Kuba – User

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My Wiki username is: Kuba

About me

My nick is Kuba and I'm know only by czechoslovak community (maybe someone read my name at the Python Art Studio websites Here is a straight link to that websites), on internet I use nick Ertefol too. I've done one, I think good, campaing, two horrible missions and one good mission (not so good, I know). I'm a member of PAS now and I'm doing missions for them. My real name is Jakub Kovář. I live in Czech Republic, in the town Kopřivnice, wich is know as a tow, where is Tatra Company. My hobbies are PC, books (reading and writing), swimming and girls ;-) :-). My ICQ is 318-790-868 and email splhos@seznam.cz


Válka o Everon campaign - only in Czech, you can download it from ofp.ruprt.cz It's 2 years old campaign, so... Souhra náhod - only in Czech, you can download it from ofp.ruprt.cz Assault - Really, really bad mission, destroyed :) Hard Day - same as Assault :)