Event Handlers – Arma 2

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[[Image:Arma2_1.00.gif]] Available in Arma 2 only.<br />
[[Image:Arma2_1.00.gif]] Available in Arma 2 only.<br />
Trigerred everytime an animation state changes. Unlike AnimChanged and AnimDone, it is triggered for all animation states in a sequence.
Unknown MP behaviour. Probably local.
Passed array: '''[unit, anim]'''
* unit: [[Object]] - Object the event handler is assigned to  <br />
* anim: [[String]] - Name of the anim that has been started<br />

== Dammaged ==  
== Dammaged ==  

Revision as of 14:29, 2 February 2010


An event handler (abbreviated to EH) allows you to automatically monitor and then execute custom code upon particular events being triggered.

These event handlers relate to commands such as: addEventHandler, removeEventHandler, removeAllEventHandlers.

General MP Note

As opposed to OFP event handlers, in ArmA 2 a respawned unit retains the EHs it had before, so it is no longer required to re-add EHs after respawning.

Event Scripts

See also: Event Scripts for special event triggered scripts.

Event Handler List


Trigerred everytime a new animation is started.


Passed array: [unit, anim]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • anim: String - Name of the anim that started


Trigerred everytime an animation is finished.

Unknown MP behaviour. Probably local.

Passed array: [unit, anim]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • anim: String - Name of the anim that has been finished


Arma2 1.00.gif Available in Arma 2 only.
Trigerred everytime an animation state changes. Unlike AnimChanged and AnimDone, it is triggered for all animation states in a sequence.

Unknown MP behaviour. Probably local.

Passed array: [unit, anim]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • anim: String - Name of the anim that has been started


Triggered when the unit is damaged. In ArmA works with all vehicles not only men like in OFP.


(If simultaneous damage occured (e.g. via grenade) EH might be triggered several times.)

Passed array: [unit, selectionName, damage]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • selectionName: String - Name of the selection where the unit was damaged
  • damage: Number - Resulting level of damage


Triggered when the engine of the unit is turned on/off.


Passed array: [vehicle, engineState]

  • vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to
  • engineState: Boolean - True when the engine is turned on, false when turned off


Triggered when the unit fires a weapon.
This EH will not trigger if a unit fires out of a vehicle. For those cases an EH has to be attached to that particular vehicle.


Passed array: [unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • weapon: String - Fired weapon
  • muzzle: String - Muzzle that was used
  • mode: String - Current mode of the fired weapon
  • ammo: String - Ammo used


Arma2 1.00.gif Available in Arma 2 only.
Triggered when a weapon is fired somewhere near the unit or vehicle.
It is also triggered if the unit itself is firing.

Global. (Exception(s): the Throw weapon wont broadcast the FiredNear event)

Passed array: [unit, firer, distance, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • firer: Object - Object which fires a weapon near the unit
  • distance: Number - Distance in meters between the unit and firer (max. distance ~69m)
  • weapon: String - Fired weapon
  • muzzle: String - Muzzle that was used
  • mode: String - Current mode of the fired weapon
  • ammo: String - Ammo used


Triggered when the unit's fuel status changes between completely empty / not empty (only useful if the event handler is assigned to a vehicle).


Passed array: [vehicle, fuelState]

  • vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to
  • fuelState: Boolean - 0 when no fuel, 1 when the fuel tank is full


Triggered when the unit lowers/retracts the landing gear (only useful if the event handler is assigned to is a member of the class "Plane").


Passed array: [vehicle, gearState]

  • vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to
  • gearState: Boolean - True when the gear is lowered, false when retracted


Triggered when a unit enters the object (only useful when the event handler is assigned to a vehicle). It does not trigger upon a change of positions within the same vehicle. It also is not triggered by the moveInX commands.


Passed array: [vehicle, position, unit]

  • vehicle: Object - Vehicle the event handler is assigned to
  • position: String - Can be either "driver", "gunner", "commander" or "cargo"
  • unit: Object - Unit that entered the vehicle


Triggered when a unit gets out from the object, works the same way as GetIn.



Arma2 1.00.gif Available in Arma 2 only.

Triggered when the unit is damaged. Works with all vehicles. Code provided must return a value what should be the damage of given part after processing. Adding this eventhandler with no return value or with return value 0 replaces damage handling by the engine, making the object invulnerable if damage is not scripted in the eventhandler. If you want default processing to be done, be sure to return _this select 2. See setDamage and setHit for more information regarding damage handling.

Unknown locality

This EH is triggered separately for every selection of the damaged object.

Passed array: [unit, selectionName, damage, source, projectile]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to.
  • selectionName: String - Name of the selection where the unit was damaged. "" for over-all structural damage, "?" for unknown selections.
  • damage: Number - Resulting level of damage for the selection.
  • source: Object - The source unit that caused the damage.
  • projectile: String - Classname of the projectile that caused inflicted the damage. ("" for unknown, such as falling damage.)


HANDLE = TargetSoldier addeventhandler ["HandleDamage",{diag_log text format ["T=%1 : %2", time, _this];_this select 2;} ];

When shooting the soldier once in the head, and once in the torso, ArmA2.RPT shows:

T=6.754 : [TargetSoldier,"",0.350463,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=6.754 : [TargetSoldier,"head_hit",3.23586,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=6.754 : [TargetSoldier,"body",0.0743558,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=6.754 : [TargetSoldier,"hands",0.667459,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=6.754 : [TargetSoldier,"legs",0.00307311,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=10.078 : [TargetSoldier,"",0.350179,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=10.078 : [TargetSoldier,"head_hit",0.230999,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=10.078 : [TargetSoldier,"body",1.52881,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=10.078 : [TargetSoldier,"hands",0.105206,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]
T=10.078 : [TargetSoldier,"legs",0.0211435,B 1-1-A:1 (Matthijs),"B_556x45_Ball"]


Arma2 1.00.gif Available in Arma 2 only.

Passed array: [unit, healer, healercanheal]


Triggered when the unit is hit/damaged.

Is not always triggered when unit is killed by a hit.
Most of the time only the killed event handler is triggered when a unit dies from a hit.
The hit EH will not necessarily fire if only minor damage occurred (e.g. firing a bullet at a tank), even though the damage increased.


Passed array: [unit, causedBy, damage]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • causedBy: Object - Object that caused the damage.
    Contains the unit itself in case of collisions.
  • damage: Number - Level of damage caused by the hit


Triggered on mission start or when a vehicle is created on the fly using createVehicle.


Passed array: [unit]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to


Triggered when a guided missile locked on the target or unguided missile or rocket aimed by AI at the target was fired.


Passed array: [unit, ammo, whoFired]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • ammo: String - Ammo type that was fired on the unit
  • whoFired: Object - Object that fired the weapon


Triggered when the unit is killed.


Passed array: [unit, killer]

  • unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • killer: Object - Object that killed the unit
    Contains the unit itself in case of collisions.


Triggered when a plane (AI or player) touches the ground.


Passed array: [plane, airportID]

  • plane: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • airportID: Number - ID of the airport (-1 for anything else).


Triggered when an AI pilot would get out usually. Not executed for player.


Passed array: [plane, airportID]

  • plane: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
  • airportID: Number - ID of the airport (-1 for anything else).