Serialisation – Arma Reforger
This page talks about SCR_JsonSaveContext/SCR_JsonLoadContext and SCR_BinSaveContext/SCR_BinLoadContext.
<enforce> SCR_JsonSaveContext context = new SCR_JsonSaveContext();
string stringValue = "data"; int integerValue = 123;
context.WriteValue("key1", stringValue); context.WriteValue("key2", integerValue);
// process saved data (export, send, save...), in this case data are exported as json string dataString = context.ExportToString(); </syntaxhighlight>
<enforce> SCR_JsonLoadContext context = new SCR_JsonLoadContext(); context.ImportFromString(dataString);
string stringValue; int integerValue;
// order does not matter for JSON as it uses key names context.ReadValue("key2", integerValue); context.ReadValue("key1", stringValue); </syntaxhighlight>
<enforce> SCR_BinSaveContext context = new SCR_BinSaveContext();
string stringValue = "data"; int integerValue = 123;
context.WriteValue("key1", stringValue); context.WriteValue("key2", integerValue);
// process saved data (export, send, save...), in this case data are saved to "file.bin" context.SaveToFile("file.bin"); </syntaxhighlight>
<enforce> SCR_BinLoadContext context = new SCR_BinLoadContext(); context.LoadFromFile("file.bin");
string stringValue; int integerValue;
// order matters for Binary serialisation, as Binary ignores names context.ReadValue("key1", stringValue); context.ReadValue("key2", integerValue); </syntaxhighlight>
Object Serialisation
The following class set to serialise will serialise all its properties.
<enforce> class MyClass : Managed { protected int m_iVariable = 42; protected string m_sVariable; protected float m_fVariable = 33.3; }; </syntaxhighlight>
Adding the NonSerialized() decorator to a field will make the serialisation ignore it. <enforce> class MyClass : Managed { protected int m_iVariable = 42; protected string m_sVariable = "Hello there";
[NonSerialized()] protected float m_fVariable = 33.3; }; </syntaxhighlight>
The following methods allow to define a custom serialisation per class. This is useful to avoid saving lengthy yet useless information for loading as well as load values in a certain order.
If an object has the SerializationSave method defined, the SaveContext will use it and not process object's properties automatically at all. <enforce> class MyClass : Managed { protected int m_iVariable = 42; protected string m_sVariable = "Hello there"; protected float m_fVariable = 33.3;
bool SerializationSave(SerializationSaveContext context) { if (!context.IsValid()) return false;
context.WriteValue("theString", m_sVariable); context.WriteValue("integer", m_iVariable); context.WriteValue("floatingpoint", m_fVariable);
return true; } }; </syntaxhighlight>
If an object has the SerializationLoad method defined, the SaveContext will use it and not process object's properties automatically at all.
<enforce> class MyClass : Managed { protected int m_iVariable = 42; protected string m_sVariable = "Hello there"; protected float m_fVariable = 33.3;
bool SerializationLoad(SerializationLoadContext context) { if (!context.IsValid()) return false;
context.ReadValue("theString", m_sVariable); context.ReadValue("integer", m_iVariable); context.ReadValue("floatingpoint", m_fVariable);
return true; } }; </syntaxhighlight>