Actions – ArmA: Armed Assault Talk
After experimenting with these actions, I have concluded that some of them are definately broken. Both the TAKEMINE and DEACTIVATEMINE actions give no actual results. The unit bends down in the animation but the mine remains active, and is not picked up.
If the unit is grouped to the player, ordering him to deactivate or take the mine through the order interface will work and give the desired results. kungtotte 14:49, 18 March 2007 (CET)
I just read this in armory1.intro\Data\Scripts\Functions\respawn.sqf:
//Start airplanes in the air and set them to autopilot.
if (_tid == 4) then
LIB_curObj engineOn true;
LIB_curObj setPos [(position LIB_curObj) select 0, (position LIB_curObj) select 1, 150];
LIB_curObj setDir 0;
LIB_curObj setVelocity [0, 100, 0];
//Ugly way of getting autopilot activated a little while later.
private ["_triggerAutopilot"];
_triggerAutopilot = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position player];
_triggerAutopilot setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
_triggerAutopilot setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
_triggerAutopilot setTriggerTimeout [0, 0.1, 0.2, false];
_triggerAutopilot setTriggerStatements ["true", "(driver LIB_curObj) action [""Land"", LIB_curObj]", ""];
LIB_dynObjs = LIB_dynObjs + [_triggerAutopilot];
Maybe this can help someone... --Doolittle 08:51, 11 July 2007 (CEST)