;//""
 ulong	   UnknownLong2;  // typically 0


ObjectType { String ModelFilename; //"SomePrefixRoot\data\SomeFile.p3d\0" String ObjectTypeName;//"SomePrefixRoot\data\SomeFile\0" ulong ObjectClassId; RGBAColor OutlineColour; // 0xFF:FF:FF:FF means 'default' RGBAColor ObjectColour; // ditto switch (ObjectClassId) { case ObjectClassEnum.Natural // 1 { byte[118] VariousInfo; } case ObjectClassEnum.Artificial // 2 { byte[118] VariousInfo; } case ObjectClassEnum.ArtificialAndDefinedInRoad // 5 { byte[118] VariousInfo; } case ObjectClassEnum.Road // 3 { byte[214] VariousInfo; } } ulong nOfArtificialSubObjects; ArtificialSubObject ArtificialSubObjects[nOfArtificialSubObjects]; ulong MarkerType; //See MarkerTypeEnum ulong ObjectTypeId // VariousInfo.Offset(16).[4].ToInt; // The 4-bytes at offset 16 in the VariousInfo is the ObjectTypeId. }

NB: While the 'VariousInfo' byte array is decernable at this time it essentially defines various floats, integers, transforms etc. that denote the 'default' and/or 'seed' values for a given ObjectType.
The most important data is the ObjectTypeId found at the 16th byte and is an 4-byte int.


ArtificialSubObject { String ArtificialSubObjectName; ulong Something1; ulong Something2; XYZTriplet StartEndPos[2]; }


   ushort   IgnoreNets;
   if(IgnoreNets== 0)
      ulong nRoads;
      Road  RoadTypes[nRoads];
      ulong nXRoads;
      XRoad XRoads[nXRoads];


Road { String NetworkTypeName; RGBA KeyPartsColour; // 0xFF:FF:FF:FF means 'default' RGBA NormalPartsColour; // ditto ushort FilledLine; // 0x0000=No, 0x0100=Yes double MaxAngle; // degrees double MaxBankAngle; // degrees ulong nStraights; RoadPart Straights[nStraights] ; ulong nCurves; RoadPart Curves[nCurves]; ulong nSpecials; RoadPart Specials[nSpecials]; ulong nTerminators; RoadPart Terminators[nTerminators]; } }

      String  Name;
      ulong   ObjectId;
      ushort  Type;
      ushort  CanChangeBankAngle; // not present for Curves


Object { ushort IsPresent; if (IsPresent) { ushort Unknown; ulong InstanceId; float TransformColumn[3][4]; // described here to solidly illustrate to reader // this is a standard DirectX Transform matrix // but in COLUMN format; double ObjectRelativeSize; // decimal percentage String InstanceName; float RelativeSurfaceElevation; RGBA OutlineColour; RGBA ObjectColour; ulong ObjectTypeId; }; };


   String LayerName1;
   ulong  LayerSizeType;
   String LayerName2;
   ushort DefaultIndicator;
   ulong  NoOfTerrainMaterials;
   TerrainMaterial TerrainMaterials[NoOfTerrainMaterials];


TerrainMaterial { ulong Unknown; String MaterialName; ulong Unknown; }


Background { String BackgroundFilename; String BackgroundName; float OffsetX; float OffsetY; float SizeX; float SizeY; ulong Transparency; ulong Visible; }



enum ObjectClassEnum { Natural = 1, Artificial = 2, ArtificialAndDefinedInRoad = 5, Road = 3 }


enum MarkerTypeEnum { Rectangular = 0, Elliptical = 1 }